Raising Human Consciousness: Discover the Wisdom of Tarp with Dr. Gayle Thomas

In the depths of her battle with cancer, Gayle Thomas discovered a path to transcendence she never expected. Through her remarkable journey of channeling an extraterrestrial collective consciousness, she found solace, healing, and a connection to something greater than herself. Brace yourself for a revelation that will leave you questioning the nature of reality and longing for answers that can only be found within the depths of Gayle's extraordinary experience.

“If you come into something from a coherent place and it feels right, the frequency and vibration of something feel right, then you can't be wrong.” - Gayle Thomas

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Expand your consciousness and unlock your true potential through metaphysical healing practices.
  • Tap into the collective wisdom of extraterrestrial beings and channel their divine guidance for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
  • Discover spiritual practices that will help you reach higher levels of consciousness and experience a profound connection with the divine.
  • Harness the power of positive mindset and learn how to channel divine energy to manifest your desires and create a life filled with abundance and joy.
  • Overcome challenges in your life and embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation, guided by the wisdom of higher realms.

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Will: [00:00:00] Karen. Yes. Are you feeling stuck

Karen: A little

Will: bit? Yeah. Are you? I am. Are you facing a crisis?

Karen: Um, not really, just, well, maybe a stuckness crisis. Well, do you need

Will: clarity? I always need clarity. Well, then are you ready to feel inspired and energized? I am. Most importantly, are you looking to evolve your consciousness?

Yes, I am. Then you're in luck, because today's guest is ready to help with all of that and more, with a little help from her extraterrestrial friends that she calls TARP. We are going on an interdimensional journey on this week's episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians.


Will: Welcome to The Skeptic Metaphysicians. I'm Will. And I'm Karen. And today we've got a very, very special treat. Dr. Gail Thomas is an internationally renowned channeler and expert in higher consciousness and metaphysical healing. She guides individuals on transformative journeys of self discovery and awakening and serves as a conduit for TARP.

An extraterrestrial collective consciousness through her extraordinary ability, she offers profound insights and healing to those ready to receive. The question now is, are you ready to receive? Apparently it's taken quite some time for Karen and I to be ready because we've been trying to get you on the show for a very long time

Will: and the universe hasn't allowed it until


So Dr. Gail Thomas, welcome finally to the [00:02:00] show.

Gayle: Hello, hello, I'm so excited that we're having this chat finally today, and you're right, it has taken a while, hasn't it? Very happy to be here.

Will: It has. It has. Very obviously, we were not ready, but we are ready now. We are fighting it. We forced ourselves to be ready because we had to have you on the show. So, all right. The very first question that jumps directly to mind, I'm sure everyone's going to have the question. Tarp, talk to us about this extradimensional collective consciousness.

Gayle: Top. Well. What can I say about them? They're non physical, of course, um, they are the name for the collective conscious energy that I channel, that I'm very comfortable with channeling, I have a very easy connection with them, and they came to me following a cancer healing journey, I would say, in a time of darkness and desperation when I really internalized my healing process, and I'd started to meditate a lot, and they are, I have a [00:03:00] non physical collective consciousness that communicates me very easily.

They say they are of Andromedan origin, but they are now ascended past the need of a body. So they are, collective consciousness, individualized people, so to speak. And they're here to help.

Will: Wow,

that's a mouthful. when they come through you, is it, do you step back and they come through? Are you a conscious channel? You're a

trans channel. How does that work?

Gayle: That's a good question. I don't get asked that very often. I'm a trans channel.

Will: Ah,

Gayle: So, I close my eyes, I relax, as soon as I relax, they step in, I'm very much in the picture, but I'm taking a back seat, I'm aware of everything that's going on, I can hear the conversation that's happening, sometimes I have opinions about it myself, but I'm sitting in, it's like sitting in the back seat of a car, and when they're done, I, I open my eyes and it's like I've had a sleep, but I do remember for [00:04:00] a while, it's like remembering dreams.

So I'm a conscious, uh, you could say conscious trans channel. It's not like I fall asleep completely.

Will: a conscious trance. That's the

Gayle: Yeah. Yeah.

Gayle_Thomas-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_171ms-StreamYard: I

Karen: wanna know, what was your first experience with this?

Like, did it, did it freak you out? Did you think it was a dream? Tell me about that.

Gayle: The first experience was actually different because They didn't come to me. First of all, I had a Christ consciousness experience. I had an experience in meditation where I felt Jesus come to me and my hand lifted off my lap where I had been meditating and placed itself, where my tumor had been on my breast.

I had breast cancer and I felt this intense bliss and love all around me. It was the most humbling thing that, of course, that ever happened to me. And I started to cry with total humility, total [00:05:00] humbleness and gratitude. And the next day that, I mean, that's, that experience lasted a few seconds. The next day it happened again.

I asked Jesus to come back. to me, and he did, but he didn't come inside me and all around me. I felt him come close, and I felt what I now know to be Tarp also come in, and I felt another presence. On the third day Jesus wasn't there, Tarp were there, on their own. And I felt as though my thoughts were being beamed through a tunnel. Everything became very clear. Everything, I mean, it was telepathic. It felt like I was echoing my thoughts through a long tunnel. And I could hear things coming back, and this other presence that felt as blissful as my experience with Jesus.

