Beyond the Veil: Intuition, Awakening, and the Psychic Journey with Allison Carmany

Beyond the Veil: Intuition, Awakening, and the Psychic Journey with Allison Carmany

Are you on a spiritual journey, or simply curious about the mystical realms of psychic abilities and intuition? Tune in to our latest podcast episode where Will and Karen sit down with the incredible Allison Carmany, a gifted psychic medium and transformational coach!

Main Themes:

  • Understanding Spiritual Awakening: Allison Carmany, a renowned psychic medium and transformational coach, joins us to unravel the complexities of spiritual awakening. We discuss how it differs from psychosis and the journey to embracing one’s innate gifts, especially through the lens of personal trauma.
  • Intuition’s Vital Role: Our dialogue circles back to the power of intuition, emphasizing its significance in everyday life and spiritual practices. We examine how societal norms may have dulled this essential sense, especially among men, and advocate for the revival of intuitive skills across all genders.
  • Electromagnetic Fields and Relationships: Allison offers insights into how the electromagnetic field influences us and the critical importance of aligning with the right energies in our relationships.
  • Universal Laws and Past Lives: We touch upon the intriguing concepts of the law of attraction and reincarnation. Allison shares her perspective on how understanding these elements can provide context to our current experiences.
  • Soulful Evolution as Guidance: The notion of soulful evolution is introduced as a beacon to help guide people through their lives. Allison explains how tuning into our higher selves can illuminate our paths.

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Will & Karen: Hey there, welcome to the Skeptic Metapositions, I'm Will.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: And I'm Karen. And

Will & Karen: today we have Alison Carmody of Soulful Evolution on the show, and we could not be more excited. She is a transformative force in the realm of personal growth and spiritual awakening, and is a psychic medium and tantric priestess.

Transformational coach.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: I know I'm

Will & Karen: going to try to say it again. She has a, as a psychic medium and transformational coach, yes, she's dedicated to [00:01:00] elevating collective consciousness, helping individuals uncover and surmount life's invisible hurdles and heal deep seated wounds across generations. I don't even want to Alison.

Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm excited to talk to you. I just want to talk to you.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: I want to know how to find the hurdles so I can go around the sides.

Allison: Yep. Yeah.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: man. That's scary.

Will & Karen: All right. Well, uh, you, you do a lot of things on your site. So we're going to talk about some stuff that really kind of caught when I was looking through your site, uh, it, some things called out to me. Um, you're a spirit medium. You help other people, uh, kind of go on their spiritual awakening journeys, which is what Karen and I are trying to do on this show.

So the big question I had right up front is what, what have you noticed is the biggest challenge with people when they're trying to do a spiritual awakening and getting there?

Allison: Well, one of the biggest challenges I feel [00:02:00] like is people don't know that they're on their, their awakening to the spiritual path. You know, it just, it comes up as like a divorce. It comes up as like, you know, breakdown, burndown, you know, like car accidents, something traumatic that has to wake the soul up.

And that's really what. Then they don't know that they're on the journey. Right. And then until they stumble upon this information, maybe they find on your podcast or maybe they stumbled from somewhere else and then they start to understand more of what they were awakened to.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Well, we've heard that people can,

Allison: yeah.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: go ahead.

Allison: I also see it as the people that Let's just say they start their journey super early in life.

They don't know they're on the jury. Like they started like at a young age, they've had a lot of trauma. That is the people that have the biggest gifts to give in the world are the people that have a lot of trauma early [00:03:00] on because that's their soul awake, their awakening to soul, right? Because. They don't know.

We don't know where we need to awaken the soul. We're just in the physical realm, thinking that we're in the material world, thinking this is all reality. But the more we awaken earlier, we waken soul. That's how we can give more gifts.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Well, we've often heard some of our guests tell us that when they were going through their spiritual awakening, they almost felt like they were going crazy. You know, they're hearing the voices, they're seeing things, and they just didn't know what was going on. How is it for you?

Allison: Well, so first of all, the, the difference between a spiritual awakening and psychosis like breakdown is just the flip of a coin. You know, a lot of the people that they put in mental hospitals early on, like they said, like in the seventies and stuff, all those people were going through spiritual awakenings probably.

