Dream Interpretation with Benjamin the Dream Wizard

Dream Interpretation with Benjamin the Dream Wizard

Benjamin the Dream Wizard from the Dreamscapes Podcast joins me on the show to talk about all things dreams.  I also welcome my wife Karen to the show, who has first hand experience with Benjamin the Dream Wizard's dream interpretation process,...

Benjamin the Dream Wizard from the Dreamscapes Podcast joins me on the show to talk about all things dreams.  I also welcome my wife Karen to the show, who has first hand experience with Benjamin the Dream Wizard's dream interpretation process, having undergone one herself.What are dreams and where do they come from?Are they actually messages from beyond?How does someone become adept at interpreting dreams?Do dream dictionaries really help?Can working through recurring dreams clear them from your mind?Dream database:Adam Schneider & G. William DomhoffPsychology Dept., UC Santa Cruz in a good dream interpretation book? Check this one out:Dreamer's Dictionary Looking for an introductory book on all things metaphysical? Check this one out:Metaphysics: An IntroductionGuest info:Dreamscapes podcast on Apple podcasts.YouTube: Benjamin the Dream Wizard.Website: benjaminthedreamwizard.wordpress.comTwitter @WizardBejaminFacebook: @BenjaminTheDreamWizardInstagram: @BenjaminTheDreamWizardSkeptic Metaphysician @TheSkepticMetaphysicianIG: SkepticMetaphysician_PodcastE-Mail:

[00:00:00]Wil:  Hey, welcome back to the skeptic physician, where we explore all things, metaphysical, spiritual, and just plain unexplainable. Today. I have two special guests on the show. The first gas goes by the name of Benjamin the dream wizard. He runs a podcast called dreamscapes that delves into dream interpretation.

And next to me is my lovely wife, Karen, who actually had a dream interpretation session with. The dream wizard and they're both here today to share their individual experiences with us. Benjamin Karen, welcome to the show. 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Hello. It's good to be here. I'm excited to see you guys again. I really had fun talking to you, so it'd be nice to talk about what we talked about.


Wil: We had a blast  [00:01:00] and I find these things unbelievably intriguing and exciting and all those special adjectives that you can think of. But before we get into the dream that you interpreted for Karen, and that should say it's more of a collaborative interpretation.

Right. It's not a, it's not you picking up a book and saying, Oh, there's a castle means you're 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: cold or something. Absolutely. Yeah. I try not to get into that. What I refer to as like a dream dictionary approach where one symbol has a universal meaning for all people, I try to make it very personal and I think it is very personal to each dreamer.

So it's a different approach. 

Wil: Yeah. .  And before we get into that, let's talk about you. And what dreams are. So first and foremost,  how did you become the dream wizard? 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Well, it was a, I guess a 20 year journey through psychology itself to get to the point where I felt comfortable taking this kind of thing public, but for at least that long, I mean, longer, I've been fascinated with dreams, my own.

Although, I don't tend to remember them, but other people would tell me their dreams. And it was back in college that I had the assignment for one teacher. They [00:02:00] said, okay, here's dream interpretation for Indian and young and try and  get a dream from a friend or one of your own and apply those methods.

You're learning. Each in the style of young and Freud, and it was just an assignment to learn more about the history of, I think it might've been in history and systems and psychology anyway. So I actually had, at that time or a dream, I remembered from a few years prior and then a recent dream. And I was able to apply those methodologies that were similar, but slightly different.

And we turned it in and got a really good grade on it. And the teacher was like, you, you get it, you understand  how this thing works. And that kinda made me think I might have a knack for it. And so throughout the years I've had other people tell me their dreams and I've given them my.

Feedback in a way, but it's more of like asking questions and getting them to help me identify what's relevant. And then all the way up to this point, I'm like, you know, what, if people are interested in this, what if I start a channel and I started interpreting dreams, when people start watching it, maybe it's a thing.

And it's picking up steam. It's not so bad. So that's kinda my long story short on the journey to get here is [00:03:00] just been doing it forever. And I. Humbly. I say, I think I have a knack for it, a talent for it. And from the feedback I'm getting from,  folks who've graciously, let me help them understand what their experience  it seems like they're happy with the results.