And in the days and the couple of weeks that followed, I developed this connection with TARP. They started to move my body in a [00:06:00] sequence where my neck was being clicked and my shoulders and my back, you know, they twist my back and pull my arms up back behind me and click my shoulders, which I understand was all about alignment.

And then I could ask them questions and I'd hear yeses and nos, and then my head would nod for a yes and for a no. And then I asked if I could say the words yes and no, and then that followed. I could say yes and no with big nods of my head. They were kind of forcing the words out by shifting my, my head. with my connection with them over the couple of weeks after that, started to utter kind of. baby sounds and vowel sounds. They were moving my head in a direction to help me utter certain sounds like a T or S, you know, and it was exaggerated by the movement of my head that they were creating.

And I just kind of witnessed it. And then they turned into actual words and then [00:07:00] I got it. I'm like, Oh, okay. You just have to completely step out of the way. And then I started to speak in sentences quite fluently. So it happened quite quickly within a few weeks.

Will: And that didn't freak you out when they were taking over your body and making you do kinds

of things, because I think I would have thought like exorcist type of material

going on.

Gayle: Yeah, I can imagine that you would think that, but, um, I, I, I, it's easy

Will: Like your head didn't spin around completely,

Gayle: my god, no,

Will: no,

Gayle: no, that was,

that's not healthy, and not

Karen: a whole different kind of alignment.

Gayle: posture. Um, I think

because I spent a lot of time in my life meditating, I understood that I was coming through this, this connection was being formed from a coherent state and the fact that this happened in a very blissful way, the first connection with Jesus, I, I think I knew enough to know that if it was something that wasn't, [00:08:00] um, that was sinister or a little bit hostile to me, that I would feel it in my body, I wouldn't feel so well or I'd feel a negative emotion and I was very conscious,


Will: No, before we go any further, I need to call out the fact that you might, if you're watching the video, you can see that we are now talking to Gail in a different room in the house. The gremlins have continued to plague us on this interview repeatedly. And if you had any idea of how many times we've stopped and started this interview, you would be surprised, but we are going to carry on and push through and we're going to be successful.

So whoever's trying to stop this interview from happening, cut it out. All right. Sorry, Gail. So we were talking about, uh, the exorcist and how your head did not go all the way

around, which is a good thing. Things

Gayle: Um, yeah. So, uh, by the way, we have cat support. I have my cat sitting with me now. So we have a feline supporting

Will: everything's going to be all better now. [00:09:00] Then that means that we're, we should have thought of that from the very beginning.

Gayle: Everybody needs a cat to give tech support. Um, yeah. So, um, going back to what you were saying. I think, look, I, I taught meditation for many years, and I understand that, um, when you come into something from a coherent place, and it feels right, the frequency and the vibration of something feel right, then you can't be wrong.

And I think, That my first ever experience and contact with TARP came via an energy that was completely sublime and blissful. It felt like a very higher consciousness, and so too did my connection with TARP. So there was never any, uh, sinister feeling, um, in my body. I, I understand that if there's a connection that isn't really...

In alignment with who you truly are, then you start to feel a little unwell, or unbalanced, or dizzy, or headachy, or nauseous, [00:10:00] or you might feel some negative feelings, or just feel not right. And none of that ever happened, so I never... I didn't get freaked out. What I did want to think about was if I was perhaps embellishing it or making it up a bit too much, if I was projecting, cause I really wanted something to happen.

And I'm quite a skeptical person because there are a lot of people out there that claim things that you think I'm not sure if I believe you or not. Um, I think my whole approach to spirituality has come from a sort of yoga background and, um, where there's been a lot of study in the, the old scriptures and.

the Vedas and the Upanishads where there is a slightly, I would say, broader angle to consciousness. Um, and I'm, I'm, I haven't really ever belonged to a religion. I would say I'm spiritual, so [00:11:00] I can understand that there is a perspective on this kind of thing. Um, and, and people, you, you hear people's opinions.

People can worry because they think you're being possessed or taken over. And I would say that we're all divine beings and we're, we're masters of ourselves and you can be your own worst enemy if you have a belief system that is. It's something that creates fear in yourself and I didn't feel that fear.

I was just feeling the vibration of everything and, and, um, confirming that I was making a connection with a higher consciousness than what I am in my physical body as a human. So that was always a prerequisite before any communication in the beginning. Um, now I don't need to ask that because we're, we're like old buddies.

But, um, I mean, it's a, it's an important question to ask and it's something that comes up a lot when I'm training people because there can [00:12:00] be some fear around it. I mean, people don't necessarily ask for channeling training if they're, if they're scared of making a connection, people are usually quite open to it and wanting that to happen. It's quite important to discern what the feeling is in that connection and. To understand, um, what is your thoughts in the process of what is your contribution or, you know, um, I didn't feel like I was being possessed or in the exorcist. Yeah.


Karen: like you had kind of a more of a pleasant introduction. I mean, people, Jesus is a known entity, so people kind of have maybe that comfort and then. You know, he's like, well, I'm kind of busy, but here, let me leave you in good hands. So it was like this nice little transition. I think that would make it much less scary.