Will & Karen: Oh, dang. That puts a one sliver of cuckoo's nest in a whole new light for me.[00:04:00]

Allison: So one of the things is, is that I've always been, since I was, since I was about 20, I, I stepped onto this path with, I was working just for my family's company and that was what we did. Like we just. All worked in that company, right? And then till I went to a Tony Robbins seminar, and that's when I awakened to, wow, I could be doing something else.

And so I was in the personal development world for about 20 years, and that's how I started with coaching first. And then, um, During COVID was when I started to awaken to this gift and that I felt like was because there was like less, I wasn't traveling, there was nothing, the world had stopped. And so it was like, there was so much silence that had happened in my world.

And at the same time I had just gone through a divorce. My kids were moving to like, a 50 50 [00:05:00] split. And so it's like all this time that I had and that kind of cracked this open to starting to hear when I was with someone doing just the regular coaching. I, I had this person and then these people, these spirits came in and I had no reference for this.

Like I didn't know what was going on. I literally thought that I was going crazy.

Will & Karen: Now, when you say that these spirits came in, you're talking about, they're just like, you know, open the door and sat down and had a cup of coffee or like, did you see them? Did you hear them? How did you perceive them? Hmm

Allison: So I was in the middle of a coaching session, right? And so this was just normal beyond the coaching sessions with people on a regular basis. And I was talking to her and it was getting very emotional for her. She was talking about her weight. And then as we got deeper into the conversation, I saw somebody.

That was present. It's and they, they look like, you know, they look like they were right here, [00:06:00] but they come in as like, how I see it now is they come in as kind of like how ghosts would come in looking, you know, and how I get the, get the vision is I'm a visual person first. So that's how that it's presented first.

So that's how I saw. And I saw, Oh my God, Uh, your mom's here or I, I know I said, Oh my God, I have somebody, they're showing me their pearl earrings. And she's like, that's my aunt pearl. And I'm like, she's wearing a hat. She's got this purple dress on. I like described her and she was like, Oh my, I'm like, now there's somebody else here and they're yelling about money.

And she's like, well, that's my mom and my aunt. That's all they did. And that was my first like interaction where, and I had like never had this experience before. And then I was like, I wanted to understand, then I would just honestly, everything started to download and I just got all, all this information about somebody I just know everything about.

I was like, what [00:07:00] is going on?

Will & Karen: Yeah. So it wasn't like Whoopi Goldberg and Ghost, like you weren't like, leave me alone. But you were actually accepting it because, because you opened up and got all the, all the downloads at that point. Yeah.

Allison: Yeah. I, then I accepted it, but I was still curious. I was like, what is going on? I, and I was, And I wanted to understand. So what I went to school for two years and I studied like mediumship and then psychic development. And I went to school in Lillydale, New York. Um, basically it's the home of like fourth and fifth generation psychic mediums.

But when I, when I arrived there, And this is like coincidental too. It's kind of crazy, but the person, one of the people that was in the coaching program that I was in, she was like, well, you got to go check out, you got to go check out this place. So I went there for an introductory you know, course. And as soon as I arrived there, I was like, this feels like home.

The energy there just felt like home. And what I [00:08:00] then later found out with astrology is they have things when you put your chart with astrology, like, Oh, you would have been in Lilydale. Like you would have arrived in this location or this location. Or this location, because with, it's like, it's like you have to, it's like your, your energy has to interact with, come encounter with these places, these locations.

And that to me, I see as a vortex, you know, we got the vortexes of Sedona. Those are, you know, more like, you know, been not been manmade, but like these ones are vortexes of people where they all come together and it creates an energetic vortex.

Will & Karen: hmm. Gotcha.

Karen & Will: Wow.

Will & Karen: So. Yes, I know, uh, of Lilydale and that's, uh, there's certain places like that. I think, uh, what's the one off of Orlando, uh, Karen Casa Dega

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Casa

Will & Karen: Dega is another one, right? So there's all these places, uh, all in the area that, that, that [00:09:00] do, uh, people like this kind of congregate and it builds this energy that, that helps, uh, move that energy across.

But I want to go back to the spiritual awakening thing again, because something you said struck me and We hear it all the time. Like someone had a massive car accident, they hit their head, like something traumatic happened, their life fell apart. Do we have to have everything fall apart for us to spiritually awaken, or can we go a little bit like gentler?

Like, can I have a, can we just

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: go to the school?