So them just makes me very happy too.  Now, 

Karen Endsley: do you lean towards a typical style, more Freudian or young in a combination 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: of both? Th that is why I describe it in my, in my bio is an eclectic mix. I, I borrow from a lot of different traditions, I guess you'd say, but, it's so there is a bit of the 40th in there and actually a lot of people say, give Freud a hard time.

It's, you know, when cigar being a penis and whatnot  and people accused them of being misogynistic and whatnot, but a lot of his foundational theories, just the idea of sit down and talk to your patient. That's Freud that like, he started that medically in, in psychology and it's become so foundational people forget that he started that and that he, you know, so we, we owe them a lot of credit for the things they got.

Right. And not for the things he got wrong.  So I do borrow from that, but I'm also very heavy in the, I'm not strictly a young man, but he was the [00:04:00] one who was like focus more on those archetypal representations that are common to human experience, which is kind of what the dream dictionary stuff gets.

Right.  In a way, but they're too specific and not, not specific enough to the person. So yeah, but it is very long story short. Again, it is very eclectic and I just listened. I listened and try and get that feedback from the person that what I'm suggesting is relevant to them. And if it's not, we move on.


Wil: People talk about these books and in fact, you mentioned it when we first sat with you about you, don't just pull up a dream interpretation book and in the symbolism is not specifically what you what you focus on rather. Images feelings S the psychology behind it, which is different than these books, which mean, you know, a yellow monkey means yours scared to go , out, on the boat.

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Yeah means you're low in potassium. You should need their band, something like that. Yeah. And I did actually a recent so I've got a couple of different series on my channel and it's, it's in development. I don't know what I'm doing. I've been doing this for like a year, but it's I'm still kinda getting a feel for it.

So there's the, the. [00:05:00] Dreamscapes interviews and those are the full length beginning to end, and you get to see it warts and all, you get to see me fumble and be wrong continually, which if it gets us where we're going, I'm happy with it. There's what I call my what dreams may come, which are kind of the.

Teaser shorts of here's just the dream and it's five, 10 minutes and people can refer to that playlist and say, well, I'm not interested in that dream. How about the next one? And you don't have to listen to a three hour interview to decide whether you're interested or not. You can choose which dream might be interesting, but the other, the other one is what I call my ABC channel.

And it's the ABCs of dream interpretation. It's all Geary, biblio Mancy and chaos. Laundry be predicting or understanding dividing. Biblio Mansie. In the strictest sense is  opening the Bible and pointing to a word and having that predict your future, which does not actually what it is. My form of biblical Mancy is using my knowledge gleaned from practice and study of psychology.

So that's the big blue, and then chaos has just roll the dice who knows what's going to happen. Type of stuff with dreams seem chaotic. And the interpretation process itself is chaotic. So long story [00:06:00] short on manic episode, I did on, on D debunking dream dictionary, which was where I was going with that.

Wil: It sounds like we found a catchphrase for Benjamin the dream wizard, but long story 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: short, I'm going to put that beginning of every three and a half hours. 

Wil: So I found two things interesting about what you just said, what you come obviously is a is a reference to a Richard Matheson story that was made into a movie actually with Robin Williams, which one of my favorite movies, Richard Matheny.

Yeah. Oh yeah. Richard Matheson happens to be one of my favorite authors of all time. Very underrated and would recommend it to anyone who's listening right now. He actually single-handedly wrote most of the stories for the Twilight zone. For example. I never knew that. Yeah, no, he, he's an  incredible author.

  If you don't know of him, I would recommend it highly, but second of all, Do you mean to tell me that you have all these other things that you're doing ?  


Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Well, I'm dabbling in a lot of stuff. So what I was trying to do with that ABC channel was, and I did like very first episode is here's four theories on dream interpretation where dreams come from and what they mean.

