Angelic Encore: The Judah Collective’s Enlightened Realms

We’re thrilled to welcome back Anjie Hipple and the Judah Collective for a deeply spiritual conversation that will resonate with anyone on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic connection.

Main Themes:

  1. Angelic Encore: Anjie Hipple, along with the Judah Collective, brings back the same angelic energy that captivated Karen in their previous appearance. We dive into what makes their presence so memorable and transformative.
  2. Overcoming and Evolving: Anjie shares her personal narrative, detailing the struggles she’s faced and how they’ve catalyzed her spiritual evolution. From Bible study to the esoteric practices of channeling and healing, her path has been both challenging and enlightening.
  3. Spiritual Communication: The discussion opens up to the concept of channeling one’s higher self, as Anjie describes her communication with spiritual entities, including Judah, and how these interactions have spurred her personal growth.
  4. High Vibrational Relationships: The conversation highlights the importance of surrounding oneself with relationships that exude positivity and promote a sense of freedom and peace.
  5. Collective Consciousness and Peace: Anjie suggests that an individual’s inner peace can contribute to a greater collective consciousness, moving society away from division and towards a higher state of being.
  6. Vision of a New Humanity: Anjie presents a future where humans possess advanced psychic abilities and live in states of bliss, free from conflict.
  7. Evolutionary Upgrades: Listeners are encouraged to seek their own spiritual upgrades by reaching out to the source and angels, actively participating in their own evolution.

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Other episodes you'll enjoy:
Angelic Awakening: Discovering the Judah Collective

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Will: [00:00:00] Well, apparently this is the year of returning favorite guests on our show. This time around we are surrounded and believe me, there is no better term to assign to the introduction of this guest than surrounded by the beautiful Angie Hipple and the Judah collective. Now, Angie is the author of the answer to all your questions and the creator of the true you accelerator course and Judah.

Well, they just so happen to be a collective of angelic beings from the fifth dimension. And they consist of around 350, 000 angels who move and work together as one unified being. The image that she gave to us in regards to them last time was like that of a flock of birds turning together as one.

And it's such an amazingly fitting imagery that there really is no better way to help describing them. And personally, I believe that Judah Is home for our very own Karen, who had an incredibly strong reaction the first time that they were here. How are you feeling today, Karen?

Karen: [00:01:00] Um, I'm excited.

Will: All right.

Well, without further ado, let's welcome Angie Hipple to the show. Angie, thanks so much for coming on. We're so excited to have you here.

Anjie: I'm so glad to be back. It's really good to spend some time with you guys and with you all your beautiful audience

Will: Oh, God. Well, The first time we had such an amazing time and I know Karen, it, it, full disclosure, your interview, when we had you on the show last time, I think was the linchpin to the opening of a lot inside Karen, a lot, uh, you and Judah really helped to Bring things home, for lack of a better word, right?

So, Karen, I'd like to start with how you have been handling all your newfound stuff in light of having Angie and Judah on board.

Karen: Well, gosh, I mean, it's been wonderful. So there was, I don't, was she still online right after when I kind of had that really interesting reaction?

Will: No, I think it was afterwards.

Karen: [00:02:00] Well, maybe you should tell her about that.

Will: Right. Well, okay. Before we get started with down this rabbit hole too far Angie, I'd love for you to give us a a low down, right? Not everyone who's listening to the show right now may have listened to our first one. And if you haven't listened to our first one, I could not recommend it enough.

So stop this one, go listen to that one and then come back to this one. Cause it's going to be even better, but tell us in a nutshell, talk to us about the Judah collective. Who are they? Mm. Mm.

Anjie: had had such a really difficult time a few years ago. My whole life just came undone. And, you can live a happy life, but something somewhere along the way is going to happen to mess up your plans, right? We all lose a loved one, or maybe there's a divorce or chronic illness or something unexpected, something that we don't want that comes in.

to the horizon of our life. And and I just had a whole bunch of those things piled on top of each other about six or seven years ago. And it was a gift though, right? It [00:03:00] was a gift because I turned inward. I looked really deeply inside. I let a lot of my perspectives and belief systems and ideas about myself and religion and God and all of that to come into question.

And um, just became an avid meditator and seeker. I laid down my Bible, which I would, was the only really spiritual book I had read for most of my life. I laid it aside on the shelf for a while. And I started digging into the works of enlightened masters and teachers from all different strains. both modern and ancient.

And I was sick. I was chronically ill for a couple of years during COVID. So, which was unique for me because I'd always been very healthy and vibrant. And so I just kept keep letting the change happen on the inside because I couldn't change the outside. I lost my power to do that. And [00:04:00] Towards the end of a couple of years of this seeking and ego stripping Chuck and I were watching a a show very similar to you guys's one night, and we were listening to a beautiful channeler on the show and channeling was.

Something I enjoyed because I appreciated the wisdom and the life Applic the applicable teachings that I could hear from some of these channels I didn't know who and what these entities might be that were speaking through them I thought it was really bizarre and weird but yet something about the messages of some of these channelers were, was so helpful to me in the living of my life.

So, channeling was not on my bucket list of things to do. I was not up for doing some weird, bizarre, voodoo looking stuff that would permanently ruin the last bit of my reputation and my ego.

Will: you mean to [00:05:00] tell me that Judah was down on your bucket list? Cause I mean, that's not on everybody's bucket list. Channel fifth dimension and beings. Yes. Check.