Will & Karen: Can we do a pillow fight instead of a, you know,

Allison: so that is actually a great question, and that has to do with two levels of consciousness, which is we've got the consciousness where, like, and I feel like we've evolved as a planet With this, but like we will have to have all those things happen, break down divorce, um, burn down car accident, all those things if [00:10:00] we don't choose it.

Right. So if I know I'm in the wrong relationship and I keep getting from spirit, Hey, like you're out of alignment, your soul's out of alignment. This is out of alignment. Got the knock, get the knock. Don't answer it. You're going to get knocked over. That's how I've seen it so many times in my life when I don't make the choice that I know I need to be doing.

And I, I've seen this over and over with others. It's like, they know that they're off track. They know they're out of alignment. And I feel like what happens with the soul is that we come in with Assignments, right? So it's not like specific. It's like things that we have to, like, overcome or learn. It's like, okay, if I decide in the contract, oh, I need to, I'm going to do unconditional forgiveness, unconditional love.

Well, then I'm going to have a series of situations that set up that Though that that's going to have to happen, right? Where, where are my parents? I don't get the love that I desire. Then I have this happen, that happened, [00:11:00] whatever. But I feel like the more we are in tune with our intuition, the more that we can make those choices and just choose rather than have to have all those negative things happen in our life.

Will & Karen: Right. It's like the, the typical, uh, the universe begins with the whisper and ends with a two by four to the head.

Allison: Yeah, I've really seen that in readings when I've looked into to understand. I'm like, wow. And they've like, they've been like, everything's broke down. I don't know what's happened. I'm like, Hmm, have you been like doing the law of attraction in your life and asking for more? And they'll be like, yes. And I, I, and I've seen, I'll see that they have raised their vibration, but what happens is what they don't talk about with the law of attraction is while you're like raising your vibration is everything that's no longer in that vibrational frequency starts to break down, right?

Because the reality is now we're asking for more and we're raising our vibration. [00:12:00] And in like, Aligning with those things and so everything that's not longer, no longer aligned with that will then start to break down, but it looks like everything's falling apart, but it's just because you're asking for more.

Will & Karen: Hmm. Okay. So then if the biggest challenge is sometimes not realizing you're going through a spiritual awakening, how can someone tell, how can you tell whether you belong in the cuckoo's nest or if you are really going through an awakening?

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Where you need to sign up for classes or check yourself in.

Will & Karen: Right.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Uh

Allison: I feel like one of the main things that starts to happen is you start to first want to separate, like you start to feel want to separate yourself and take more time by yourself.

Will & Karen: oh.

Allison: Yeah, I feel like that's the thing. And then your, your friends, you're no longer like aligned with what they're talking about.

Like that stuff. It's like, uh, this conversation feels. Like [00:13:00] dull, you know, and the things that you were eating before like, oh, like I don't have a stomach for that

Will & Karen: Okay. I'm okay. You had me up until that point. I'm still eating all the junk. So I think, I think I'm good. All right. Uh, so, so,

Allison: Yeah, I

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: So if some,

Allison: there's so much of your things your your energy starts to change and you don't know why you're you're having these experiences

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: if someone doesn't have this kind of trauma, they're That affects them and they just decide they want to develop, you know, their, their psychic abilities. And so they go to one of these, you know, places where they can take the lessons and, and work with the masters. Will they have as strong of abilities as someone who does kind of just like hit that rock bottom and kind of lose everything?

Allison: So, first of all, I believe that everybody has [00:14:00] psychic abilities, right? It's it's into intuition. But what happens is, is that we, like, was we descend down into this physical reality and we believe more in the five senses. Because the more we. Just the more we believe into the material world and we believe in the five senses, the more we disconnect from that sixth sense and those, those larger senses that connect us to everything.

And I feel like that's designed for a reason, right? Because if we were connected with our intuition, that's our power. And our power is also like, what is. If we, if we know how powerful we really are, well, then can we be controlled? Right. So,

Will & Karen: You're opening a whole can of worms right there. I don't know. Sure. Whether to go down there or not. Oh my

Allison: And I, I feel like someone, everyone has the ability [00:15:00] to awaken to the degree, but what is the primary thing that I've. Known for myself and seen with others that really truly awakens is the heart. The more that turns on someone, it's electromagnetic. It's 10 times electromagnetic that starts to like move someone, you know, 11 inches from the head to the heart.