And then I moved into some other stuff that were like long explanations of [00:07:00] Freud and young, because they're big influences. I did an episode on a guy who's still still with us. He's practicing. I want to say university of Santa Cruz. His name is G William Dom Hoff, and he has his own theories. He does it more analytical by the quantitative approach to dreaming how many people appeared, how many colors were there?

How many. Interactions with animals. He like counts them and he's, he's developing quite the dream database. I tell anyone out there, look up a bill or a, you Dom often go to add your dream to his dream database. That's good stuff. 

Wil:  I may ask you to send that to me by email so I can put it in the show notes because I'm sure a lot of people were listening 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: to this.

Karen Endsley: Okay. Now, how would that database be different than like a dream dictionary? 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: So the dream dictionary and actually, well, this is where we're getting around. This is where the long story short I was trying to get. Cause I did that episode on, on dream dictionary, which I think it was the ABC episode 14. And I get an actually the history of dream dictionaries, which a lot of, one of the most famous people say in the, in the.

Dream book genre is a guy by the name of Artemis, timid, Doris Del  [00:08:00] and bless you. You exactly he did was he, he goes back to antiquity, which is basically like, you know, time of Christ 2000 years ago. Ancient Greek and Roman whatnot. And he traveled around and talking to the diviners, Oracles, augers, magicians, all the different people that.

We're doing dream interpretations and he collected all those different types. And so what we get with the modern dream dictionary is actually this long history of  say biblical stories. The  collected works of art in the Doris, and they get kind of renewed and regurgitated in these different forms.

So when you're reading a modern dictionary or dream dictionary, you're actually looking at these historical references that are. You know, if you dream of core and it means one thing, because that was the biblical dream with Joseph and Pharaoh, I think that's where a lot of those dream dictionary entries come from.

Wil: heard he had an amazing 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Technicolor dream coat. Right. And that was it. That's exactly the idea of coat of many colors and there's some great works out there about what, what does it mean to have a coat? What does it mean to wear a coat to, to be given one by your father to have it be of many colors, [00:09:00] representing many things.

I love the symbolism. That's, that's where my brain goes with this. And I'm sorry. Right, right. 

Wil: So, it sounds like there's a lot of interesting things that you delve into. That I'm sure. If you go on the website to find Benjamin the dream wizard and I'll, I'll lay in all these links in the show notes for you.

So they're easy for you to access, but it's, it's not just dreams it's or the, the dream scapes podcast itself. There's all kinds of layers to Benjamin that I'm just now discovering self. As a matter of fact, 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: I don't tend to mention these things when I'm interviewing people. It's more about your.

It's about getting to the core of your experience with, with the dream. So, I don't tend to bother my bother my guests with telling them all about where they can buy merging. Right, right.

for sure. Yeah. 

Wil: But, but on the, on the flip side, I think if you don't talk about these things and no one knows. So for example, in the case for this show, I believe that people who are tuning in for the dream. Part of it will be interested in the biblio man

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: with the, with the books too. So of course I want to sell books and make a living. [00:10:00] That's fantastic too, but I'm educating myself in that autodidactic way of like, I couldn't have written or, or a PR produce, say that episode about the dream dictionary approach. If I hadn't been writing these books where I'm reading, like.

Almost every famous and most, not train this work of theoretical postulating on dreams and where they come from dating back to antiquity in 2000 years ago. There's a whole lot of stuff that came from. Say the 15 hundreds through the 18 hundreds and needs of the end of the 19 hundreds with, you know, for influence work on dreams was published 19, 1901.

That's what I'm re publishing in these books is like, look at this history. This is what's been said about dreams. These were popular works for mass consumption. These were considered  academic scholarly works in the 15 and 16 hundreds produced by monks.  These things. And so I've got a series that I'm about to publish the third book on, which is the uh, anyone who looks at the title will know how to pronounce it.

Sculpt. When I wrote Colonel logia the history of dream interpretation across time or the study of dreams and it's [00:11:00] doing this, this kind of chronological sampling like an anthology works of all these different Dream theories over time.  So that's one series I'm putting together and it's all part of educating myself.

So I'm a better interpreter. I understand where I'm coming from, the shoulders, the giants standing on. Yeah. Right. 