Anjie: Yeah, I mean, you know, I had a master's degree and you know all the pedigrees, right? And something about channeling just you have to throw all that out the window when that happens So anyway, we were sitting one night watching this beautiful channeler and Chuck looked at me and he said I think he could do that And you know, I really was finally at a place Of such surrender that I was just thankful to be alive and be breathing And I was willing to just let it all go and do whatever And be whatever whatever I was meant to do I was going to do that and within a few hours judah came barreling through with these really profound I had these really profound psychic experiences they were wild and earth shattering and I was instantly healed as well, which is a testament to some of what Karen was probably [00:06:00] experiencing is when angels like Judah come through, especially just such a big group of them with so much raw, visceral, vibrational power from Source.

I mean, they are an express image of Source. They are the stuff of source and when they come through, the energy is so transformative. I was literally healed and my husband is a very enlightened healer. He's if anybody's familiar with Hawkins work, he's a 995 on the Hawkins map in the level of consciousness of healing. and you know, he couldn't even, he was throwing everything he had at me and it was keeping me alive, but he didn't even have the answer. This is, this healing that came through Judah was a miracle. And sometimes, we have to figure it out on our own. Sometimes we [00:07:00] gotta. Just slog through it and find our inner answers, but they're amazing.

We're in love with Judah. I mean the moment they came after that, all my resistance to channeling was gone for sure. Yes. Unhinged.

Will: after we stopped recording and we said goodbye to you the first time, Karen, you, Angie, you saw Karen's reaction. She, as I was just introducing you and Judah, she immediately started crying for no reason. There was a sense of longing of belonging that she had all of a sudden overcame her.

But then after we finished was where the super. or not amazing is not really the right word. It was like it's, it was all strict striking changes happened. We stopped recording and Karen stepped back and someone or something else came through and it wasn't a channel, but it was like Karen [00:08:00] embodied somebody completely different where I felt so completely unprepared to handle what.

Ever this entity was she transformed the way she looked the way she reacted her demeanor Everything was completely different and I was I believe Completely fully that I was in the presence of something else and from that moment on it's been a bit Because she's been I don't know if this is real, this is whatever, like a lot of people when they're first starting out, but many times we would meditate together and out would come this entity who would then be giving me these personal messages that I needed at the moment.

It was, it's, it was truly remarkable. And I put this at your feet, Angie, so it's your fault.

Anjie: Yeah. Okay. Good. I'll, I won't take credit, but we'll give credit to all of Karen's interior work that she's been faithful to do and to [00:09:00] Judah and source and all these beautiful angels. And yes, Karen, you were actually channeling. So we can channel our higher self, which, you know, what is our higher self?

It's all the lifetimes that you've ever lived. It's all of your soul. It's the entirety of your soul. Whether you've lived a thousand lifetimes, two thousand, three thousand, and all the lifetimes that you will live in the future. Your higher self is all of that together. Imagine the force and the power of even just talking to that aspect of Source.

Your individual consciousness. that at some time, eons ago, separated out from source in order to have experiences. And so you're high, even just channeling your higher self is. Earth shattering, right? Because all of a sudden you have access to everything you've ever learned, everything you ever will learn, every experience you ever had and everything you learned from [00:10:00] those experiences coming through you with perfect clarity and understanding and a sense of purpose.

And that's exactly what you did, Karen. When we logged off, you were You just stepped in to being your higher self. It's like Judah helped you plug in the plug of Karen into the outlet of Karen's higher self, which is so much more than Karen. It's It's many many many lifetimes It's your wise old soul and Judah just plugged you right into that and you felt it Didn't you felt it didn't you will you could feel?

Karen: Oh yeah.

Anjie: Wow

Will: Oh yeah. I, one of the mean, truly it felt like a lion, like a, the vis the, of a lion coming through. And I al I felt unworthy to be in the presence of that entity, whoever, whatever it was it sounds weird for me to say it . It feels weird to say it, but that's exactly how it felt.

It did. Every time it came out, it felt like I wasn't I'm not supposed to be here with this person right now, but,

Anjie: you and Chuck should have a husband's club,[00:11:00]

Karen: Yeah.

Anjie: with husbands of wild channeling women.

Will: I think that's a great idea.

Karen: It hasn't really happened much lately. Like, It ebbed and went away, I think. But what would happen is I would start to hyperventilate. And then even in meditating, like, all of a sudden it just, I start to hyperventilate and like, get a little teary. And then Will says, when I'm talking to him, he's like, You don't blink.

Like, really? It's true. And I don't know how long, how long is it usually like a couple of

Will: minutes? At least four hours. It's incredible. No, it's actually, I would say, I mean, probably a good Yeah. I want to say three to four minutes at a time. And I don't blink the entire time. The entire time. You don't blink a single time, which is really, really unnerving to be honest with you.

Karen: But I

Anjie: Where is my wife?

Karen: what was interesting was that after that first time, like the next for three or four days, everything, cause Will said, he's you even, he's you looked like a lion and everything like, I pulled out some [00:12:00] tarot cards and flip over. It's the lion. Everything was a lion.

Everything. It was the weirdest thing. Remember that?

Will: I do. Yeah. So strange. Which just lends credibility.

Anjie: yeah, and Judah's explained that they are lion like beings. They aren't, they, that is their demeanor. And. This goes back, Judah goes all the way back to Sackmet, which is the lion in Egypt. Do you

Will: Oh yeah. Yeah. God is sacrament. Absolutely. Yeah.