Will: Hey, I want you to meet my friends. They're going

to take over from here. Pretty much. You

Karen: know,

Gayle: I think since then, I have had a couple of interactions, [00:13:00] uh, with Jesus or Christ consciousness. And what I've come to understand from it is that it's more, um, a consciousness. And a way of life and a way of being rather than the man himself. And I, I feel obviously that he, this kind of consciousness was embodied as a, as a, as a man, the one that we all know of.

But beyond that, it is a consciousness that is beyond religion and is beyond even the idea of ET races. It's a, it's a very high consciousness. Which is a, a bridge, um, for contact. And I think, if you analyze what contact is, I mean, why would I have made contact with TARP or TARP have made contact with me?

Ultimately, we all spring from the same higher consciousness. [00:14:00] even if we're not from the same planet. So I think there's an even bigger picture to my channeling TARP or making contact with TARP. And that bigger picture is, you know, part of what came to me first of all, via the idea of this, uh, uh, connection with Jesus.

So there's a kind of bigger picture to all of this.

Will: Right. Right. Would you, would you feel, is it fair to say that the Christ consciousness is, I mean, we are all part of that Christ consciousness, but we have separated ourselves to come to the, to

the world. I mean, are we part of that Christ consciousness or are we separate from it?

Gayle: yeah, I think that's an interesting question. And I think we can get tied up quite easily on language because language is quite limiting and can kind of cap our understanding of things by saying Jesus or Christ consciousness. I think we all spring from the oneness, the source, the universal cosmic consciousness or God, but the many names that we have for God.[00:15:00]

or not using the word God. We come from a kind of whole unified perfect place and we are all fractalized versions experiencing different parts or aspects of itself but with our ego identity we feel separate and there are vehicles that happen or agents for our enlightenment that happen, that might be contact with an angelic being or channeling an extraterrestrial or, or a yoga class.

There are agents for our ushering of our higher bringing us into a place of higher consciousness. And I think Christ consciousness is a way of understanding that. And I think it's a way, a way. For humans to experience that divineness of which is kind of background of our existence. And I think you can be open to it or not.

And I, I feel that that kind of thing, I don't know if you've [00:16:00] come across it with other guests on your show, but that kind of thing is happening more and more. I, I seem to come across a lot of people that I listened to on YouTube or see YouTube people or podcasts where they're having Christ consciousness experiences, just kind of sometimes out of the blue. And I think, I think it's more a sudden way of knowing or a way of understanding or a way of seeing. experience and life and why we're here. And I think once someone has it, they change, they kind of can't go back. It's um, a very humbling experience though. I think it's part of the oneness of what we are.

I don't think it's, I don't think it's the final, most absolute place. I think it's an amenable, high conscious um, mediator between where we are and what is our absolute origin and [00:17:00] source, perhaps?

Karen: Or like you said, a bridge. And I think that's a perfect way to understand, you know, at least from what I was taught, I grew up Catholic, um, is Jesus. I think it was maybe a better way to explain that connection to the ultimate source to God. And so many people down here need a way to, to understand that in a human way, because wrapping your head around it.

So, you know, so this person comes, who is this source, this channel, this bridge, you know, if you listen, if you learn, if you follow these lessons, these teachings, then you can

make your way across the bridge and make it to that


Gayle: Yes, I think it's, um, yeah, many pathways in, right? And what appeals to you and grabs you may not hook the other person in. Everyone has their, their way in. I mean, It could be martial arts. It could be, uh, it could be yoga. It could be a breath work class. It could be,

Karen: hmm.

Gayle: [00:18:00] um, reading the Bible. It could be a beautiful piece of music.

I mean, everyone has their own unique pathway in if they're looking, if they're seeking, right? The way that is unique and able to be absorbed and taken up upon by the person.

Will: That's a great point. And sometimes it could

even come from listening to a podcast.

Karen: That's true.

Gayle: one that's had loads of problems with connection and it's a cat. The cat makes it work


Karen: It is the cat. It is the cat. The antenna tail. Well,

Will: so I do want to dive a little bit more into the wisdom of the consciousness and the, the, the wisdom that they've imparted on you that, that you have brought forth. But before we do that, uh, I do want to talk about, the physicality of the channeling, uh, itself.

We've had other folks that have channeled different entities on the show before, and [00:19:00] some, were, uh, were just regular people. They weren't obviously trans channels that were very conscious. They just do just transfer information, but others Transform, their voice would be different, their accent would be different, their mannerisms are different, their physicality is very different.

How is it for you? Is it like, do you change? Does your

voice change or is It just Gail that's just speaking?

Gayle: It used to change quite dramatically and um, I still move a lot. So part of what they do is they move me to encourage me to, to get the words out. And I think Uh, that while my voice is much more calmed down and more like my voice now, um, there are times when perhaps I'm feeling tired and I channel or. I did an interview recently with, um, a man called Alan Steinfeld.

I don't know if you know who he is. He's interviewed lots of channels, but, um, they were very exaggerated because I felt a little bit [00:20:00] nervous. So they were really kind of moving my head a lot to make me say the words, because I went into a little bit of a shy mode where I was saying, wait, should I say that?

And they'd be like, say it. So exaggerating my, my movements and my gestures, but generally they've calmed down a lot. However. I have a lot of the head movements and hands.