And that connection starts to activate that intuition that people have disconnected from. And we're electromagnetic beings. And, like, once this heart comes online, that torus field starts to develop, and at first it starts to develop down through here, and then it'll come back up through, and that field is the electromagnetic field that connects us, um, to everything.

And the more that we activate the heart, the more that electromagnetic field becomes stronger. That's why when people's bodies become weak or their [00:16:00] heart becomes weak, whatever their electromagnetic field, I've seen with their energy, it comes more in and they're less vibrant. They're less alive because it's like their bodies in survival now.

It's not, it's not. Electrified the way that it needs to be. And I feel like that's part of that's another design by the things that we're eating, the things that we're consuming with our mind. That's just as important as what we're putting in physically our body. But what are we consuming with our mind?

And like, what are we, where are we putting our focus attention? That's where our power is. I feel like all of this affects our electromagnetic field around our body, our thoughts, our beliefs. Our emotions. So we also really to strengthen that psychic and that intuition is to strengthen the heart and strengthen our electromagnetic field through our thoughts, our beliefs and our emotions.

Will & Karen: I was just going to ask you, how did, how does someone get in touch? But so you just answered it, right? We've got to, we've got to cut out the news. And instead, uh, [00:17:00] focus on the skeptic metaphysicians. Yes.

Allison: Exactly. I, I see it as whatever, whatever we observe we're participating with. So if I'm observing, you know, fighting like, you know, guns and all these things on TV, death and all, and dark stuff on TV, low vibrational frequency things, those are affecting me and my vibration. And so We have to really, really guard our minds and use a lot of discernment and our intuition to stay connected to see does this, is this resonating with me, because the other thing that I've been studying for a long time is the I study energetics, right?

So everything is about energetics and like, does this resonate or not resonate? Right. So instead of something that is like, is this, people are so afraid with psychics that I don't want the psychic say anything bad to me [00:18:00] that I, there is no good or bad, everything's neutral in the universe. It's like, does this resonate with me or not?

You know? And so that's kind of like how I look at everything. Is this, is this energetically aligned? Right. It's somebody like, well, is this relationship right or not? It's like, is this energetically aligned? You know,

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: So if, if it's not aligned, like say they want the relationship, but it's a bad relationship, but they really want it, like which energy is stronger, the energy of the wanting and trying to love or the energy of it just not. Fitting,

Allison: I feel like when, yeah, no, I, I understood your question. Um, I feel like when something is not aligned, what will happen is what we're talking about before. Like there will be, ultimately I feel that the soul's evolution, like we, we are here to [00:19:00] evolve. And if that relationship is not in full alignment for your soul's evolution, then it will end in burndown, breakdown, divorce, whatever has to happen in order for that to end. You know, and this is with jobs with people who jobs like, I don't know, I was doing so good at my job. And then all of a sudden I was fired. Well, why did that happen? Like, you know what I mean? There was something bigger. That was a large. I feel that there's larger forces at work within our lives. And those larger forces assist us in staying aligned.

So if we're not aligned, it's like, get this person aligned and sometimes everything has to break down for that to happen. Yeah.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: another out in a bad relationship. Not that it's not you, it's me. It's not you. It's not me. It's the energy.

Will & Karen: You mean you've not used that before? I thought everybody had that one in the first one. I mean, we've

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: been married for how long?

Allison: ha!

Will & Karen: right. Well, and [00:20:00] you're touching on a little bit of something I wanted to talk about, uh, like law of attraction and, uh, drawing things to you, things like that, cause you help people with this kind of thing.

You help them empower to, um, to, well, not only enhance their intuition and drive, uh, bring things to them and for the greater good, um, but you can actually, you talk with people about their past lives. Need

Allison: Okay!

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: We're talking about past lives. I recently had someone do some energy work on me and he said he was going to go through and kind of clean up my past lives, the ones that weren't serving me and kind of get rid of those.

And then he said there was one that was really, really.

Will & Karen: And it wasn't this one, right, Karen? It's not this one. No, this

Allison: I did it!

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: life. Maybe in the next life, they'll be like, hmm, that last one.

Will & Karen: No, come on. All right.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Um, but he said, like he said, it was so bad that I wasn't even ready for it to be cleared.