Anjie: who Judah is? It's,

Will: Wow. Karen, you're God. Your own personal God is sacrament. That's a pretty strong entity to go. Oh, beyond. All right.

Anjie: And they do, I just wanted to speak to Karen's experience a little. So in the beginning, you may channel a few minutes and. There's so much energy running through your body as you're doing it that you have to kind of build up, um, stamina in it. So eventually you'll be able to do it a little bit longer with a little more comfort and being able to breathe a little bit easier.

But it is when they come into your body and merge with [00:13:00] you, it feels like being breathed almost, you know, which is why you had that experience of feeling sort of like hyperventilating.

Karen: That's wild. That's

Will: very cool. All right. Well, enough of us. Let's talk about you and Judah. Cause, and not, you know what? Let's not, it's not even talk about you and Judah. Let's talk about us as humanity. Right? Because we're here, Angie. Yeah, we're here to ask you and Judah the hard questions. So it's up to you, whether we want to have you answer these, uh, Angie or have Judah come through whatever you prefer, but we're going to ask the hard questions.

For example, I want to know once and for all, what the heck are we doing here? What are we here for? What's the purpose of our existence?

Anjie: Mm hmm. Okay. We'll let you to answer that.

Will: Oh, we got, okay, here

Anjie: Yes, okay. Yes, the purpose of your being here is for you to remember yourself as the aspect of [00:14:00] divinity that you are You might use the word God you might use the word universal consciousness It does not matter to us whether you are atheist or or very religious We're here for all people and the journey is for all people.

The journey of the soul is for everyone. So you may say, well, I'm not a spiritual person. Well, we beg to differ because if your spirit were not in your body, you would be dead. Everyone is a spiritual person, but perhaps not in the way of cultural, um, or mental programming has taught you that the word means.

So everyone is here as a unique expression of divinity, of all that is. And you are all that is inside of a physical body. To, to, to [00:15:00] play, to grow, to learn, to connect, to access, to express this divinity. So what is the purpose of being here? To remember you are an enlightened being. You are God in a body, God in a woman, God in a man, God in a body.

You are divinity. You are perfection. There is a part of you that is blameless, perfect, whole, unharmed, all knowing, you see, even science is now proving this when scientists And psychologists work with even the, the, the most traumatized of victims, tortured victims and so on, and those in, in, in, in, that are rape victims and, and many other travesties.

When they work with these precious souls, what they find is, there is a part, an aspect of them, [00:16:00] which is completely unharmed and whole. and lucid and clear and loving. And so each of you has this aspect. You're here to remember it and then you're here to tap into it and enjoy it, which is what dear Karen did when she began to step into her higher self.

You see, many of you are beginning to have experiences of a few moments of this full on connection with your higher self. But we're here to tell you, you can actually progress to living from this perspective continually, continually. And we encouraged you to have fun, have fun with it, enjoy it. The very first time we came through this vessel just Before she spoke, the very first word of ours came through her.

Her [00:17:00] first experience was that we smiled her, she likes to say. In other words, as we merged in with her, a huge smile broke out on her face. She could not have stopped smiling if she had wanted to, or tried to. We were smiling her. You see, this is about joy. It's about fun. It's about playing. It's about curiosity.

It's about asking questions. It's about building line upon line, idea upon idea, experience upon experience. So that you can bloom like a flower. You see spiritual growth is a blooming, it is natural. It is profound. It is beautiful. You see, no one goes outside in the spring and finds a, a flower, a bud, and then pulls back the petals pet by petal, by pedal, by pedal in order to make it grow.

Of course, you would not in order to make it bloom. Of course you would not do that. How [00:18:00] ludicrous. And so understand that this process for you is very, very natural. It is a blooming, it is a spontaneous, it is glorious, it is full of joy and a knowingness and a peace and an excitement, yes, good, good, good,

each of you who are here chose to come here. Before you entered your mother's womb, you had conversations with your soul family, with your angels, with source, very present. And it was, uh, a big, uh, planning committee, we would say. So you chose to be here specifically for this time. Within time in order to make an impact of your own that is unique to you that is very unique to you and specific and you chose your family, your culture, the area in which you would live.

[00:19:00] All of these were very purposeful. And there is, uh, yes, a, a, a forgetting that happens, which is intentional in order for you to have a fullness of experience as a human. And this is why you use this word. Awakening is because you're beginning to remember, remember your purpose and why you came and so on.

And each of you in a broad sense of the term you are simply here to be God in a body God in a body God in A body. Mm hmm. You see God likes to likes to incarnate in a body and see and touch and feel and taste and breathe and hug and love and laugh and work and feel and all of that. And so God is experiencing itself through your unique [00:20:00] expression and incarnation.

And so your purpose is to remember, to remember that you're God in the body and then to play and create, play and create to be the creator. You see the very first thing that was said of God, was in the beginning, God created, you see. And so you also are creators, the creator. Now the one infinite creator is resting from his, her creation and letting you be the creator and create what you will.

And so to use a metaphor, you all like children on the beach on a beautiful sunny day, you are sifting. And sorting through the grains of sand and you are building. and tearing down and rebuilding and playing and playing and playing. And soon enough, this, the tide will come and wash [00:21:00] away everything you've created.