Karen: So when you're channeling and you're feeling this bliss, isn't it hard to come out?

Like I feel like I would just want to stay in that situation all the


Gayle: Yeah, you're so right, because at the end of a channeling session, I just have my eyes closed and think, Oh, I need to go back into the room. I don't really want to. It feels really nice here. In the kind of way, I, I would say that, you know, if it's a cold winter morning, And you're really enjoying your sleep, but you heard the alarm go off and that kind of moment where you're not fully awake and you're so warm and cozy and Ben, you're like, [00:21:00] I have to open my eyes.

That's kind of how it feels.

Will: No, that's, that's, that's a great visual. I know exactly what you mean. And I, some people have, uh, labeled other people as bliss bunnies, right? The problem is that you don't want to stay in those, in that state for too long, but really we're here to mix the two, right? We

can't live in one or the other. We've got to be in tune in

both, both

Gayle: yeah, I mean, for me, look, yeah, we chose to come into a body and be humans. If we didn't, we'd be the non physical part of us that's already there. You know, this is the kind of holiday for us to have the body and, and be awake. But um, you know, for me, when I'm channeling, time collapses. So an hour could be swallowed up and I come out of it and I'm like, Oh, okay.

You know, sometimes the sun goes down or, you know, Oh, I feel like I lost a bit of time there. So actually I restrict the amount of time that I channel each [00:22:00] day. I cap it at two to three hours, right? For clients. I don't do more than that because otherwise I lose my life. So while it's important work, I think that I'm doing, um, not just for myself, but of course it's soothing and positive for clients.

I need to live my life. You know, I have, I have teenage daughters, I have a husband, I have three cats, you know, I have, I have a life and, um, yeah, it's the time, the time collapsing thing that makes you feel that you've kind of, the whole part of the day is kind of collapsed into nothing. It's a weird thing.

No time and space in that dimension.


Will: Right, right.

Gayle: Yeah.

Will: Well, but as a producer, everything inside me is screaming to say we need to see and talk to TARP.

However, I'm not sure if we're going to have enough time Now we need to shift our attention to the actual wisdom. I know that's a loaded question, Dr. Gale, but I need to [00:23:00] ask, is there a particular message that TARP seems to be wanting to get out more today

than they were in the past.

Gayle: So they were in the past. That is an interesting question. Um, now there is a main mission that they had, and which they imparted to me, you know, very early on, which is they are here to help raise the consciousness of people and help people experience outside of their five senses, to understand how... in a sense, decentralize their consciousnesses. I don't, maybe that's a word that's misleading. How sovereign you are as a human being and how you have the power to understand who you really are, right? And they, They were especially interested in going to the [00:24:00] people that are more sensitive, more empathic, um, children, young people also, and also empathic people.

I think I said that already. To help them, to activate and to help them realize who they are, so they in turn can go on and help other people. Um, now, um, I think it's, That original mission is still there, but they really are encouraging more and more to develop your consciousness to, to develop your, you can say ESP.

You can say, um, again, consciousness outside of your physical senses. So you are not scared. So you're not living in fear with AI, for example, because they say there's only one intelligence, one consciousness, and you mustn't be afraid. AI is a non physical thing, and, um, consciousness is a non physical thing.

We, [00:25:00] Outlive our physical body, for example, and they want people to understand and move more into that realm, move more into the imaginal realm, so you understand who you are, so you are not this timid thing that's worried about, that's going on on the planet and the breaking down of systems with the breaking down of all these things that we used to call our support systems, They're encouraging us now to find our own internal support, which is an infinite, vast, divine source of oneness, which is the most important thing I think that they're trying to get across at the moment. To cultivate your consciousness.

Will: That makes perfect sense. And it's, it's, it's wonderful to hear that that's the message that they're trying to get out. The reason why I asked the question the way I did is because it seems that we are at a crossroads as a, as a human race. And, uh, we're getting messages that suddenly become more, and.

More insistent. Here's the thing. You've got to learn this now before it's too late. So I didn't know if that was something that TARP was doing or whether they're sticking to the original mission and it sounds like the [00:26:00] original mission

is what they're doing. That's, that's great because we, we need that very much right now.


Gayle: of the people that are ready will come to find someone like me or something else that resonates with them as well, to learn this process themselves, to take the process further themselves. But it's kind of that wave effect.

It's kind of that hundredth monkey effect. you know, talking about the hundredth monkey phenomenon, um, the more people that learn these skills, the more we're kind of tipping the balance. And it really is about the overall consciousness of our species on this planet and having a huge impact on what happens.

Um, by the way, I actually wrote a paper on this about our consciousness being compartmentalized and how we tend to suppress and invalidate trans dimensional communications or trans dimensional engagements. If we could learn to integrate [00:27:00] the two parts of ourselves, the non physical and the physical, then we'd rapidly evolve.

We'd kind of go through some metamorphosis and we'd understand that We can make contact, not just with each other without prejudice, because we'd see the non divineness within each other, which, oh my goodness, do we need that right now on this


Karen: Oh boy. And then, um,

Gayle: Also the animals, the animal beings and non terrestrial beings, because we all still come from the same oneness of everything.