Allison: Okay.

Will & Karen: that's heavy. Should I

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: be kind of freaking out about this? That's my question.

Allison: So this is the thing is [00:21:00] I specifically do not focus on past lives because I feel with the energetics, we need to focus on the future, right? And what we want to create for the future. And what I, what I know for a fact is, is when we change what's happening in the present moment, it changes. We can heal seven years into the past and seven years into the future, which means that we're how I see this is we're not even here.

Like we're already in the future. It's already happened. And we're in retroactive to the future happening already. So how I see it is, is that I would rather have someone focus on what is it that they have going on currently, you know, how I see when I'm doing a reading, I will look for the threat. So if, say, people have threads of, you know, I looked to their past generation.

[00:22:00] They have threat of abuse, threat of alcoholism, threat of addiction, threat of, um, you know, all types of things that families lineages carry, right? And when I look at that, it's like, okay, well, what What can you do now to resolve that lineage tie? Like, what can you be accountable and responsible with your energy to resolving that now?

And if you resolve it right now, like, okay, I'm no longer gonna be like, um, with the addiction of that, you know, I've had these addictions, I'm going to overcome them, right? And you become aware of it, you accept it, you acknowledge it, and you do that, then that's going to change the past. Do you see what I'm saying?

Because healing the now, there is no past, present, or future. There is nothing happening linear, right? It's all happening. I see it as we're multi dimensional beings. It's everything is happening right now, right? And so if you [00:23:00] heal, whatever you heal, you heal right now, it's going to heal the past. Right. So, and like, we're really in, we're really into the future that whatever we're doing right now changes the future, right?

So if I heal something right this moment, that's going to change the future director trajectory of my timeline. Cause I feel that there is timelines. There's multiple timelines all happening all at once. Right. So there's a timeline where you might not be. On the highest timeline, like we were talking about, well, like, am I in the right relationship?

Am I at the right job? Or am I aligned? No, you're probably on a lower timeline, right? Or like, if someone's like, I'm really connected with my higher self, I'm really connected with that intuition, I'm really connected, then they're going to be guided more to the higher timeline. But ultimately we want to get to the higher timeline.

Will & Karen: So it's like taking the high road. Hmm.

Allison: like when we're looking at the past and the past [00:24:00] lives, that's the lower timeline. So it's like, that's happening right now. The lower timeline, right? And if you focus on the past life, you will continue to be in the lower timeline. Well,

Will & Karen: Uh, so you're uh, Same thing with karma something that you did in the past life. You're bringing it forward Now you're paying for it in this life. So it's kind of like a why would you worry about it?

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: No, so it's it's not a karma thing. It wasn't like It was something that can make me feel freer if I got rid of it.

Will & Karen: Do you not feel free now?

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Well, there's some, you know, there's some stuff.

Allison: we're always

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: like I told you, like how I sleep and stuff, it's weird.

Karen & Will: So,

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: you know,

Allison: Well, it's not that I don't [00:25:00] believe. So it's not that I don't believe in the past lives. What I, what I want to say is that, yes, that is all exists, right? And I do not focus my attention on that ever in readings. Like I'm focusing on, I want to focus on the future. I want to focus on the now and changing that because that changes the past.

Will & Karen: I've heard that on the, on the quantum timeline, everything happens at the same time. So if you change your present, you're changing your past and your future. Similar to what we talked about with the Indian palm leaf, um, Karen, where the, the Maharishi is back 3000 years ago, we're waiting for us to put our thumb on the thing before they wrote our palm leaf.

So that, that makes sense. So I think what Allison might be saying, at least what I understand is that you focus on the present. You'll fix the past. So you don't have to worry about that. I

Allison: Yeah.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: I wasn't worried about it. Tell me, he told me I had this thing.

Will & Karen: I'm going to have to have [00:26:00] words with that. I was

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: pretty happy.

Will & Karen: So they say never, ever tell the bad news. Never.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: No, you know, it's funny because as much as he's like, and I think we talked about this, he's like, Oh, you know, these dark energies and this and that. And I just, I don't see the dark as like evil malicious. I just see it as, as fear, you know, energies, whether it's.

you know, other souls or whatever that have this fear and they see you as a light and they, they need that and they come and they cling to you, maybe for help. So when you look at it that way, it's just not scary.