The tide we are speaking of here in this metaphor is time in due time, all that you've created, whether it's. Whether it's, um, accumulated wisdom or experiences of any kind, uh, education, uh, writing books, playing instruments, uh, building businesses, whatever it is you've set out and endeavored to do, be a healer in this life, these are like sandcastles on the beach, on the beach of your life.

And in due time, it will all be washed away and come to nothing. So we encourage you to remember to play, to play and enjoy whatever it is you're doing. If you're doing something you don't want to do, stop doing it. Stop doing it as quickly as you can and get on about your play, the play of life, of enjoying living, breathing, loving, creating, creating, creating.

[00:22:00] Yes. This is why you're here. You're here to do what you want to do. You see, the master Osho was famous for saying this, I do what I want to do. Do what you want to do, nothing more and nothing less, and enjoy it. And create whatever it is your good pleasure to create. And if you are of the highest identification with your God Self, everything you create Will be of service high service to others to your brothers and sisters Yes to your brothers and sisters



Will: Well, we have another review to share with you, another five [00:23:00] star, thankfully, this one is from Trish CM in the U S and she left the review on Apple podcasts. The topic reads my favorite in all caps podcasts and then a smiley face with hearts in their eyes. That's pretty cool. She goes on to say, I absolutely love this podcast.

It's helping to further my spiritual education in a very fun and entertaining way. Will and Karen are the perfect hosts, they pick amazing topics and guests. TrishCM, thank you! That means so much to us. Thank you so much for leaving us this review. It really, really warms our heart to know that people are resonating with the topics as much as we are.

So thanks again. Now if you'd like to hear your review right on the air, just go to Apple Podcasts like TrishCM did and leave us a review there. It will help us spread the word about the show by providing social proof that the show is kinda cool. Or if you prefer, you can go to skepticmetaphysician. com and leave us a review directly on the site that would work just as well.[00:24:00]

Once again, Trish C. M., thanks for leaving us this wonderful review and, let's get back to the show.


Will & Karen: sense, but

Karen & Will: how do we help

Will & Karen: people who are not experiencing the joy, who, what they create is hurting other people and themselves? How do we help bring them into a place where they too can feel the joy and they can play and they can create?

Anjie: Yes, well, well, we would say that for many when they awaken It is a deep grief and sadness to look around and realize perhaps how unconscious they have been how self serving, uh not realizing it and and also What they've done to harm themselves and others. And so, we would ask you first to quickly let go of your guilt and your grief.

Release it. Mm hmm. Release it. Release it. Guilt is a terrible waste of energy. So, the quick answer to that is, as you're waking [00:25:00] up, and perhaps you find yourself doing all sorts of things that aren't serving you or others, things that are detrimental to yourself and others. Well, begin by simply leaning as much as you can towards what feels good to you, to what gives you energy.

Lean away from energy suckers and lean towards, lean towards what gives you life and gives you energy. So, for example, if you're stuck in a job that you hate, a job that is enslaving to you in many respects, Uh, perhaps, uh, not using your talents or serving persons of greed or whatever the situation might be.

And, and there's not an immediate off ramp from what you're doing because of your responsibilities and so on. Begin by simply, when you get home, take a shower and wash away all of the negative [00:26:00] energies and simply sit and be with yourself. Hold yourself hug yourself if you need to rest turn off the tv Don't take any more negative energies in if you've got eight hours of it already Right, and and so instead of going Unconscious in front of the boob tube as they call it.

Uh huh The tell a vision which is constantly telling you visions And these visions, many of them are simply riding more sadness and despair upon the constructs of your mind and your emotions. So turn it off, rest, eat something good for you, go to bed early if you want to, meditate if you're too tired to meditate.

Put on a beautiful program such as this one and let your consciousness be elevated lean towards what feels good Lean towards what gives you life See one of the [00:27:00] reasons people love to listen to the judah channel is because our vibration Is such of a a high quality a high high consciousness That it literally is like A heavenly vacuum cleaner of sucking you up, up, up in consciousness, elevating your emotions and your thoughts and perspectives.

And if you're new to this sort of thing, you may not even understand much of what is being said to you, but you know that you simply feel better, and there is a magnetic attraction towards what is happening here. So what we want to say to answer your question, dear Karen, is for those who are feeling this difficulty and despair and unhappiness, know that as you make very small steps, such as the ones we just mentioned, eventually life will change for you.

Life will change for you. Make the smallest shift towards what feels better. The smallest, even [00:28:00] if it's wearing some really cozy pajamas and getting in bed 30 minutes early, And eventually you will find new opportunities knocking on your door. Maybe perhaps someone will walk into the place where you work and see a light.

In you a growing light in you and they will even recruit you into what they're doing Which is a vire vibration and step by step you will eventually Move into your calling you see this vessel Uh love to teach she loved to teach When she went to college, she learned to teach in her thirties. It was such fun for her.

And when she began teaching in schools, some of them were of the most difficult vibrations. Some of them even similar to a prison house, we would say in the vibration and the, the precious children were under such a restraint and condemnation and so on. It was so difficult for [00:29:00] her. All she could do was eat, sleep and work, you see?

But she kept moving on in her personal journey and then eventually she worked in a better school with a better vibration and with less efforting and, and then eventually she moved into a situation where she was teaching one-on-one teaching music, which was her passion one-on-one and making three times what she made as a teacher in the beginning, you see?

