Why Trusting Your Body is SO IMPORTANT!!

Have you ever felt like your body was betraying you? That's exactly what Loren Cellentani thought, as chronic digestion issues and panic attacks plagued her. But what if I told you that her body wasn't betraying her at all? In fact, it was trying to...

Have you ever felt like your body was betraying you? That's exactly what Loren Cellentani thought, as chronic digestion issues and panic attacks plagued her. But what if I told you that her body wasn't betraying her at all? In fact, it was trying to awaken her. Loren's journey of transformation began when she realized that her body was a wise teacher, guiding her towards a life that was truly her own. Through movement and breath work, she learned to trust her body and stay present in the moment. But how exactly did she do it? Listen to this episode to discover the unexpected twist in Loren's story...

“Our bodies are not in the way, they are leading the way.” - Loren Cellentani

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Realize the potency of a synergistic mind-body partnership as a catalyst for personal advancement and holistic recovery.
  • Uncover the innate wisdom your body possesses and comprehend the significance of staying attuned to the present.
  • Discover the art of embracing your emotions, using them as conduits for beneficial physical and psychological health.
  • Channel your inner creator and harness your intuition to redefine and metamorphose your personal narrative.
  • Learn to foster an attitude of gratitude, cultivate support networks, and foster active engagement with the podcast community for multi-dimensional growth.

Our guest today is Loren Cellentani, she has been on both sides of the story - battling chronic health problems and eventually mastering the art of body wisdom to reclaim power over her life. Her journey, filled with personal moments of struggle, pain, enlightenment, and victory, enabled Loren to create an innovative method that combines breathwork, movement, and visualization. It’s her way to help others discover the latent power within their bodies and their role as the center of spiritual progress. Loren’s approach to personal growth and healing emphasizes the significance of our bodies in accessing the present moment and connecting with our inner selves on a more profound level.

For a lot more information about this episode, visit our website for full show notes and corresponding articles:

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Embracing Your Truth: Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet

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Loren Cellentani spent a good portion of her life feeling like a victim to her body & emotions. But they were all leading her way to heal the witch wound inside of her and guide others to do the same. 
 She realized along the way to harness your sovereign power through the body. Her method incorporates breathwork, movement and visualization to unleash your energy for you to reclaim unlimited power. 
 Now, Loren helps ambitious woo-women harness the power of their emotions to manifest their calling with passion & purpose with her monthly membership, The Sovereign Sisterhood. And her podcast, Witchy Wellness Radio. 

You hear the calling of your soul to shine more, but what’s keeping you from living that reality? It's time to step outside your head and into your true magnetic and mystical self.

Will: [00:00:00] Karen? Yes. What if, instead of learning about a new modality or talking about another awakening ceremony today, what if we explored the possibility that we've got all the tools and wisdom inside of us already right now? That would be pretty amazing, right? I mean, Let's go a little deeper on that. What if our bodies weren't just these meat suits that we walk around in all day?

Karen: You know, I've never liked the term meat suit. Can we call it

Will: something else that might, I can neither confirm or deny that, that might be the reason why I said the word meat suits. I know, right? Okay. What if our bodies weren't just as our guest calls them space suits that we walk around in mm-hmm.

But rather actually leading the way for us. Like what if they were the most spiritual thing about us? So

Karen: like the opposite of what everybody else says? Yeah, well

Will: kind of. Sort of. Yeah. So today's guest feels that we can learn to tune into our body's wisdom, energy, and emotions to accelerate our growth more than ever before.

She believes that our bodies are on the spiritual [00:01:00] journey as much as we are, and in fact that she says that without our bodies, there would be no journey at all. Mm-hmm. Well, this fascinating concept is what we're diving into in this episode of the Skeptic Meta.

Karen & Will: My name is Will and I'm Karen. And unlike Molder and Scully, we both wanna believe so we've embarked on a journey of discovery. We've talked to people deeply entrenched in the spiritual and metaphysical world. We've thrown ourselves into weird and wonderful experiences. I even joined a coven of witches and Wait, you joined a coven?

Yep. All in the interest of finding something, anything that will prove that there's something beyond this physical three dimensional world we all live in. This is the skeptic me.


Will: And now back to The Skeptic Metaphysicians!.


Will: Hey there, it's will. Yep. I have something else in my mind. Before we get started with the interview, I wanted to talk about something with [00:02:00] you. You see, most people know that Karen and I are all about service to others. In every spiritual book, every spiritual teacher, every message that you get, everybody is saying how important it is to be of service to others.

And in fact, in my life, I've noticed that the more I am in service to others, the more positive things happen to me. The less I think about myself and more about others, the more good things come to me as a result. It just makes sense. It's an energy exchange. The more energy you give to someone, the more energy comes back to you, right?