Allison: And I feel like this is the thing is we like she was talking about to it's like we all carry so much stuff and I feel like that is the lineage stuff that we are the flag holders to to like change the lineage. So I really feel that some of the stuff that like, oh, we haven't resolved. It's like, It's been happening generation.

Like when I look at people's like thread through, I'm like, Oh my God, this has been happening for [00:27:00] generations. This has been happening. And it's like, you're going to, you can claim to change it now. It's like, you know, so like the other thing is like, we can choose right now. Like I claim to change it now.

So it says, says, well, it took me 20 years to stop smoking. No, it took you the moment that you chose. To stop smoking, like the more that you claimed more for your life and you chose more that you can overcome this stuff, right? It's like people want to talk about their past or want to talk about their trauma.

But the reality is like, once you claim more, it's like your focus is on the future. So much of us is focused on like, I got to let go of this. I've got to resolve my trauma. I've got to do this. But the reality is if we focus on the future, that resolves it. You

Will & Karen: Wayne Dyer said in some of his specials. It's like it, it's, it's, yes, it's, the past is there. It's what made you who you are. But, but if you've, [00:28:00] Focus on the past, uh, you keep yourself trapped, rather than focusing on the future, you just, just forget it, forgive it, and move on, you can't live in the past.

But, speaking of which, you talk about helping people heal from, like, cross generational wounds. Right. Well, that was scary. That was weird.

Allison: that was

Will & Karen: Starting to see things. Karen, it's the dark coming for you.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: I'm not afraid.

Will & Karen: Um, so, so how, how do you help people get, get, get rid of those old wounds from generations past?

And, um, can you share a story with us of a time when you helped someone get through that and, um, and lived happily ever after?

Allison: Okay. So first I want to talk about how do we get past those, those, um, how do we get past those traumas? And the number one, this is, this is what I've found is the only way is [00:29:00] first we have to become aware of it, right? So if I'm an alcoholic and I, I'm not aware of it, then I'm a victim to it, right? So we have to become aware and acknowledge it.

and accept it, right? And through that, that's what is an AA process that I see is the first steps to To changing something and then we have to be accountable or responsible for our energy. So if I'm an alcoholic and I'm used and I want it, I, I want that drink, right? So I have to become aware, Hey, like I'm going to choose this drink or I'm going to choose.

To not have the drink, right? But I have to be accountable and responsible to my energy. But the problem is most people aren't willing to take accountability and responsibility for their energy. So like, you know, if say for instance, things are happening at work or happening in. Relationships and oh, it's the other person like they become victim [00:30:00] to this outside circumstances and they're blaming things on the external.

The reality is, is that we have to be accountable responsibility to be aware enough to know that what is it that I'm doing to create it. And I feel like that's the first steps to changing any sort of trauma, like trauma can live forever. You know, oh, I gotta, I gotta heal. I gotta heal and that becomes their like crutch for why they're depressed, why they are doing the things that they need to do is because they haven't like healed from the past.

We're like, we can't, you know what I mean? It's just an excuse to be a victim. But the reality is that we can choose to become accountable and responsible to. Our energy and that's going to change things. Um, and as far as like a personal story, it's like, I take pretty much everyone through and when I'm doing a reading, I pretty much take everyone through like, Hey, it looks like this is what you've been dealing with lineage for lineage [00:31:00] generations.

And what happens is this thread through, it's like, okay, well, let's just say, um, the grandma had an alcohol addiction. Then the mom, Like, um, had an alcohol addiction addiction. And then the person that is sitting with me, maybe they are like, I didn't want to have any alcohol addiction because of what it did to my family.

But then they're doing drugs. So it's like they don't see it as the same because it distorts it, it distorts after each generation. So I feel like I take people through a process where I'm helping them to see. What is there? Because that's the first step is awareness for any change.

Will & Karen: So do you take them through that like a, like a psychologist takes them through like a counselor or do you intuitively tell them how, how do you work that process? How do you know these

Allison: I just, well, so I just know I can just see, I can just see what's happened in the past generations and how the thread through has distorted for [00:32:00] them. Right? And so I see that. So as I show them, they're like, Sometimes they're not even don't even have awareness. Oh my God, I'm doing the same pattern that my mom did.