Even if they're dressed in a different kind of spacesuit, um,

you know, there's a, there's a real kind of validity in, in learning to go above the fears and the repressed traumas that are in our consciousness, that are compartmentalized. If we can come to terms, this is something that's up. obviously has told me.

If we can come to terms with our traumas and the things that scare us and understand there's nothing to be scared of, shine a light on all of [00:28:00] that, then we integrate our consciousness and we can, um, perceive better what's not necessarily being apparent to us in the past. You know, the veils of thinning, so to speak.

So I think this is a journey we're on. It's already started to happen. I mean, and as it starts to happen, we see more chaos in the world. We see, you know, all kinds of stuff happening. Um, it's very reactive. There's a very kind of, there's a lot of duality you see happening in the world. A lot of A lot of divisory things happening, a lot of division and a lot of this kind of friction of positives and negatives, but out of that, there's a way out of that and it's just to kind of float above it with your consciousness and see that there's a bigger picture.

Will: hmm. And there's a lot to unpack what you just said. I mean, a lot to unpack.

Uh, and for those of you who don't know about the 100th monkey, We don't have time to talk about it right now, but it is a scientific, study or, [00:29:00] uh, Yeah. Thought process that talks about the evolution and it's it's really fascinating.

Definitely. I would recommend you googling it but what I really want to focus on is the latter part of what you talked about and that is The division and the the the strength that we're finding feeling right now. I have a theory

And I've talked about it with certain people and I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it. we've all heard that hell or high water, we're moving, we're going like in fact we've already gone the world has already transcended into the fifth dimension. And what we're feeling is that uncomfortableness in our physical bodies because we're no longer in vibrational alignment with the world the way that it is.

And some of those that are less. connected are the ones that are causing the more, more strife because they are resisting that change, that vibrational frequency. And those of us who are transcending it, and I include me in that because I want to be in that group, but not because I really am, but, um, we are actually more aligned with that [00:30:00] frequency.

Is that something that TARP has

talked about

in the past? Could there be some validity in

that thought process?

Gayle: Yes, it's all about resonance. So, and you get, you get what you focus on, you get what you expect to see, you get what tallies with your belief systems, which is another kind of reason why you should get your subconscious out in the air to, you know, get your dirty laundry out and have a look at it, because it, it will impact and inform you and what you see in the world.

So, it's an interesting question because

All this stuff is happening in the world and if we keep looking at it every day and identifying with the suffering it's You know, we feel we need to do it to understand what's going on with our fellow human being, but there is a way to look at it with compassion, yet a little bit of detachment.

If you think Dalai Lama here, try to embody Dalai Lama kind of vibes, because if you want peace and happiness, [00:31:00] You have to focus on peace and happiness Not on I want the war to stop or I want this to stop because you're focused and you're in the vibration of that so It's a tricky one to navigate but you know again This is what top talk about if you can just gauge your life and the path that you lead and the steps you take on your path via how you feel and let that inform you first.

So be vibration oriented rather than action oriented. So I'm not going to watch the news and decide that I'm really upset. I'm really depressed. I'm really scared and that's going to inform the way I'm going to interact with my family and the way I'm going to cook dinner and eat my dinner. I'm going to say to myself, for example, if I've seen the news.

I'm not feeling so good right now. I'm going to take care of my vibration. I'm going to get myself into a more generalized place and then start again and then let that inform my day because it's very [00:32:00] important what we dwell on and what we focus on and what we put our energy into. We have divine energy.

We're all channels. We're all channeling divine energy into physical by the things we say, by the things we do. We are channeling. We're not just a store of that divine energy. It comes out through our physical sense organs and our arms and our legs and everything we do and everything we transact in the world.

And there's a frequency to that and We need to just be more mindful and acknowledge what we are and try and channel the energy that we want to see in the world rather than focus on the things that we don't want to see in the world. And actually we're more impactful, more helpful, more positive in a better state of mind and having a higher, um, a higher consciousness with it.

Will: It's wonderful to say and to feel and exactly what I definitely want to experience. [00:33:00] does one go about doing that in this day and age, in this world where you're constantly bombarded with Ukraine and Israel, Gaza, uh, uh, all the challenges are out there right now. Um, the, the, the, all the stuff happening

politically here in the U.

  1. All the mass shootings we have. All the mass shootings, right? You're drawn, you get, you get messages, messages on your phone, breaking news of this or that, or the other thing, and you're drawn to it because you're interested in, in the current affairs and things like that, but when it's all negative, it's all negative current, current affairs, how do you find the fortitude to say, no, no more, I'm going to, I'm going to disconnect from my phone, I'm going to disconnect from the news, I'm going to disconnect from, from my interest in these proceedings.

Uh, and move forward

in a way that, that is better for all mankind,

Gayle: Yeah. Well, Top say, the more

you see this kind of stuff, I'm not going to repeat all the things that you said for a reason, for the reasons that we just spoke [00:34:00] about, the more you see that kind of stuff, the more you go with extreme kindness. And extreme kindness, it can be passive or active, but the more active and the more distracting that extreme kindness is, is a very practical mode of being, rather than saying I'm going to go and read a self help book or I'm going to go and have a massage.