Wil: And, and it far be it for me to not mention the fact that on this show, we're also giving our audience a really great vocabulary lessons, things that we hadn't heard of before. So 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: I lapse into some Latin, I'm sorry.


Karen Endsley: it's hard to get a prize.

Wil: Now, a lot of people that I've had on the show before would claim that dreams are very specific, whether they are past life. Coming back to remind you of things they've done in the past or your psychic self or your higher self, trying to give you messages. I mean, we've talked on this show about all different types of things like that and dreams, maybe B being from your, your past relatives coming back to give you messaging and things like that in your estimation.

Now I kind of, I think I know what your answer's going to be, but in your estimation, what [00:12:00] are dreams? What, why do we have them? What, what good are they for? 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Yeah, for first, I do want to give a nod to all of that less materially provable, theoretical framework for dreams. It is entirely possible. We got past life stuff.

Maybe we reincarnate health. I know. Maybe there is psychic communication between human beings and that a collective consciousness mode. Maybe there are messages from spirits and there's, you know, across the veil. We can, we can get that stuff. I. I don't know, but I'm what I call myself as a credulous skeptic.

I will, I will believe anything, but my bar for proof is pretty high. So I maintain that open mind. I'm like, eh, maybe so I'll look at the evidence and if the evidence is lacking, the best I can say is as far as I know, I can't prove that. So with the supernatural. End of things. I put it on a shelf and it's a very pretty object to look at it and I don't know what to do with it.

Okay. So last thing. Yeah. Long story short, my 

Wil: the title of the show, 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: right? I always struggled coming up with titles for the episodes too. I try and make it personal to the person I'm interviewing relevant to the material. Except it was great.  And when, when people say the fuck, I just [00:13:00] called your episode, the skeptic metaphysician.

Cause that was easy.

Right. So, so in my perspective, what are dreams? Well,  how do I say this? The brain, as far as I understand is like the heart. It never stops from the moment you're conceived the heartbeats, the brain thinks and. That means even in sleep, the brain doesn't turn off, it's still processing data.

It's just not receiving new information. So what is it going to do? It's going to process what it's already got in there.  It's like a perpetual problem solving machine. It almost can't turn itself off.  And you know, well, brain death is in human beings is almost equivalent to heart death.

It's like, those are. Signs of being alive. So you wouldn't want it to stop necessarily. So it's not a surprise that in our sleep, our brain is still moving. Now the current, my current understanding is as best as I can relate is that everyone dreams every night  most people either.

Don't remember them or they don't leave a strong impression or some people remember dreaming every night and that's blows me away. Cause I, I almost never remember any of my dreams, which contributes to my fascination with other people's [00:14:00] dreams. Like tell me what it's like to dream because I barely remember.

So, yeah. So that's what, in my understanding, that's what dreams are, is our brain continuing to process. Now why specific dreams? That's what you got to get to after you've had it. Why that. Display why that experience, why those emotions, where those images, and they usually say something about what you're going through, what you're thinking about in the daytime, what past challenges have caused you stress or created opportunities and how they relate to say future projects or current experiences.

So that's my kind of purely, psychologically based understanding of dreams, what they are and where they come from. Yep. 

Wil:  It makes perfect sense. And it does keep the door wide open to the other possibilities because you mentioned it's it's our brain processing things that are already in there.

So it could be that your past lives are in there. Right. It could very well be accessing that information to process them. So I'm going to put a direct link to your show when, once it's ready to come out, because we're about to now dive into the reason [00:15:00] why Karen is here more than anything else.

I am one of those people that woefully does not remember very many of his dreams. So when we first started  communicating the idea was for me to come on your show to talk about one of my dreams and interpret it. And the more I thought about it, the more I thought. Holy smokes. I've got nothing to share with him, right?

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Oh, that's a little bit of a challenge for my show too, is I'll talk to anybody about anything, but if you're going to come on as a guest, it's kind of a dream interpretation show. It needs to be something. Yeah. Right. 

Wil: And I didn't think you'd want me to just make up something. Cause then they'd be a hard goose to chase in that 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: sense.