Whether you're pagan and you believe in the law of three, which says that whatever you send out to the universe, you get back to you three times. Or you believe in law of karma that says what you give out, you receive. almost every thought process out there talks about this energy exchange. The giving of something is what you get in return. So I've been trying to live my life for the last few years with that thought. Foremost in my mind, and it's been truly [00:03:00] a wonderful experience. It's been eye-opening. It's been wonderful, truly wonderful to see.

For example, the success of this show. The more we are in service to you, the listener out there, the more that the show grows, and it's been wonderful

So I want to live my life. With that thought process in mind at all times, but very recently, some of you may know, I underwent difficult period in my professional life where I didn't feel like I was treated the way that I felt I should have been treated. Now I completely understand that's it's a totally ego-driven, judgmental thought process, and I understand where it comes from, but I won't go into that here.

Just know that I understand and I recognize it's not how I should have thought about the whole process. But no matter how much I focus on spirituality, come on, let's face it, I'm still just a human being just like everyone else, and I'm learning. I'm on this path of learning and discovery, just like you.

[00:04:00] So petty things like that, like not getting a job that I felt I was perfect for still affect me as much as I don't want them to. So in this case, it affected me in a very, very, very hard way. And it's almost like a sort of P T S D where I'm having a hard time shaking it.

I meditate every day. I focus on the teachings. I have interviews with wonderful spiritual people that help me put things in perspective. Friends that I value very much remind me of things like the surrender experiment and being of service to others and all those thought processes. And it works for a bit, but I always seem to fall back and I'm finding that I'm falling into a more ego-driven, self-serving day-to-day decision making process.

And I have to admit that I'm not liking myself these days again as much. So I'm trying to keep myself focused on service to others again. So I'm writing these concepts on sticky notes and I'm putting them everywhere on my computer, in the kitchen, in my bathroom [00:05:00] mirror, everywhere, anywhere that I can see them. Just so I can remind myself the importance of understanding and really knowing and living the fact that I'm not here to serve myself.

I'm here to serve others, and if there's anything I can do to serve others, that is a focus that I need to follow, that I want to follow. So friends, if you feel lost, like I somewhat am right now, I invite you to change your focus too. Put your sticky notes everywhere. Remind yourself over and over again of the right way to move forward the way that you know is the right way to move forward and be kind to yourself.

Give yourself grace in understanding because. We all know we do live in this three-dimensional world. We are in these physical bodies and our minds have been programmed for such a long time that it's gonna take some doing for us to get beyond it. So be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself, and when you fall, just get back up again.

Take the next step,[00:06:00] just like I'm trying to do now. thanks for listening guys. This really helped Get this off my chest.

Hey there, I'm Will. And I'm Karen, and today we're excited to welcome Lauren Shetani to the show. Like many people, Lauren has spent a good portion of her life feeling like a victim to her body and emotions, haven't we all?

Now, she's since realized that there's a way to harness our sovereign power through the body, and she's developed a method that incorporates breathwork movement and visualization to unleash that energy so we can reclaim our unlimited power. Now Lauren helps folks to harness the power of their emotions in order to manifest their calling with passion and purpose.

I cannot be more excited to welcome Lauren Helen Tani to the show. Lauren, thank you so much for coming on.

Loren: Oh, thank you so much for having me on. Such an honor to talk about these meat, I mean, space suits with you today.

Will: I'm gonna like our conversation [00:07:00] already, Lauren. I can tell. This is awesome. okay.

lots and lots and lots of questions comes to mind, but the very first thing that, I need to ask you is how is it that our bodies could possibly be on a spiritual journey? You hear about our souls doing all this, but are our bodies different than us? Like,

Loren: how does that work? Well, as you guys know, we're in this 3D reality and without these bodies, you know, my belief and what I've experienced and what all the great teachers say is that we need this body to be able to feel, because in this world of duality or contrast, we are able to learn at a faster rate than we would at a so level or not.

In a physical or a dense type of reality and, and an embodiment in this body. So looking at our bodies not as something that's in the way, whether it's, um, chronic disease or disease in your body, [00:08:00] whether it's an emotion, whether it's acne, whatever plagues you, quote unquote. It's really here to help teach you that your body is not in the way.

It's leading the way. And my journey really started out. You know, I had years of chronic digestion issues, and then when I graduated from university, I had my first panic attack ever, and that led to years of chronic anxiety. And I was kind of confused of, you know, what the F was going on with me and this body.

Now, retrospectively, hindsight's always 2020. I now know my body was awakening and it was telling me I had created this life. That wasn't my life up until that point. I was the good girl. I had the good grades. I had. I went to a good university, got a degree I. And then had a job lined up literally like the next week after this graduation ceremony.

And my body was like, hold up, hold up. This [00:09:00] is not what you're meant for. But I at the time, you know, I'm just like losing my shit. It's just never experienced anything like that. And I want a very, um, 3D approach, you know, at the time. I was in my early twenties. I really wasn't into all of this woo stuff, if you will, that I say very lovingly.