Actually, that's a nice idea. A massage is a nice thing. It might sound a little bit indulgent when you're feeling down, but it's not always practical. The most practical thing is... Turn to yourself and be extremely kind, or to your pet, or to your spouse, or to your child, or to your friend, or the person at the bus stop, the person that you, you meet in the bank or the supermarket, the ones that you don't know, smile, like, look through your eyes with this loving intention, this, this, um, it's a passive thing as well as an active thing, and that's, that's a way through it, because it's very [00:35:00] practical, because you have to put effort into that, And that's, not only is it infectious to the other person, if you give the most beautiful smile you can give, it is an infectious energy.

You are conditioning yourself to be like that, no matter what, no matter what. Extreme kindness. Even to those people that you may not be so fond of, um, but I think on a very basic level without having, you know, a good thing to say to you here in this interview because it's a short interview and the easiest thing to remember, rather than a 10 step process of this or that.

Just remember kindness. Go into service mode, kindness mode, and service doesn't mean you have to give up your weekend and work at a homeless shelter. Kindness can be to the elderly lady across the road, it can be even just to yourself. Rather than saying bad stuff to yourself all the time, you don't look great, all this, that.

It, it's, it's um, can be applied to [00:36:00] the macro or the micro and I think that's the easiest one to remember and the most mobile, mobilizing in terms of energy and impact.

Karen: love that because it's one thing just to say, turn your devices and everything off and just be oblivious to it, but that's not putting anything positive out there. So it's the world we live in. All this stuff happens. I mean, you have to be aware of it, but then taking that and like you said, turning it into kindness, I think is.

It's just the perfect answer to that. So

Will: thank you. It's so validating because I, my literally, my eyes are tearing up like I can't stop. I'm keep rubbing, but I'm not feeling sad, but it's, it's, it, your words, your, your thought, your energy that came through, it really affects me, right? So it, it obviously.

That is something I need to focus on because it is a listening a strong response So thank you for that because we've asked that question many times and never once have we gotten such a great response We've gotten great [00:37:00] responses, but that one resonates with me

the ultra kindness That's a perfect answer The

Gayle: it's a counterbalance. So every once in a while I lead a peace meditation. They're free to join. But um, you know, the more we see this stuff that's so contrasting, so challenging and so fear inducing, the more, the more intense you go with the love and the kindness. It's a like a I'm not gonna stop, right?

The more I see the darkness, the more we have to go in the way of the light. That's what we are. We're human beings. That's who we are. That's what we have. And we are all one. And in fact, we spoke about agents for our enlightenment. Things happening to us. You know, some people see spacecraft or UFOs or they have an enlightening uh, meditative experience.

You know, agents for our enlightenment can also be the [00:38:00] bad things. The things that we don't like, because if you just take this stuff and how you metabolize it because you are a human, you are a channel, you are a metabolizer of energy, you're a transducer, we are, we're incredible, we have an electrical heart, we take non physical, we put it into the physical, we can, we've harnessed electricity, we can make wind power, we can do so many things, we created the wheel, we are harnesses of energy, so we can transmute, That's what we're here to do.

We're all one. We're all part of it. And, you know, you have to see these phenomena that are contrasting in our life. as agents for our enlightenment, because maybe we wouldn't change, right? There always has to be something to bounce off of, to know what to strive for, to move towards. So,

Karen: Yeah, and that emotional impact that this negative things can have can really cause you [00:39:00] to have to have a positive emotional.

And if it didn't affect you at all, it wouldn't matter. Mm

Gayle: yeah. And you know, part of this experience in, in physical and being human is to have the duality, is to have like a battery, the positive and the negative side. And in that there's a kind of bouncing off which creates expansion. If we didn't Want to experience that we just remain in non physical There is a there there is actually and it might sound controversial what I'm going to say There is on a higher level a symphony Happening there.

There is a perfection and there is a unity to everything that is and it's playing out to Expand and experience itself actually all in the name all in the name of love Even the dark things, even those scary things are designed to pull us forward and to enlighten us, to make us learn and understand. [00:40:00] And we're here to move through the duality and transduce it.

Will: I am so glad we pushed through and got through finally, because you are throwing down some wisdom that is, I mean, it is.

Powerful stuff. I'm, I'm feeling, wow, like I don't even have the words.

Gayle: Yeah,

Karen: going. No, it is an incredible message and we've had some great ones, but not the way you're putting it, not the lesson that, that you're teaching right now.

This is so impactful. So thank you. Yeah.

Gayle: I think maybe it's more passionate at the moment because I'm, you know, I'm just a regular person that has had to, you know, look at the news on my phone today, you know, have a look at everything


Karen: what you preach.

Gayle: Yeah, well, I'm not gonna stop. I'm not gonna give up. You know, there's one way, right?

I see it this one way, right? And, um, [00:41:00] it's not one way or the highway, but it's one way to return to where we're all from anyway, and some people get there at different rates and different speeds, but the way they need to learn, that's best for them.

Will: well, it's interesting. You mentioned that some of the negative things also propel us forward and I would assume that to say, I mean, I know that's exactly what happened with your, unfortunately, your, your breast cancer prognosis, we have something in common. Not sure if I mentioned this to you before or not, but I, a few years ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

So, uh, and, and the act of going through that and getting out on the other side has, uh, Trust me, uh, with the help of our community into a whole new enlightened, thought process I didn't have prior to it. So, um, tell us about, that prognosis. How, did it affect you? I mean, it's hard not to go into knowing firsthand experience.