Yeah. But as far as I know, no one's ever made anything up, but if they did, I couldn't tell when that's right. 

Wil: Yep. Fair enough. Well, so I thought the next best thing is I, I know that Karen. Has had a recurring dream that that has never really been solved or looked at in any very serious way. So what better opportunity and to bring her on it kind of solves both of our problems, where we have a way for you to have content for your show while at the same time solve the case of.

The Karen insomniac recurring dream problem. And at the same time, [00:16:00] then I'll also allow us to open the door to talk about dream interpretation and and how that all works. So, if you're interested in hearing the full dream and the dream interpretation, please follow.

Dreamscapes the podcast. I'll put a link in the show notes for that. So you can listen to the full dream. We're not going to spend as much time on here as we did on your show with it,  but I do want to touch on it because there were some interesting things in it. Right? In a nutshell, the dream that Karen was having repeatedly was having to do with very narrow passageways in an old house that she owns currently.

You know, what, why don't I let her tell it?

Karen Endsley: Yeah. So it's this dream here, there have been very. I guess a variety of iterations of this dream, but what connects them, what they all have in common is I'm always climbing through some sort of tunnel or passageway. I guess the passageway is better because a tunnel you think about something that you dug.

But this is  whether I'm climbing through, up into an attic usually climbing through an old house in some sort of very small enclosed, fully finished  Passageway where I have to hike myself up and I can feel the [00:17:00] effort that I'm putting in. It's not easy. I'm having to use upper body strength, which I don't have a lot of.

 And I typically will end up in a different apartment that is very pretty empty. And then I think, well, how could anybody live here? Because you can't get furniture in there. And sometimes the floor is dilapidated, but sometimes it's perfect. But the main thing is this climbing it's happened where I've had to climb through it, an alien ship.

I've climbed up to random terrorists. I've climbed through parking garages to get away from people, but this climbing and these small passageways is what,  I wanted to talk about. Right. 

Wil: And it, it, over the course of, I think it was what would an hour and a 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: half or something like that.

Yeah. And that's honestly a relatively short episode for me. I mean, they've gone as little as three and a half hours, not typically, but yeah, but that can, that can be enough to get there 

Wil: right now. Yeah. Well, so what I liked about the way you did it was that you let her tell the dream and then you went back over it in much more.

My new detail, you took copious notes and then you went back and you touched on the different specific aspects of the other dream that helped to [00:18:00] fabricate. An overall story arc to help try to interpret 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: it for her. Yeah. That's like, that's a great description. That is literally my process. That's the result of 20 years of me just talking to people about their dreams and needing to what needing to do it, that way to get where I'm going to be of use to someone.

I would never claim that's the only way to do it. Or there may be some people who are more intuitive people that don't need to take notes. I have a terrible memory. But yeah, it's that process of really. Getting as much detail for myself to be of use, but also to put the person back in the dream as fully as possible.

And it happened to you, Karen, I think you're, there were some moments where you're like, Oh, now that I think of it, I have this additional memory that opens up at that moment in the dream, but only because we were prompted. So that's, that's what I see as the benefit of that second hard pass and through, through the material to get a lot more detail.

Yeah. Right. 

Wil: So I don't want to necessarily give it all away. Right. But  what was the underlying feeling behind it? Can you say that without spoiling too much of it? 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Yeah. I mean, as far as I could [00:19:00] figure from the feedback and from my own suggestions and kind of trying to get that conceptualization going, was that there, I kind of liked the way I phrase it too.

This is a bit of a copy paste that allows you to apply it to multiple circumstances, like a known quantity. You're going through this again. This is, this is how you understand it in this framework. And. Then, then it becomes the small differences between the reoccurring dreams that are, that are more important.

So long story short again, it's kind of about the, as far as I can understand the decision-making process, the effort, the. Struggle of committing to a task. There was something in there now I would have to go back and read my notes, but it seems like it was something in there. If that's what you recall then.