So wait, like last year

Will: then in your Yeah. Cause you do not look, you do

Loren: not look over more than a decade ago. Plus, thank you. Wow. Well it,

Will: whatever you're doing with your body's

Loren: working out. So it's cuz I love her. I love this body. She's on a journey with me here. So. You know, you gotta love the meat suit.

That's just gonna keep coming up. I can't, sorry, Karen. Can't let that go. Karen, is it raw

Karen: meat or is it cooked? I gotta know. That'll

Loren: make a difference. I'm sorry about that. Depends the day. Depends on the day. I do live in southern Florida, so it depends on which sun I got, so. Okay. Yeah. Yep. Well,

Will: so let me ask you a question really quickly because you, you're talking about, your body and anxiety attacks and things like that.

A lot of people actually assign that to our minds. Now, are [00:10:00] you separating those two or is that one in the same for you?

Loren: I think the way that I access me personally, and I think, uh, um, it's kind of lost in terms of. In the awakened community, especially divine feminine energy, is being going through the body to connect with the divine, to connect with your mind, to connect with that subconscious part of you, rather than going out of the body, let's say, in a meditation and overcoming the mind through just letting go.

But what I have found is listening to the body, my emotions, the physical sensations. That I can allow whatever's coming up to go deep into that physical part of it and kind of open up and move that energy. And always, always, always on the under other side of it, there's this wisdom. So for me, I don't think they're two separate things in the way that, um, one's good, one's bad For me, it was always so much easier.

Intuitively, this was my gift, I think, to go [00:11:00] through it, through the body. You know, I've spent years meditating. Um, and I love that. But for me, the quickest way to get there is through the body, which is, this is why I love breath work and, and movement so much, is because we tend to get stuck in our heads and we're, we've lost this sense of being present in our bodies and in the present moment.

That's where our power lies. That's where our awareness lies. So when we can start to build the awareness of what our body's telling us, and that includes those thoughts and emotions. That's when we know we can, we can figure out when, you know, when we're lost in the future in the past, or just, you know, lost in our head and we can start to dive into really what's coming up by just being present and allowing those sensations, whether it's emotional or physical.

So, I don't know, I think that kind of answered what you were going for there just a different way to. To get there, I think.

Will: Yeah. No, you, did. It's just for me, when I, had my anxiety attacks mm-hmm. I went to a shrink, right? Yes. So I didn't, I didn't work on my body, I [00:12:00] worked on my mind.

So to me, I always say that we are a three body problem, we are mind, body, and spirit. And so this kind of meshes two of them together in a, in a sort of way that I hadn't heard of before.

Loren: That's all. Yeah. Yeah. And luckily, you know, luckily, or maybe not, so luckily everything's happening for me, right?

My family, there was such a stigma of mental health that I didn't really end up going the traditional route. So I think it was more like through my body, just intuitively even then that I figured out how to work through this. I. And be able to feel those emotions and be led by myself, which is my body who's guiding me, rather than, you know, sometimes going to therapy or having a coach or a guru.

What I'm so passionate about is why I love working with this beautiful thing called my body, which is me, is I get to listen and trust myself and learn these skills rather than trying to look outside of myself or somebody tell me what to do. Which, which you know, [00:13:00] is a huge part of my lesson. Sometimes that might resonate with people, sometimes it might not.

But to learning to be your own sovereign being, which means having, you know, realizing that you do create your reality, and that you do get to choose what you think and what you believe and how you feel. And it comes back to being present and allowing and listening to what's coming up for you.

Karen: so what about chronic pain?

Yeah. You know, like back pain or knee pain or anything like that. Is that your body telling you you need to do something or is that, you know, a result of, I don't know, working out improperly or the environment or something you

Loren: ate? Yeah, for me, so I started health coaching when I started getting into this years ago.

And what I found to go a little bit around what you just asked and circle back. Is so many of these women I was coaching knew what foods felt good in their body. They knew that they loved moving their bodies, exercise, yoga, Pilates, but they were having all [00:14:00] these chronic issues like digestive issues, migraines and fertility issues.

And what I found, I was teaching these women was just, you know, basics of law of attraction, basics of mindfulness, of being able to take a second to be present with your body when you're eating. When you're moving and not just rushing through life and doing three things at once. And that was able to solve pretty much every single problem that these women were having.

And that's when I realized, okay, I really need to start transitioning into more of this embodiment manifestation work. It's not just about the body and for me, you know, I've been on this journey and whether it's anxiety, Or other chronic issues or diagnoses in my body even a few years ago, further along on this journey, realizing this, teaching, this, getting a diagnosis, I was like, oh my gosh, this is first, you know, you feel the fear of whatever's coming up, that the diagnosis of what you think is gonna happen.

And [00:15:00] then I realized, okay, wow, my body is always leading the way. So just like my emotions, my physical body is also telling me something too. It's just showing me, just like Abraham talks about, if you guys are law of at Attracters listening here, the emotional guidance scale, our emotions and our bo body, which is the more physical dense part of energy, teach us, are we aligned with our inner being, our source?