It's hard not to go into a negative mind space. So how did you deal with that?

Gayle: Well, I did go into a [00:42:00] negative mind space, even though I was someone that would say I had a lot of resources that I used to teach, being a meditation teacher before and a holistic coach, the kind of normal work that I did before, before I became a channel. But I did go into that dark space, um, primarily because I'm a parent and my fear was leaving my girls


but it was Such, a dark feeling of fear

Karen: hmm.

Gayle: inside. And I'm going to be the alchemist of my own biology. I'm going to do this.

I'm going to not just change all the health behaviours that got me to this place. I had a very traumatic experience that I believe really [00:43:00] contributed to me getting, you know, they call it the hammer effect. People usually have a big trauma and then cancer comes a few years down the line. So that happened to me.

Um, so I started, you know, looking at my health behaviours and You know, I cleaned up a lot of stuff and I, you know, I started to sleep well and, um, do my breath and yoga and prayer and meditation. Everything I could do, I was throwing at it and I did lots of other alternative therapies. Um, I did a water fast, um, in a clinic in San Francisco.

I did intravenous, um, nutrition and all kinds of things. what was the question you asked me? I just went off on such a tangent. The fear. Yeah, the fear. I also had to look at what it was in my personality. Now that's a hard one to confront. That made me the kind of type of person to get cancer. And I had to admit in there that there was a [00:44:00] little bit of a victim mentality, um, with all the trauma that I'd been through.

And I was someone that was internalizing it. So I, I looked at my mindset and my way of framing the situation, how I got there, my behaviors as a human being, you know, very confronting things, sometimes uncomfortable to have to look at yourself and admit, I could do this a bit better. Maybe. I should stop looking at myself like a victim there. Um, so there's a lot that I changed around, and I think after I had this, um, you know, experience with Christ consciousness and that communication, you could call it the other side. I mean, it's not really the other side, but that's an old school term, you know, that there is another side beyond the physical life.

It took away my fear, but I think what empowered me more was taking my own consciousness. [00:45:00] into my own hands. So taking my health behaviors, rather than just turning up at a hospital and saying, what do I do? Um, all my responsibility is not here. All my power is with you and what you tell me to do. I started to look at the cancer as a gift. A gift of transformation and I just changed the language around it because I knew, wow, this is definitely going to transform me. And when I come out the other side, it's like, um, emerging as a butterfly, the other side, I'm going to be a different person because I know I'm about to go down the rabbit hole.

I'm about to really spend a lot of time with myself and introspect and meditate and go inside rather than, you know, just focusing on what. can be changed outside. That in itself is empowering. I don't think you have to go on and have a Christ consciousness experience or begin channeling. I think you just have to look at what's [00:46:00] available for you if you've got cancer and feel what feels right to you.

And it could be that chemo feels right to you and it is right for some people. It could be that some other path or therapy is right for you, but Just feeling into it and start to be vibration oriented puts the power and the sovereignty back on you. And that is a game changer. I don't know how you felt in your, in your process, but, um, yeah.

Will: Yeah, I think in fact, as I'm, as you're talking, I'm thinking I'm going to need to take your words just now clip that segment out and anytime someone asks me what it was like, just play your Because that's exactly, I mean, almost word for word what you went through is exactly what I experienced.

But I gotta ask, you're in remission now?

Yeah? Everything's good?

Gayle: Yes, yes, yes, of course. Yeah.

Will: you, did you, do any allopathic medicine? did you do chemo? Did you get surgery, How did you get beyond

Gayle: I got surgery, so [00:47:00] um, I, from finding the, um, tumour, I was very lucky they offered for me to go into surgery the next day. I say lucky, I mean, that was my path, okay? So I had it removed. And then, I, you know, in between this surgery recovery time and, and when I was supposed to start the second lot of treatment, it would have been radio and then chemo, um, I started to go down the rabbit hole and started to think what's right for me here.

And that's when I started to do all the other stuff. Now, I since learned that actually. a lot of people completely remove their tumors by doing water fast because autophagy the the concept of autophagy and if you Step out of the way let go and let god in in a sense in a different form If you stop eating you can allow, you can channel all that divine energy into your own healing rather than all this energy going into your gut and your [00:48:00] digestive system to constantly process the food that's going in it.

And it's what animals do when they're injured, they, they hibernate and they make themselves better. I don't know if you've seen that, um, thing on Netflix, my octopus teacher, where the octopus loses an arm and he grows it back. Right. So there's a natural process with divine energy. And I discovered that water fasting is a, is a very healthful and helpful tool to a lot of the conditions out there, not all of them, but that was also a helpful thing to know.

Um, and, and when I went to the clinic that I went to, I learned that there were a lot of people there that got rid of their tumors without even having surgery. In fact, it, it was recommended to me by a friend. who had a prostate tumor and read a book called The Science and Fine Arts of Fasting and said to himself, right, I'm going to stop eating for 21 days.

And we'll see if my [00:49:00] prostate tumor goes away. And after 21 days, it went.

Will: Wow. That's amazing. Yeah.

Gayle: Yeah.