Karen Endsley: It was different than what I had expected and I think I kind of came into this thinking. It would be more like, okay, this is a passageway. This is what it means. Hmm. And what I liked about it was it kind of felt like a group effort. I think we were all kind of talking about it and we'll just, this could, you know, what were you going through your life at that time and, and think about this.

And it gave me different ways to look at it that I hadn't [00:20:00] expected. And that, that was 

Wil: helpful 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: that was fantastic. I've had a  a. Well duo on my podcast before and the them bouncing ideas off each other was fantastic too.

Cause you, you know, you thought of things I did not think of to ask and it was useful and, you know, knowing her better than I did, you were able to. Get to the core of some things a lot faster. That's fantastic. I think all the help I can get, 

Wil: no, I think you do a great job without any help. But and in fact, you did an admirable job with someone sticking their nose in where it doesn't belong.

Like I do. But did, was there anything in her dream that struck you as different as challenging strange, anything that kind of made it more memorable for you? 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Oh, wow. I every single dream. Yes. Every single dream is it's this completely bizarre surreal Experience to like go inside someone else's head. And we talked about that, that movie from the eighties dreamscapes, which is not where I borrowed the title from, but then I realized, Oh, they made a movie about that too.

There's a less friendly version of going into people's heads, but, but to be like invited in is number one and honor, and then [00:21:00] to be able to go there and be useful. So every single dream is just fascinating from the get go. And I am horribly confused by everything. I hear that's and that's actually, it's like part of the fun for me is it's like solving a puzzle.

 Where does this piece go? What first? What is the shape of this piece? What does he look like? And what are the colors in the corner? Does it match? Is that a brick wall? You know, and then you start when they start falling into place. It's like a meaning driven, like, like a purpose, like a useful euphoria, like an accomplishment type type of feeling. It's like a, a meaningful success type of feeling. And I just thrive on that.

It's better than. Better than doing drugs. I'll tell you that, that, that kind of Whoa, the people I talked to, they get epiphany moments of like what goes on different types of stuff. But then when I see that I get to zing to them, like, Oh, I just helped them have that moment. 

Wil: So you heard it here. First folks don't do drugs, do dream interpretation.

Right? So then Karen, can you tell me. How did you find 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: the process? Well,  

Karen Endsley: I liked that it was kind of like a group effort. And it's funny because I keep thinking about it right now while he was talking about the [00:22:00] details. I thought about something that we mentioned that we didn't look at.

I'm just going to put this out there. We don't have to really discuss it, but 98% of the dreams, it's an old house. And then once it's a spaceship and the difference old, old, old, and like Uber modern. So I don't know. That's kind of interesting, but going back to your question 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: and that's, that's great too, because when you have that kind of cookie cutter copy page reoccurring dream, those differences become more important.

So, and we didn't spend a lot of time on that. I probably wrote it down and forgot. Which is why I always ask throughout the episode as we're getting towards the end, is there anything that you think I missed? Is there anything you think I missed? I had asked them like a dozen times because I don't want to, and that's why some episodes go to three hours because I'm in for the, for the marathon.

You got more questions, I'll keep talking.  So this patient a little window into the, into my process is like first I have my own ideas, but  what I don't want to do. And I was going to mention this too before was, I don't want to give you answers. Like I am not, I don't put the last doc in the dream dictionary approach and I am not a dream dictionary.

I don't actually have any answers. I have questions. And hopefully I asked the right questions and it triggers the answers for you. And [00:23:00] then you have that feeling of there's just a knowing, like, yeah, that's, that's it. And that's where we get. Resolution to, the questions is inside the dreamer back to the patient.

Sorry. So the peek inside my process is what I would be asking you, or would I be angling towards is what is spatial spacious mean to you? So there's that kind of 40 and free association type of thing going on, but then also bringing my own. Conceptualizations to it of like, okay, it's a scifi framework.

Is there's something there it's a future oriented framework. Is there something there? Is there something about a memory from childhood or movie you've seen that resonates with you in some way, the movie, you know, star Trek Jeffrey's tubes or where the aliens  where the little girls call them underneath the ductwork hiding from the alien.