That, that, you know, the divine part of us, the universe, whatever you wanna call it, whatever the name you like to give us. So when a physical thing happens, I like to call it Joe. Joe. Yeah. When Joe's there and are we aligned or not? So a physical thing for me is just an opportunity to say, wow, there was this belief system, this energy pattern, something that's been there.

So either at the forefront or maybe in the, the background for so long has come into the, this physical manifestation. Here's a beautiful opportunity to [00:16:00] get me to change. Our bodies are in the way, they're leading the way. I know I keep saying that, but when something like a cancer diagnosis or an autoimmune something or these big, these big diagnoses come up, it's really, you're not opportunity for you to take a look and say, okay, what have I been doing?

What can I do differently? And that includes how I look at my body, what I think, how I feel. Yes. Maybe clean up the diet, the 3D thing too. But you know, your body's weight and kale is not gonna save you if you're still stuck in fight or flight, or if you're still resisting all of this energy or you're not feeling what's coming up.

Because you know, our bodies are going to move the energy and the way of least resistance. And sometimes for me, my body loves to do that through my skin. Mm-hmm. And through the acne or whatever comes up. So if I'm moving a lot of energy or making big shifts in my life, My skin will just start to break out everywhere.

I moved [00:17:00] cross country over a year ago, started a new relationship, really restarted my life and my skin. I breaking out worse than a teenager. Worse, worse than my pre pubescent self, and I was so judgmental of myself at the time, but I was like, oh my gosh, my body is helping clearing out all that old energy that I just physically decided to shift in my life.

It's still helping me, and as I started to talk to myself, talk to my body, and work with my body and say, thank you so much for helping me, I'm so grateful that you are always leading the way, and not only you're guiding me, but it's also you're helping me because energy is still going to move in the way of least resistance, and sometimes that's physical.

And as soon as I started to do that, my skin just almost cleared up overnight. But it was when I was resisting, when I was judging and not allowing everything to happen is, is when, when it kept persisting cuz what we resist will persist. So I started [00:18:00] my journey really helping people with more physical stuff, which I love.

But I love to also talk about the, the emotional aspect of that because so many people on their awakening journeys, It might be, you know, wanting to work with a Kundalini or, you know, work with this, their energy and tune into this. But if you don't have a foundation of being comfortable in your body, trusting your body, allowing it to become into the present moment and really build that momentum, yes, maybe you start to awaken that energy.

But it is so much easier when you can have that foundation of trust and ease and allowing and really understanding. That your body is leading the way. So yes, chronic pain is something that you can look at and you know, not so much a 3D way. What is this teaching me? Maybe it's asking yourself, do I need to slow down?

Do I need to be more mindful when I move? It just really depends on what's coming up for you. A really good resource [00:19:00] is you know, Louise Hay. She has written a beautiful book, you Can Heal Your Body and is a little excerpt from you can heal your life. And it talks about many metaphysical causes of these physical issues, and that's a great place to start.

Nine times outta 10, it's spot on of what I'm feeling or the emotion or belief underneath it. If it doesn't resonate for you, leave it and move on. But that's a beautiful resource on if you do have something chronic coming up to kind of start to take a look. Okay, what am I feeling? Maybe what is that belief underneath these symptoms or these, these physical manifestations to help you to start to trust that body and start to understand that everything, even these physical ailments or manifestations, are here to get you to look at yourself, to get you to look at your life, to get you to look at this journey in a different way than you were.

Cancer is here because it's the inability for people to grow. So it forces you to wake [00:20:00] up and say, oh, okay, what am I doing with my life? What patterns? Maybe it's something that's quote unquote hereditary. What patterns were people in my family who've had this before did. And I get this opportunity to become a totally different person.

The person that is me and not somebody who is, you know, just programmed to be like my family. So in terms of physical stuff, yep. That that's what I would start. But I love working with the emotions and. People who really want to jumpstart their energy journey, who know that are, they're here for more. And you know, that's my journey is like, what am I here to give back?

And it's really coming back to the body and being able to listen and it'll guide the way. So do you not

Karen: think that our environment plays a role in our physical, like talking about specifically cancer? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we're reading that we we're having all this plastic in our bodies and the ox, the air is so polluted and the water's polluted and the fish have mercury and everything.

So do you think that that doesn't play a part?

Loren: I think it does, [00:21:00] but you know, I trust that when. I am aligned with myself, line of a source, and I am in a state of rest and relax and my energy is just flowing really strong that my immune system right, is going to really be able to fight off a lot of those things.

You know, listen, I don't, I eat very, very healthy. I minimize all those things in my life, but some things we just have to. You know, we can't avoid like pollution for some, you know, depending on where you live. And I do think that, you know, you need to treat your body with respect, whether it's, you know, the quality of water you drink, the, the quality of foods or, or skincare products.

I do think that, you know, you need to respect your body, but I also think that, you know, I do create my reality and I need to also, Even more so take a look at these beliefs and the energy underlying inside of me, because it's an opportunity for me to heal and release something that's maybe been with me for many lifetimes, but [00:22:00] this is my opportunity to really change and step into more of who I really am.