And then now, now, now she is evolved and she is. spiritual teacher and, and it is wonderful for her. She spends hours every week just meditating and thinking about what will serve the people that she teach teaches. So let this transformation happen incrementally, little by little, little by little, as you make the smallest of steps towards what gives you life towards what feels better, what is more joyful and what is more aligned.

Trust that Everything along your path is going to shift and change and you will come into [00:30:00] alignment with your sole purpose and the reason for which you are here.

Will & Karen: I don't think I've ever heard you quite so yes. I mean, oh my gosh, this is, this is, I'm like, I'm getting goosebumps. No, I mean, the, the emphasis, the inflection, the, I mean, you are, they are so present. I mean, it's, it's, it's remarkable. You, Judah told us about the reason why we are here on this planet and all that. It makes perfect sense if we've heard it before. And, It resonates very much with what we've learned so far. However, the one question that I've asked, I'm not sure if I've ever gotten the true understanding of why is why do we come here to do everything that you said that we are coming here to do?

and promptly forget and then have to be forced to go lifetime after lifetime to try to remember like what Judo is saying. Why not just give us the memories and build on what we learned on previous lifetimes? Why don't we guys start all over again every time we were born?[00:31:00]

Anjie: That's a great question. I'm curious to see what Judah will say.

Will & Karen: Okay,

Anjie: well, we want to say this to you. I want you to imagine that tomorrow you wake up with this beautiful woman lying beside you. Yes. You don't know. anything about her. You, you've forgotten all of it. And, and then you would likely look it up at her having no context whatsoever for why this beautiful woman is here with you and you would likely look at her and think, wow, how did I get so lucky?

Uh huh. Yes. And so, you see, there is a gift in the forgetting and not remembering in that all of your judgments of yourself and others and life and so on are erased. And you begin with a clean slate. How many of you would like to, in your most primary relationships, have a completely clean slate with the ones that you love?

Wouldn't you love that? And so this is part of the purpose of, of this [00:32:00] forgetting is to have a completely clean slate. Now imagine for a moment, a brand new baby, every brand new baby is beautiful. Wouldn't you agree? Full of life, full of purity, full of innocence, full of wonder, full of possibility. This is another reason for your forgetting so that you can, uh, uh, leave behind all your limiting perspectives and begin again in perfection, in your perfected state.

You see, now we will also want to say this, in this forgetting, it does not mean that you have lost everything that you have gained in your other lifetimes. Your wisdom, your eternal wisdom and your connection to infinite intelligence is still there. You see, and so you come in part to clear up, uh, issues [00:33:00] from your soul that you really want to resolve.

See, a lot, a lot of you have this really negative view of karma, karma, yuck, karma, gross. But we would say that it is that when you're in the planning space that we mentioned before, where you're planning your next incarnate incarnation and reflecting upon where you have just left in that reflection, you, you realize, Oh wow, no, this is something very important that I want to conquer.

We will give you an example. You see, everyone has, has high level areas in which they are very high in their consciousness and then areas perhaps where they are much lower. So, so for instance, this vessel is, is, is very enlightened in her life's work. Her life work is fully aligned with her soul and with Source and Higher [00:34:00] Self with very few exceptions.

However, she has other areas where she struggles, you see. One of the things she wanted to conquer in this life was many lifetimes of poverty and accepting poverty and unworthiness. There was another area in which she struggled and it was around intimate relationships. This had an original source in a past life in which, uh, her parents died when she was very young and she had no means to care for herself in that particular time and society.

Except to get married and so she married the first one that came along that could feed her and clothe her and care for her And it was a terrible marriage. It was an awful experience and So she made a judgment there in her heart Marriage is hard. It's hard to find a good man It's hard and then it's hard once you're in [00:35:00] a relationship and then it's impossible to get out of without starving You see, and so this hurt, this wound, it came from unforgiveness and not being able to forgive her parents in that lifetime and the man that she was married to and forgive herself for being naive and getting into such a situation.

And so there's been several lifetimes where she's. been repeating some of this pattern, but each time with more victory and more victory and more victory. And now you see, she's married to a beautiful spiritual partner who's very enlightened and she's very much in love. And so, so as you conquer in these areas where you've been held in karma and in consciousness, you're not just doing it for yourself and for the freedom of your own soul, but for, All you see, you're [00:36:00] doing it for all, whatever victory you gain for yourself can be shared, can be shared energetically and through teaching and experience an example with, with more than you might think we would say.

Will & Karen: Well, I don't know if you can tell, I wasn't rocking my chair. You weren't? I was not rocking the chair. Wow. And when she stopped talking, it stopped. I even tried to stop rocking the chair.

Wow. Yeah, for those who are watching the video, instead of just listening to it, uh, as, as Judah was speaking, Karen was very noticeably moving back and forth, I thought you were just, no, keeping yourself awake. No. And I was like, I'm feeling my leg. I was kind of going through my body.

Am I doing this?

Karen & Will: Wow.

Anjie: you know sometimes Karen people have this phenomenon where when they're entering into a channel state their body kind of becomes a pendulum, a pendulum, and I learned this because I was working with a woman one day and Helping her to begin channeling and she was going around and around and I thought [00:37:00] what is going on?

And I asked you what's going on and she just said well, we use her body as a pendulum in the earth And so sometimes you will rock back and forth because your body is saying yes, or you'll go this way because your body is saying no. And see, the body is one of our first witnesses. It's our primary witness to the truth or untruth to the, or to the energy that are being presented to us, right?