So I throw all those things at you and hopefully something. A light bulb turns on somewhere, and then we focus on that. Right. 

Wil: I think we did touch on the alien and the end Jeffries too, part of the 

Karen Endsley: interpretation, but we didn't compare how like one super modern tunnel and all the rest of them were old antique house.


Wil: So that sounds like a [00:24:00] sequel. 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Definitely good. And that would have been another question for me too, is like, now that we've given it a little bit of time, so I think it was about a week ago or something.  Have you had the dream again? Have you had new. Insights understandings about it. Uh,

Wil: sounds like you, you cleared it.

Yeah. I 

Karen Endsley: haven't had the dream again. 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: And, and you might, or you might not be as, as I was saying during the interview, it was like, it may come back because now it's become a part of you, this, this way of understanding things, it made disappear completely. I've had people report that. Yeah. So 

Karen Endsley: one of, one thing that I was thinking about when, when you were asking you about the process, it's kind of like, you know, those pictures where you're looking.

If you look at it, it can either be an old lady or a dog. Oh, yeah. You know, so it was kinda like me looking at the picture and saying, Oh, well, it's a dog. And then Benjamin looks the picture and says, well, is it an old lady? And I'm like, Oh, look at that. It could be, maybe it means 


Benjamin the Dream Wizard: that's a 

Wil: great way of explaining it.

Nice. Nice. I mean, I may need to have you on the show more often. 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard:  Then. 

Wil: Karen. Do you feel that Benjamin did a good job in helping you work through this dream to give you a little more clarity? 

Karen Endsley: I do. Definitely. Like I said, it wasn't what I expected, but that's good. It was something totally different and  [00:25:00] it made me work through the dream.

Like he made me do some of the work. I thought he was just going to tell me, but he was like, no, you can help me figure this out and we'll do it together. And I liked that. 

Wil: That's interesting because it goes back to the cognitive behavioral therapy  process. Right. You're not given a pill to deal with your mental health.

Issues, you talk through it so that you can work through the trauma, same basic principle with dreams. Apparently it's just something that's stuck. You're stuck in a certain pattern that keeps recurring. When she was able to talk through it with you, it looks like she might have been able to clear that now.

So we'll see.  We'll let you know whether it comes back. Yeah. 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: And it may not be a bad thing that it comes back and it may not be a bad thing that it disappears. It depends on Whether it's useful to you, if it's useful, it'll return to help you which is just your brain thinking through problems, constantly problem solving.

, thing I've been very happy to be able to do for a couple of folks was very distressing nightmare, reoccurring dreams. I was able to help, I think at least one person on the shelf and a couple of people in the past clear those dreams in terms of.  Once they were able to consciously grasp what they [00:26:00] were worried about.

The dream wasn't necessary anymore and they didn't have to experience it. The brain didn't bring it back to shove it in their face and say, you still haven't looked at this, look at this. And that's, I feel just tremendously amazing about being able to do that. It feels like a miracle to me. Sure. Yeah.

Wil: That 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: makes sense to them too. Oh, absolutely. 

Wil: Yeah. And in fact, I am part of your discord community now. And I read other people who were really banging down your door coping, can you please help me? And then and then seeing the, the follow-up like, Hey, thank you. Now I can move on kind of thing.

So a Testament to what you're doing. 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Yeah. I love it. I love it so much. I really feel good about. Being helpful like that. That's, that's huge for me. I wouldn't do this. If I couldn't here. That was the other one. You dream wizard or dream doctor. I'm like, well, I can't really call myself a patter. There's no licensure for being the wizard.

Not yet. 

Wil:  Is there a story or two or a dream or two that really sticks out in your mind as something that, wow, this is something that either shocked you or through you, or really intrigued you, or was there a particular dream that really spoke to you?  Anything that you could think of 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: top of your head?

Well, [00:27:00] there, there are definitely somewhere I'm able to. Maybe it's me the time of day, my mental clarity or just the relations I'm able to draw. There's some that are easier than others. Like I, I just recorded one a few days ago. That'll go up like in a couple of weeks. And we were almost able to get right to the heart of quite a few things.