Will: I love everything you're saying. brings up a lot of questions, but before I get into it, It feels like you're saying, when you say your body has the answers, it's almost like it. It's not just our bodies, it's our minds. It's our, it's our being. It's, it's our three dimensional personalities, lack of a better word, right?

But then you keep talking about feminine energy and helping women and all these kinds of things, and we're getting into the sovereign sisterhood and all that kinda stuff in a minute, but, Just to clarify, this is just as good for men as it is for women, right? This pertains to whoever you are. It's not just women that, that get affected by this, that can, take benefit from doing these kinds of things.

just wanna confirm that, right?

Loren: Oh, a a hundred percent. I think women are more so naturally, and I think I see so many brothers awakening to their true selves and their callings right now. But women with the physical aspect, you know, obviously I'm a woman and how I [00:23:00] integrate this energy is, is a very feminine aspect.

Men, you know, and other women, you might understand this and, and do it through a more physical way, like working out or you know, something in a, in a different way. But we all can access this wisdom, whether it's through a runner's high or that post yoga bliss. Like this is the kind of wisdom I'm talking about is moving through the body.

In order to connect to that higher part of that divine part of you. So it doesn't matter what sex you identify with, what energy you identify with. Okay? This is a universal truth. It is more naturally, I would say, feminine in its aspect because it's through the body and embodiment and a ma a masculine approach to the same thing as, you know, kind of going outside of the body meditation.

In that aspect, but I, you know, it really doesn't matter. We have both energies. So whatever works for you ex. Exactly. And

Will: that, that's kind of where I was going where, I'm a man, but I have a lot of feminine energy in me, where I know Karen is a woman. She has a lot of masculine energy and it's perfectly, we, we go in and out.

There's a flux. Yeah. So if [00:24:00] you're a dude listening to this thing, don't let this all throw you, this is just as good. Don't, don't tune out. Don't, don't hit the stop button. This is good for you. As well as, as for, uh, as for the women. We need to take a break.

So, we're gonna take a pause, just a quick, few minutes. Stay with us. Cause when we come back, we're gonna talk to Lauren about how to, now that we've talked about the importance of doing it, how to now connect with the body so that we can be more in tune with what we need.

Stay with us. We'll be right back.


Dr. Maria: Welcome to the Reluctant Medium, where we cover the gamut of out there conversations with an open mind and a curious heart. We wanna talk about it all from psychic phenomenon to beings, from other star systems, from energy medicine to out of body experiences, and much more. You'll find a great balance between grounded science topics and others that science hasn't quite caught up to yet.

From the explainable to [00:25:00] the miraculous, we wanna know about it. I'm your host, Dr. Maria Rothenberger, a psychotherapist by trade and a reluctant spirit, baby communicator. And hey, even though I'm a medium, I'm not buying everything folks are selling, I just have a voracious appetite to know more about what I call the world of the weird.

And maybe I'll try a few things on for size. Join us on your favorite podcast platform or watch on YouTube at the reluctant medium. We'll see you there.


Will: And now back to the skeptic meta physicians.

Welcome back to the Skeptic Meta Physicians. We're talking to Lauren Tani. We're talking about the body and really the, the three dimensional personality that we have on this planet. How important it is to be in tune with it, because. Really, we have all the answers inside of us. Uh, so we're go constantly going out to new modalities and all these kinds of things, and those are wonderful as well.

But the first [00:26:00] step is to really get to know yourself and what's inside you and what you need in your body. So Lauren, right before we left, uh, we talked about the fact that this is good for men and women and all that kinda stuff, but we also tease that we're gonna find out how now to get better in tune with our bodies.

So let, let's just go right into it. How can we, now that we know the importance of, uh, being in tune with the body, how can we connect

Loren: with it? I think first and foremost, I did talk about, I use the word allow a lot and whether it's, like I mentioned my acne example or whatever emotions coming up for you.

Is just to allow yourself to feel, because if you know you're looking at yourself and you have a face cover covered in sense, you're, there's probably an emotion associated with that coming up right now for you. Judgment, shame what? Whatever it embarrassment and the most important thing. About this is to allow yourself to feel that like there's [00:27:00] no bad emotions.

And I mentioned earlier in the show that so many people wanna start working with our energy or those chakras and awakened that coud Dini force. But emotions are the easiest way for you to do that. That is your energy, that is that life force trying to move through you. And the more that we resist something or the more that we really try to move something like.

Like really push and like talking about more masculine, the more that it's going to really persist. So if something, let's say like embarrassment is coming up for you with this acne, going along with this example, is to just let yourself really feel what does, what does embarrassment feel like and allow that feeling to overcome you.

You're not gonna die from feeling embarrassed. You'll, you'll be okay. I promise you. And to allow that sensation to, to come through your body. And sometimes when you start to practice this, you'll start to feel maybe that emotion's in your [00:28:00] chest or in your gut or your hip. You'll start to feel, and that's what I love to teach and help people build that awareness in their own way and their own bodies.