Sometimes if you've ever gone into a place and your body just wants to contract, you just want to get out of there, right? You just want to, uh, and then And then in other energies, you just feel so expansive in your body saying, yes,

Will & Karen: So Karen, now, you know what your pendulums feel like. You are a cosmic pendulum.

Karen & Will: Oh, uh,

Will & Karen: Karen, I love that we, you can just drop in and out of Judah and Angie at, at the moment's [00:38:00] notice.

A lot of times when we talk to people who channel other entities, it's either we're talking to them or we're talking to the. Entity for the whole time you're like back and forth and I love it It's like it's like we're having a five way conversation

Karen & Will: and

Will & Karen: it's really interesting because when we've spoken with other channels It feels kind of uncomfortable a little odd, but this does not it's very

Karen & Will: just like

Will & Karen: well, that's because you're home Karen Because you're home.

We know that so,

Anjie: Well, let's talk about that a little bit. understand that everything that's going on with us, we have belief systems around it. We have so many beliefs that we need to trash. And one of them is that we have to go through a process to get into a channeling state, right?

But, but we really don't. If we believe it's fast, then it's fast. So one of the things that Um, I like to work with people on is dropping into meditation really fast because we live busy lives, right? And so we can have this belief system. Well, I need to set aside this X amount of time in a quiet space to meditate and and that's important.

We want to do that, [00:39:00] right? But understand that you can be in the car getting ready to walk into your child's, um, you know, parent teacher conference and you can drop in really quickly for a few seconds, even a minute and get into a channeling state or a state of presence with your higher self. With your guides and with source and get exactly what you need and you can also do it in in public context So if you're let's say you're sitting there with a in a parent teacher conference and there's some kind of issue coming up And you really need divine direction.

You can just quickly drop right in and receive it

Karen & Will: Okay,

Will & Karen: let's just clarify. You can't. We might have to work at it a little bit.

Anjie: Well, we can get you there and that's one of the things that we'd love to do at the judah channel is help people begin to channel because Everybody can channel, and it doesn't have to look bizarre and weird [00:40:00] like what I do with Judah, but it can be very compatible with your life. And I'll give you an example.

When I first started channeling Judah, I was still very involved with 12 step because, um, there's addiction in my family, and so I'd been in Al Anon for many years, and I, it was a great experience. a real source of support for me at that time. And so when I started channeling Judah, I still had some sponsees that I worked with.

And so I would get on a call with my sponsee and we were supposed to be doing our 12 step thing, you know, and all of a sudden then Judah would just start talking through me. Right? And they didn't know. They didn't know that I was channeling. They

Will & Karen: what's wrong with this

Anjie: all of a sudden, all of a sudden, Angie was sounding really smart.

That's all. That's all they knew. And, you know, so, channeling can be a lot more practical and helpful and present and applicable than we think. It doesn't have to be isolated into this weird kind of metaphysical world that we put it in.

Will & Karen: I think. [00:41:00] Karen needs to have a conversation with you after this, because when we talked about it earlier, right, that you're starting to kind of feel like things are coming through you, but you're not really quite there yet. Maybe, maybe Angie and Judah might, maybe could help you to kind of get that out and make you feel more comfortable with it, because that's the thing, the biggest thing.

Anjie: Yeah, and I'll just, on that I'll say, you know, When you think, when we think about angels, I got a note from a guy this week, he's taking our course and he said, um, he said, you know, I'm talking to the angels every night. I look up at the ceiling and I talk to them, but I'm not really feeling them yet. You know, and, and, and I, I meditated a little bit and Judah said, you know, we're inside him.

So like, if you imagine like I've got this glass of water, if I dropped some food coloring in it, maybe some green drops, what would happen? The water would turn green. So if you imagine your imagine this water as you your consciousness Your consciousness being whatever it is that makes us uniquely, uh sentient, right?[00:42:00]

Different than the grass and the rocks and so on So if this is your consciousness and judah or your team of angels or your guides or source would be that food coloring, right? They just merge in with you. They merge in with your consciousness. So when you channel, what it really just feels like is you just suddenly feel different on the inside.

You feel lighter, you feel brighter. I've noticed that sometimes when I help people to channel Judah, one of the first things that happens is they, this big smile breaks out on their face and it's because Judah is so joyful. Right? And so, They act differently than what they normally would because their consciousness is blending.

So a simple way everybody can do this is you simply say, you sit with yourself and you say, please locate the consciousness of, so you just are asking in your inner being, you're asking your consciousness to locate the consciousness [00:43:00] of and choose a being that you feel really safe with. with, right? It's just, it's kind of like having sex.

It's not the best metaphor because channeling is not sexual at all. It is orgasmic in some sense, but, but I will use the metaphor because it's helpful, right? So, so you wouldn't just willy nilly have sex with anybody that was a willing partner. Of course not. Right. You, you, because you're a caring, loving person, you want to be with someone of a like mind and like spirit that's high vibrational and loving and caring and so on.

So when you start channeling, you want to choose an entity or being that you feel a connection with, maybe, um, like Judah or, or Kryon or Archangel Michael. And you just begin there. And you just allow that as in sex, you know, where you merge with the other. And, and there's a point where you don't know who's who you're just moving as one and [00:44:00] you're in unity and oneness.

And so that's what channeling is like. It's just allowing that other consciousness to become a part of you.