Will: Similarly, uh, I, I did not do any, surgery or chemo or anything like that. It, it actually, found a way to leave on its own I didn't water

fast, but I, there's other, other things that, yeah, it was incredible. I could talk to you for days. No, literally.

I mean, I'm amazed at how, You have this energy that draws you in and you have a wisdom that you, the way that you speak and the way that you, uh, impart your, your information is, is wonderful. I can completely see either why TARP decided to go through you or the influences of TARP on you because it's, this has been fantastic.

Hastic, and I know before we leave, I didn't, I didn't need to mention you are the author of a book called awakening to channel. So you actually do help those who

want to learn how to channel to be able to do that. That's that right?

Gayle: yes, it's true. Um,

the book thing is a bit complicated and there's a small [00:50:00] story. Um, so I, I train people to awaken to their higher selves and connect with their higher selves or their guides, wherever they want to take it. Now, the book Awakening to Channel that was in the editing process and then top stopped me and said.

Listen, this book you're writing, can you just put it to one side a second? And, um, we want to channel the book through you right now. It'll be a short book, just 30, 000 words, and then you can go back to that, but release this one first. So in the space of two weeks, I had my eyes closed and my fingers on the typewriter, and I streamed through this TARP book, which Is not released yet.

I'm now editing that and I think the name will probably be the TARP book. Um, but

Will: It's not fair kind of teasing us like that, not being able to get it. So, uh,

Gayle: out before Christmas. Um, but, but this, this book is, is [00:51:00] really cool. I, I couldn't have written it. I couldn't have written it myself. They streamed it, and it was one long 30, 000 word paragraph. Oh, they did make notes, so this should be called this chapter, this should be called that chapter. But basically, I've now had to go along and put paragraphs and full stops and capital letters and grammar.

Sometimes they're a little bit abstract, I've had to explain it a little bit. There is that book, which I think is... Quite an important book to read, quite an easy book to read because it's much smaller. And I think that what will follow on from that book are lots of smaller books and lots of children's books.

'cause you can literally take a chapter of that book and turn it into a book of itself. So they have a chapter in the book, for example, called The Architecture of Self. And it explains the structure, of who we are. Yeah, many chapters.

Will: So you are, uh, you are an author of multiple books. It just hasn't been released yet. [00:52:00] So, um, you have, uh, sold already. You're pre

sold at least one copy because I'm, I'm going to devour it for sure.


right. Well, if.

Gayle: Yeah, I just want to say there's a waiting list, a book, a book list on my website, which you can put your name down, so you can come pre order it there.

Will: absolutely do that and I assume that's probably the best way for someone to reach

out to you if they want to, get in contact is through your website. Is that correct?

Gayle: Yes, you can email me by my website, or you can arrange for a discovery call, um, or you can follow me on Instagram, tarpchanneling, at tarpchanneling.

Will: Well, we're going to lay in direct links to those in our


Will: show notes. So all you need to do is go to skepticmetaphysician. com. Go to Gail's episode page and you'll see all the links. They are very easy to access and we'll connect you with Gail because it's important. She has incredible wisdom to impart.

So Gail. Dr. Thomas, thank you so much for fighting through and finally getting the information out. And I don't [00:53:00] know. I don't know. I feel like this is not the only time that we are going to talk because, there's a, there's a connection. There's something there that I think

we need to explore further. So Thank you so much. for coming on And sharing your wisdom with us.

Gayle: Thank you so much. And I'm starting to feel... As I zoom back from this conversation that in fact, the technical difficulties we had was so we would definitely remember this as being a talk that we can revisit again and again and again. It makes it a more memorable scenario. So I very much would love to come back and talk on a whole number of topics, um, including health and wellbeing, and maybe we should have Tarp come through in another session.

Thank you for

having me.

Will: That would be wonderful. Definitely. Definitely. Definitely. Um, and I was thinking the exact same thing. I think when you're talking about, uh, even difficult things are there for a reason. Um, yeah, this, we, the fact that we push through, we'll make it, we will never forget this. Trust me. No. All right. Well, Dr.


uh, thank you again so much for coming

  1. We really appreciate it.[00:54:00]

Gayle: you. Yeah, it's been really lovely. Nice to connect with you both.

Will: Likewise.

And a huge thank you to you. If you know someone who would benefit from hearing the message we're sharing on the show, do them and us a favor and share the show with them.

It will help get the word out about us and it might just change someone's life for the better. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of The Skeptic Metaphysician. Until then, take care.

Gayle ThomasProfile Photo

Gayle Thomas

Channel, Teacher,

Gayle Thomas is a channel to Extra Terrestrial consciousness, who gives guidance to people finding their path and awakening to higher consciousness and healing She teaches and channels to groups and individuals and trains people how to channel and awaken their own consciousness. She is an ordained metaphysical minister and healed herself naturally and alternatively from cancer. Her work with clients has consistently been described as ‘life-changing’.   Her mission is to offer a more evolved approach to personal development and self-healing to help individuals understand the nature of Our consciousness so we can have more sovereignty, health and connection. Her PhD paper thoroughly covered all of what we need to do to awaken, leaving no stone unturned and her upcoming book ‘Awakening to Channel’ is her practical guide offering to those of us who wish to follow the steps to connect to our Higher Selves and channel our own Guides.