I start to feel where that energy is, where that emotion is, and start to open. Open your focus around where that's coming, which means. Focusing on where that feeling is in your body and start to think about building this beautiful circle or this fear around it, opening it up and allowing that energy to dissipate outside of you.

Or maybe come up. I keep talking about Kundalini coming up, that beautiful light channel through your body. When I feel an emotion, like I gotta say, like I still have the emotions daily. You know, my, my partner God, love him. Helps me work through this, even though I teach these people these things and it's like he has to remind me when I'm feeling, you know, whatever's coming up.

Maybe I'm mad he didn't do the dishes or even though he does the beautiful job at the [00:29:00] dishes, but whatever emotions are a 3D thing that's coming up for me and I just wanna keep going, going, going, going, going. I know it's not about the thing that's coming up, it's about me being present, feeling that emotion.

Moving it through my body. It's very intuitive once you start to practice this and just allow underneath, okay, yeah. It really wasn't about you not putting your ditches in the dishwasher. This is what I've been feeling. Here's the wisdom that's uncovered for me, and to be able to move along with your life.

Because when we start pushing things down, that's when sometimes the physical manifestations happen. I like diagnoses and things pop up into your life that you might not really like, but that, that because you're consistently feeling these emotions that you're resisting or pushing down, you're what you feel on a consistent basis creates a reality.

So when you can allow, it's, it's not gonna create more embarrassment if you just truly feel those emotions in the moment. I think that there, I, I forget the study, but I [00:30:00] think it's like under 20 seconds. If you truly feel an emotion, I'll allow. It to, you know, to move through your body. It it'll dissipate and go away.

Anything more than that is actually, you're, you're replicating it. Mm. So really being present in your body doesn't take, doesn't take long at all. And, and the second step in this is really just understanding and approaching life and yourself in this, this thing called your body with love and not judging yourself or having the acne or feeling embarrassed or.

This feeling not doing dishes. Rage. Yeah. Yep. Burning around doing dishes. You know, the, the calm thing. See Karen, I'm

Will: here to help you. Mm-hmm. I'm here to help you.

Karen: So you're the cause of my hip pain.

Will: I'm, I'm, I'm here to help you to face what that hip pain is actually talking to you

Karen: face about face you every day. Yeah. So when you're working with people, it sounds like you really kind of have to help them learn how to. I don't know, pull back a lot of layers because Yeah, if we go back to the acne [00:31:00] example, so you get the acne, but there's some underlying cause of the acne.

Mm-hmm. But then you have the acne and then you're embarrassed. So the embarrassment, I think would add to the acne. So you've got like the double whammy going on, like how, how easy or difficult is it for the people that you work with to start to unravel all of

Loren: this? Yeah. And that's why I really work with the emotions first, because the physical stuff right, is, is, is dense.

There's more persistent. Emotions or patterns going on. Building the awareness of, of am I being, am I in the present moment or not? You know, what am I feeling? And starting to allow myself to feel that and approach everything in my life and my body with love and acceptance because when we can love ourselves, we're never, we're never gonna judge ourselves or hate ourselves into any change.

Mm-hmm. We're never gonna shame ourselves into an to be able to change long term.

Will: Mm. I don't know. I, I, I eaten myself enough to make a, make a like when you finally go, mm, I can't, I, I, I can't stand myself. I'm, I need to change. [00:32:00] Right? There's, there's a, yeah, there's a

Loren: defining component behind it, right?

There's a defining moment when you're like, I'm tired of this shit. I'm like, Gandolph on the bridge, I'm going to, none shall pass. You know, I'm not, I am not. I'm done. Like I think there's so much power and I think it's two different things. I totally agree with you. There's, there're two different things where there comes a part in your moment in your life when you're like, there's some, there's gotta be something better than this.

I am tired of this bull crap. Like when you draw that line in the sand, That decision is so powerful that amplitude energetically is going to send out ripples into the whole universe, into your own reality that, you know, you are done with this, but, but what are we gonna just still behave and think, and act, and feel in the same way that we were in the life that we didn't want?

No, no, we're gonna do something differently because when we become this personality and, and in [00:33:00] this body, we're going to feel and think in, in the same way. So what I'm saying is you, you know, love yourself. Yeah. Yeah. You might have the old part of you still come up that you don't like, that you're trying to change, you're tired of, but don't judge that part, like that's been a part of you for God knows how long, and to allow that to come up and say, oh, That's just my jealous part coming up.

You know, that's a, she's, she helped me so much up to this point. She got me here. Like, thank you so much. Not only am I gonna feel you, once we start to understand these parts of ourselves, like you're talking about, and I'm talking about right now, the, these characters, so to speak, of our old life that we don't wanna really take with us.