Will & Karen: So that would explain why so many people are channeling the same entity, the same beings. You hear a lot of people channel Archangel Michael, or a lot of people are channeling X or Y or whoever. That makes sense because we all have access to those consciousnesses if we just ask for it. That. At first, I'll be honest, when I was first started doing this, I just thought, wow, how lucky you are to channel, be able to channel this being, um, but really it's not, it's not luck, is it?

It's kind of. I

Karen & Will: thought they chose you. Right. Yeah, exactly. You get to

Will & Karen: choose

Karen & Will: who you want to channel. Yeah.

Anjie: Right. Like, well, you wouldn't let, if, if, if it were you and like going back to the metaphor about dating. and sexual relationships, you wouldn't allow just someone to choose you, right? No

Karen & Will: true.

Anjie: Not acceptable! [00:45:00] ideally, in a love relationship, it's a mutual choosing. Right? And, and, and there are beings that I channel from time to time that come once and they don't come back again.

Or, or I choose not to continue on in the relationship with them because it's, it doesn't seem to really benefit, um, my service to humanity. Um, some beings, they just need to be heard or they want, um, to be understood or comforted in some way, especially fourth dimensional disembodied, um, beings. Um, but obviously we want to reach for the highest vibrational relationships that we can in channeling in order to, to bring through as much energy as possible to set people free.

Will & Karen: Does Judah feel like humanity? Because we heard this a lot.

Is humanity on the brink of something? Are things accelerating? Do we need to brace ourselves for anything right now? Because it kind of [00:46:00] feels that way.

Anjie: Okay. Yes, we will talk about this. So when you say brace yourself, we are assuming that you're talking about difficulties. Is that correct?

Will & Karen: yeah, or something wonderful, like, should we expect anything coming up here soon, some big

Karen & Will: change?

Anjie: Yes, well, let's talk about that. Well, first of all, uh, obviously there's a lot of upheaval right now. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. And And we have encouraged especially those in America to be very much removed and detached vibrationally emotionally and mentally from the chaos and the us and them story Mm hmm.

The victim villain story. These sorts of energies are going to be very prevalent for the next 12 months and But you can make a choice to remove yourself from it You see there the mind the ego mind will tell you well But if I don't stay up with everything that's going on, I'm going to miss out or [00:47:00] Something bad will happen or I won't be aware or whatever it is.

Your ego mind tells you, but we will tell you for certain and for sure that if you want to impact the, the group consciousness, the way that you do that is to simply remove yourself and elevate your consciousness because one person who is in a state of peace and in a high vibrational state. Can counterbalance and counteract the negativity of millions of other people just one just one So your highest service is to stay in the peace to stay in your peace To be a peacemaker and we assure you that aligning yourself with the right or the left the red or the blue The us or the them, uh, you, if you align yourself with either one of those, you will have missed the opportunity to be of the highest vibrational quality, which is to be above it [00:48:00] all, above it all loving, all loving, all loving, all loving, all and judging nothing.

So it's going to be a really challenge, but detach yourself and and don't see anything as right or wrong, good or bad. And so on. We're not saying to be callous, but we are saying to be compassionately dispassionate because giving your energy to all of the may Lou is only going to drain and exhaust you.

Mm hmm. Now, let's talk about what we really like to talk about and what's important to us and don't brace yourself For it. We would said instead throw your heart wide open to it wide open wide open and allow these beautiful changes coming you see there is going to be a time in the future where you will look back and And the two party system will simply be a few paragraphs in a history book [00:49:00] You see, and there will be a time in your history when you will look back and you will, we'll talk about this phenomenon, uh, called channeling and how there were a handful of people that did it.

And, and that will seem like a mystery to you because all of your children and your children's children will be highly operative clairs, clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairolfactory, clairaudience, and so on. It will be the typical way that children are. You see, there's a new human coming and there are some that we are experimenting on even now, such as this vessel.

If you think right now about Cro Magnum for a moment, when you look at a picture of Cro Magnum or read about them in a history book, They seem very foreign to you, almost animal like. You can't imagine that that was actually a human being, because you are so different from they are. But we're telling you that there's a new human coming, [00:50:00] and that new human will look back at us today, in this moment of time, as you're gathering in this meeting, and think, oh, how strange and difficult it must have been to live life as a human like that.

Because the new humans will eat clean, Healthy, vibrational foods and water that is clean. And in the future, this, all of humanity will have access to good, clean, nurturing food and water. War will be a distant memory. Uh, you will inhabit more and more of a, a light body, so your bodies will actually, uh, your physical bodies are actually going to evolve and change to be able to handle more white light energy.

Energy. Energy is light. Light is energy in your physical body. Your, your nervous system will be adapted to be able to, uh, [00:51:00] to co we'll compensate in order to be able to retain more of this energy and so on. And, and as you receive these energies and begin to operate in them very, very consistently rather than as in this moment, you know, just a few moments in time in this vessel, you'll be able to maintain this sort of state all the time, state of bliss.

And there are interstellar races at this time. For whom war and hatred and bitterness and judgment and sadness and anger and fear are very difficult for them to understand. Because their entire race has evolved beyond it for so long that they can't identify with it. Well, humans are going to be that way as well.

There's so much more that we could tell you. We don't have time for it all, but we'll just say there's so much to be hopeful for and to get excited about. So if you want to, [00:52:00] volunteer yourself. Say hello, source and angels. I will volunteer to be one of those new human beings. Yes, I would like to be full of love and light and bliss.