And a lot of that also depends on how. Clearly the dreamer can see themselves and put the pieces together with me. Uh, So definitely having an active, eager participant is a big deal, but flip side of it, I'm going to put myself on blast and say, I completely failed to give any kind of relevant understanding of, I believe it was dream number, episode number 19, and the title of it is going nowhere because the dreamer was actually stuck, like strapped to a chair in the sand.

Under a noon sun and a Coliseum, and he wasn't going anywhere. And for the, and this is why I say I try to name the episodes very relevant to the experience. Uh, We went nowhere with dream. I couldn't figure it out. All of my suggestions just weren't landing. There was some abstraction going on there. And I couldn't grasp it completely failed, but [00:28:00] I put that episode up too.

And I said, you know, this I gave it a try and I'm not ashamed to, fail. So, but I think that's the only one. I haven't been able to give people something useful some kind of satisfaction out of the experience, but the episode, 19 going nowhere. Oh, I know 

Wil: where it sounds like something.

I need to go check it out. Yeah. Yeah. But not, not, not because I want to hear your failure, but because I'm really intrigued on. On how it 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: didn't work. And I want to hear feedback too, of like, if you hear something, I don't, if you have an idea that didn't occur to me, if you have questions for the dreamer, leave comments, get joined the discord, get on the YouTube channel.

Tell me in the comments section, what did I miss? How can I do this better next time, this hopefully the next person I interview, I'm able to get there better, faster with more clarity, more relevance. I call myself the dream, whether it's a branding thing, but also I think wizards are real, not the throwing, the fireball kind of wizard, but always old man, you get the gray hair, you've seen a lot, you know what you're doing?

And you can speak magic words. You can tell people things that are useful that make their life better.  It's more of an aspirational thing for me. I hope someday I hope to be a real wizard and have  [00:29:00] those magic words. 

Wil: Certainly.  Everyone in our audience understands that words have power.

There's no question. Yeah. 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Yeah. Sure. 

Wil: Well, I urge everyone and anyone to visit your. Podcasts and your YouTube show and your social medias. And I will lay them all out on my show notes, but Benjamin, I really appreciate you coming on in and walking us through this stuff because it's, it's super intriguing to me.

 If you want it to leave our audience with one final thought, here's your chance to be a wizard? Any last minute words of wisdom you can impart. 

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: One of the favorite things I've heard recently, follow your dreams. They know the way

Wil: that's great. That's great. Well, I really appreciate you very much. Thank you for, for coming on. And I will definitely put a link on the show notes to Karen's dream episode. So you can, if you're interested, go over there and listen to the whole thing and the whole process. Cause it, it was fascinating.

Benjamin the Dream Wizard: Yeah. Thank you. This has been fun too. Thanks for having me on your show. I appreciate it.  

Wil: And thank you so much for listening today. If you'd like to learn more about my guests, I'd strongly urge you to subscribe to dreamscapes [00:30:00] podcast. If you have any curiosity about these things, his show.

Is a tremendous source. I'm sure you will enjoy listening to, you can find it on all the major podcasting platforms or watch his videos show on YouTube. I've laid in direct links to those in my show notes. As I mentioned to find them online, his website is Benjamin the dream 

You can find him on Twitter at wizard Benjamin and on Facebook. At Benjamin the dream wizard. He's got some great merchandise on there too, that I'm sure you'll absolutely love. I'm going to buy myself some stuff cause he's got some really cool designs. And again, all those links are directly in the show notes for comedians as always, please don't forget to subscribe to the show.

So you don't miss an episode and don't forget. You can always send me a voice message on metaphysician. I would really, truly love to hear your thoughts, comments, questions, feedback on the show or the guests or anything. And I love sharing people's stories and would love to share yours too.

So please. Feel free to reach out. If you'd like to come on the show, you can also join me on Facebook at the skeptic metaphysician links to my social media platforms and speak pipe access or all in the show notes as [00:31:00] well. Well, that's all for now. Thanks again for listening in. We'll see you again on the next episode of the skeptic metaphysician until then take care.