We want to love them and, and, and see them for what they are, but they were just the, this really defense mechanism or the survival mechanism that we developed at some point, either this lifetime, past lifetimes, it doesn't matter. Mm. What matters. To be able to feel it. And, and sometimes we realize, and I [00:34:00] have, I, I've done this in my own life when I'm trying to change.

Um, I like to write down emotions that I'm feeling every single day, especially when I've really pinpointed what I wanna change my life. What am I feeling day to day? What am I thinking about these things? And you'll start to see a pattern over a week or two weeks of writing your emotions down. I'm really addicted to certain emotions when it comes to, to this topic or just my life in general.

So really allowing yourself to feel these emotions allows them to move through you. Just as much as we wanna feel and move through the quote unquote lower emotions. The same with a quote unquote good or high vibe emotions. We don't want to hold onto anything, you know, vice script for too long, cuz it's, it's gonna go sour, it's gonna go bad.

So, uh, just when I talk about the self-love is even when those icky parts of you, quote unquote, the shadow side comes up just to love it and be like, oh. I know why you come back up. I, you know, I'm changing something [00:35:00] more now, and of course these old patterns are gonna come up because it's trying to keep me in that old reality's trying to keep me safe.

Thank you so much for trying to do that. But you know what? I got this, I got this. so

Will: it's really forgiving yourself for being yes, having been that way and understanding that you might have some backslides, but forgive yourself for what you've done. But face forward with who you want to become. Yeah, well, in the pre-production notes that you sent us, you mentioned, you dropped a term in there that I went, Hmm. I gotta make sure I ask her what this is and in order so I don't mess it up. I'm gonna bring up my notes. you said, That we can become a vessel of creation. Yeah. I need some clarity into what you mean

Loren: by that.

Yeah, so this kind of came to me of course during my own, I was at a breath work retreat during a ceremony, and intuitively I was just like, all right, [00:36:00] divine, bigger part of me. I am out of the way, fill, you know, whatever needs to come through me in this lifetime right now to give back to the world. Like I am the vessel of creation.

I am this vessel. Like, fill me up. So the, the irony is here, we start to feel these things, allow these things work with our body, trust our bodies, but in order to become more of our quote unquote higher selves and this embodiment, we need to get out of the way. We need to surrender and allow this divine to move through us.

And I know it's kind of easier said than done, and we're kind of like, oh, okay. Th this is a little vague here, but the reason why I work so much with the body and allowing, getting yourself, yourself to allow and to trust is when you can go deep through the body or whatever modality works for you, connect to that higher part of you.

You not only can listen. To what's coming through. But you [00:37:00] also can ask, how can I be of service? What do I need to know? Because we, we consume so much data, so much, you know, social media, we ev uh, we're just consuming, consuming, consuming. But are we really listening to us to that higher power? I start with a body, but the end goal really is to lead to that divine part of you that higher being part of you.

So that you feel you have built enough trust in yourself, in your own experience to be able to connect and really listen to that intuition at a deeper level, because I truly believe, you know, you guys have this beautiful platform to not only share it your hearts and your energy. But to hold a space for people like myself to share their healing message with the world.

And I truly believe our own stories, our bodies specifically are all here leading the way. And I keep saying this phrase over and over, but leading the way. [00:38:00] To who you're really supposed to be this lifeline, to that highest potential, to that part of you, that higher self that wants to come through here.

But that all comes through your own healing journey. And I truly believe we each have our own message, our our own modality, our own passion. To bring to the world and when we can continue to listen to that and act upon that. I know, I know. I know. This new evolution of humanity, this new earth, everybody is, you might be so negative on where, where the world is going, but when we can individually start to lead with being that vessel of congregation, which is just being more of who we really are.

And allowing our gifts to unfold in whatever way excites us, in whatever way. We love to share that with the world. That's when true change will happen and will ripple across [00:39:00] consciousness itself, this reality and so much more. So that's what I mean. And feel free to ask more questions. Mm-hmm. But that's really my higher purpose here.

Will: I am fascinated by what you just mentioned because it speaks a lot towards, Why we do the show.

it's perfect. It's perfection. All right. So then let's move our attention to the sovereign Sisterhood and the Witchy Wellness Podcast. Right? Am I saying that right? You are. Okay. Cuz you've got a lot going on.

So give us a, breakdown on, the podcast. Yeah. And then the sovereign sisterhood.

Loren: Yeah. So, witchy Wellness Radio. I've had this podcast for over five years now, which is. Feels crazy to say, and I was actually taking a bath, loving my body, being present, talking about what I just preached, this whole episode and the phrase, your body is not in the way, it's actually leading the way.

Just plop right in. You know, those [00:40:00] moments where you're like, uh, I didn't think, where did that come from? You know, like just the download happens. Yeah. And that was really the inspiration to start the podcast, which e Wellness Radio. And that's the tagline of the show. And that's my mission, is all the things I talked about today, having beautiful guests on just like you guys do here, to share their heart, share their wisdom, because you never know what that one podcast, that inspiration that might ignite you or a loved one that can really change your life.