I would like for you to expand the capacity of my physical body and, and use all of my DNA and revive my, my, uh, the blueprint of my body and how it operates and upgrade it. So a simple way you can do this is say to Source and Angels, I would like to have those upgrades, please, that Judah spoke about.

Please sign me up for the upgrades. I'll take them too.

Will & Karen: sign me up, sign me up, although I guess we should probably be careful what we wish for. Right. Cause we've heard, we've heard that it can be. A little more than we bargained for.

Anjie: It's a lot.

Will & Karen: Yeah. That planet, that [00:53:00] earth sounds amazing. Do we have any idea of the timeline? Cause I mean, do I need to pack a bag now or

Anjie: Yes. I mean, there, there are people right now on the earth today who are, their physiology is really being upgraded by angels and helpers, so that they can handle more of this intense energy and, and they're adapting. To it. And yeah, everybody can channel. Um, you know, Judith spoken of in the next 30 years.

You know, our, our grandchildren, their children will all be operating in, in these metaphysical gifts and it will be considered very, very normal. It will be considered for them, you know, in their generation, if a child can't operate in those gifts, it would be similar to, um, to a child to us now, maybe that has Asperger's or some syndrome like that.

It would be [00:54:00] the. Unusual it would be different. So there's a lot of good coming and it's coming really fast And there's going to be in the next two years. There's going to be more Angels and ets and and to be just to clarify, you know I think that those two terms are a lot more similar than we'd like to think I think that ets that are very highbrational high vibrational in nature.

They they are like angels to us for, for, you know, angel is really a, it's a cultural phenomenon and word that we use, but it has a much broader application than we understand right now. But to, to be succinct, you know, in the next couple of years, there's gonna be a lot more physical appearances of these beings and working with people and they are showing up at night, they are showing up to, to take people for astral travel.

Um, showing up in the room, um, leaving evidence behind. There's a lot of this going on. It'll become more and more can't. [00:55:00] More and more common, and we'll begin to have more and more hard evidence for it. Photographs, videos, uh, it's, it's here. It's at the door.

Will & Karen: Wow. I've always said I'm ready to see a UFO. I'm ready to see a UAP or whatever. I'm I'm ready. I'm ready. Not ready to see someone in my room in the middle of the night. So, uh,

Anjie: little scary. I will say it's a little frightening. In a good way, but, you know, scary nonetheless.

Will & Karen: I, I, I'd like to survive the encounter and I'm not sure that I would

Karen & Will: instant heart attack. Yes,

Will & Karen: yes, yes. Oh

Anjie: our best interest at heart. You know, they're, they're gonna just roll out things as we're ready.

Will & Karen: Yeah. And that's why they're not showing up in my bedroom at night. Cause I know I would just die. So I will try to. I'll try to breathe because I would like to volunteer. I would. I just, you know, baby steps. Like, like, let me see you outside on the porch,

Karen & Will: in the distance, in the daytime, yes.

Anjie: Well, I, I did [00:56:00] have a couple of years back, I did have some being, I don't know, come to me at night and, and, uh, and was lifting me up and it frightened me to death. And, uh, and then they, and then it just stopped after a few seconds. And I told Chuck about it the next day and he said, well, you're a bad fish, they threw you back. Nice dead boy. I think they knew I was scared to death and they decided it was probably not a good idea that they'd better give me a couple more years.

Will & Karen: Yeah, yeah, that, that would definitely, the fear spoils the meat, so, you know, make sure that it's, Oh, gosh,

Anjie: love us so much.

Will & Karen: oh, Angie, Judah, this has been, as always, just such a absolute joy and pleasure to be in your presence. Um,

Anjie: love you guys.

Will & Karen: Too back at you. Seriously. Uh, I wish we had more time, so de definitely part three. And next time we'll just jump right into the conversation with Juda because I think it's just, it brings so much value to us.

[00:57:00] Uh, and I have so many questions and I can't get to 'em all. So uh, okay. So once again, thank you so much for coming and we'll see you again really, really soon. Yeah.

Anjie: love you. Thanks for having us on.

Will & Karen: Uh, thanks for coming.

Karen & Will: Thank you.

Will: And a huge thank you to you. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. Now, If you know someone who would benefit from hearing the message we're sharing on the show, do them and us a favor and share the show with them.

It will help get the word out about us and it might just change someone's life for the better. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of The Skeptic Metaphysician. Until then, take care.

Anjie Hipple Profile Photo

Anjie Hipple


I'm Anjie Hipple, author of The Answer To All Your Questions and creator of the True You Accelerator™ course.

I have been so very many things in my life: wife, mother, schoolteacher, singer, songwriter, and so many other things.

And right now in this season of my life, I have set all those roles aside to play the most important role of my life, which is as a channel for a beautiful collective of angelic beings from the fifth dimension.

Their name is Judah. Judah is a collective of around 350,000 angels who move together and work together as one unified being, much like a swarm of birds you might see in the sky.

As a collective, Judah is considered the "Oprah" of the cosmos, here to introduce you to powerful spiritual beings from other dimensions ready to help you in the moment you ask.

And we are all going to work together -- the humans and these beautiful beings who are channeled -- for your highest good. Join us in the conversation about human enlightenment, awakening your power, and spiritual wisdom from beyond.