And that's, that's why I started Witchy Wellness Radio so many years ago. Right, because. That, that's your divine intuition, that's your body, that's your higher self speaking through you. Is that spark of intuition that that might inspire? Oh, Maybe that sounds like me. Maybe, maybe I could do something like that or heal this.

B b

Will: you never know, which podcast never is gonna get you that, nugget. And that's why I subscribe to 65 of them because I'm gonna find it one way or the other.

Loren: It'll find you. When you're ready, the teachers will come [00:41:00] and we'll find

Will: you. I'm true. Well, I'm giving you, I'm giving you plenty of opportunity to find me.

Loren: Beautiful. And then, and then my beautiful program that I have is the Sovereign Sisterhood, and it's everything I talked about here today and what my mission is. I mentioned it a little bit, is making, teaching these foundational principles, making them your own, like it's good to know something. But to actually practice it, to be able to teach it and, and not teach it, but live it in your life and to make it work for you to become your own master coach.

Like, I don't, I don't, I don't want these people to keep, to keep asking me, what should I do? What does this mean? I want you to learn to listen to your body, to listen to the intuition, to be able to listen to your high yourself and become that vessel of creation. So I teach that and I also teach. You have to have these conversations with other people to, and the community actually [00:42:00] hold space for another sister, another member to ask, you know, what's coming up for you?

And to be able to learn to listen to another person. Because what I've found is learning this myself is one thing, but to be able to practice this in a relationship is a whole nother level. So to be able to start to learn to listen to other people. In a different way because you really do learn through the wisdom and experience of other people and what they're coming through too.

Not only in your own story, but the stories of other people. So that's a big proponent, and that's why we call it sisterhood, because it's about building this foundation internally so you can grow it and relationships, whether it's in the sisterhood, long term, or with other people in your life because you know, We want to be around people.

We want to share our hearts. We want to share our love, and as soon as we really start to do this deep healing work, every single person, whether I have 'em in my podcast or I know them in my personal life, every time that you overcome something in your life you [00:43:00] want to give back to the world. Like I mentioned before, that vessel of creation when your heart is so full and overflowing.

All you want to do is give and to love and to build those relationships, whether and it's a business or just in your personal life. So if you guys want to learn more, you can head onto my website, lauren I'm on Instagram. And on, uh, YouTube as well. I would love to hear from you guys. I also love a good meme and good humor over on Instagram too.

So if you guys like, like these guys, here's humor. You'll definitely appreciate mine. So I would love to hear from you guys. And if you don't

Will: like our sense of humor, don't let that stop you because she's got great things too, right? It's not just that. So, Lauren, this has been wonderful. Yes, you are a joy to talk to.

Thank you so much for taking the time to, share your wisdom with us and our audience you sent a lot of nuggets to the person who is listening who needs it right now, so, so many. Yeah, absolutely. We thank you so [00:44:00] much for coming on the show and, If you want to reach out to Lauren, all you need to do is go to skeptic meta and go to her episode page. We will lay in direct links to all her social media and her website directly on our website, so please don't be shy. Yeah. Thank you for coming on the show. Thank

Loren: you guys.

Thank you. Oh, such an honor.

Will: And a huge thank you to you. Yes, you the person that hit play on this episode. We know that there are tons of options out there, and having you decide to come along on our journey of discovery with us is an absolute honor for us. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. If you did and you feel called to give back, We invite you to visit our website at, where you can donate to the show or subscribe as a member through our Buy me a coffee campaign.

Your support will go a long way towards allowing Karen and I to bring you these wonderful conversations and teachings in more and more robust ways. Of course, if contributing to the show content [00:45:00] is what you are looking for instead, well, we'd love for you to contribute by sending us a voicemail or an email from our website or leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or any other podcasting platform that supports them.

Karen and I love hearing from those that are moved to message us. It truly does fuel our passion. You are the reason we do this show and knowing what you like and don't like, help us craft the very best show we can so that we can help raise the vibration of the planet. Together. Now, if you know someone who would benefit from hearing the message we're sharing on the show, do them and us a favor and share the show with them.

It will help get the word out about us, and it might just change someone's life for the better. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of the Skeptic Metaphysicians. Until then, take care.

Loren CellentaniProfile Photo

Loren Cellentani

Manifestation Coach

Loren Cellentani spent a good portion of her life feeling like a victim to her body & emotions. But they were all leading her way to heal the witch wound inside of her and guide others to do the same.

She realized along the way to harness your sovereign power through the body. Her method incorporates breathwork, movement and visualization to unleash your energy for you to reclaim unlimited power. 

Now, Loren helps ambitious woo-women harness the power of their emotions to manifest their calling with passion & purpose with her monthly membership, The Sovereign Sisterhood. And her podcast, Witchy Wellness Radio. 

You hear the calling of your soul to shine more, but what’s keeping you from living that reality? It's time to step outside your head and into your true magnetic and mystical self.