Because what happens is when we say we don't like the, like we have a problem with the way that the parent was behaving. It's like what happens is we, we come up against that when you have a charge against something. So anytime we have a charge and we fight against something or fight for something, it's the same energetic.

We have to go to a place of neutrality in order to resolve something. So it's like, Oh, Oh, I hate that my mom was OCD, right? Then it somehow has turned, turned into part of me and I'm doing it, but I'm not, might not be aware that I'm doing it cause it's working in my life in another way. Right. Or so what happens is I had a charge against it.

So it became me. Instead of coming from a place of neutrality. So when I'm with a session is [00:33:00] basically, I'm just bringing some person to an awareness of what is the pattern so that they can take accountability responsibility for it. Now, whether they do or not, that's just, I feel like where they are on their journey.

Cause sometimes we're not ready to, you know, To make the changes that, that are difficult.

Will & Karen: Right. So intuitively you can, you can tell what the, so, so can you tell me why, why do I snore? Cause you know, geez, I'm keeping the whole house up and I need to find, it's gotta be a generational thing cause there's no way,

Karen & Will: uh,

Will & Karen: Oh wait, I gotta take responsibility.

Karen & Will: Yeah.

Will & Karen: I need to, I need to lose some weight.

I get

Karen & Will: it.

Will & Karen: You're amazing Alison. Thank you. That was wonderful. That was wonderful.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: So, when you're dealing with people and all these energies, I mean, I'm sure there's a lot of kind of negative energy. Do you do something to protect yourself so that you don't absorb their energy? Like, do you give yourself some sort of energetic [00:34:00] cleansing?

Allison: Yes. So before I go into a, before I start my day or go into a process, there's like rituals that I do to like rituals of protection, right? So, uh, you know, I'm calling in the, um, West, all of that. And you know, rituals that I do for protection. And then afterwards, it's interesting. Like when I first started this, I started to, I'm not so much aware of it now.

Cause it's like, I'm clearing it. But when I first started, I noticed it. It's like, it's like a film that like gets on you. And you guys notice like maybe when you're in a crowd and crowded, Environments or with a lot of people. It's like, it's like almost like your skin. To me, it feels like a film. Have you guys experienced that or no?


Will & Karen: yeah. Mm. Uh, right. Nope. Big nope for me. No, that's, that sounds kind of, that sounds kind of gross, actually. I don't know if I want that now, but you calling in the corners is typically a, a witchcraft thing. [00:35:00] Allison, are you a witch?

Allison: It, I feel it as a shaman thing. Just call. Yeah. Like, like calling in like the all directions is like of protection and protection on all levels. Right. Because see, this is a thing is we can see what's happening in the physical realm, but there's a whole realm way beyond the physical realm that's happening.

Right. But we're, we don't have awareness of it. So anyway, some of the cleansing things that I do, like after session is I will. Imagine a door and close that door. So I'm just closing the door to the spirit world, right? And um, and I'm cutting the cords with people. So I'll just cut cords, attachments, hooks.

That's how I see it energetically with others and with myself, I'll just clear it. And also if I'm thinking about a session after it's done, I haven't cleared the energy or the cords from that session. So I want to make sure that I'm clearing that [00:36:00] and. The other thing that I do a lot is I will do salt baths because salt cleanses and clears.

But if I don't really have time to take a bath, I will do the shower and will just see white light flowing over me and I will just, you know, I'm clearing and cleansing my body. And just see that happening. And I feel like with the energetic cleansing, it's more about the intention, right? We can use sage, we can use salt, we can use all different techniques.

But the reality is what is the intention, right? So if I don't have anything I'm here and I'm like, Oh, I need to click, like just, I just call it out and claim it. Right. Yeah.

Will & Karen: Can going in the ocean do the same thing as a salt path?

Allison: Yeah. Yeah.

Will & Karen: it back. I do. I do think I remember having that film on my skin, but it's only after I left the, the foam parties at South beach. That's the only time that I'd ever got the [00:37:00] film. Yeah.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Here we go.

Will & Karen: Well, that was a legitimate answer.

I don't know. There

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: was no question.

Will & Karen: I just remembered. Oh yeah. I did have that film, but it was only through, you know, but anyway. Uh, all right. So then all these things, these, these techniques that you're giving, uh, the intentions, the, the, the salt baths, the sage, all that kind of stuff, everything you're talking about, the, the shower, the white lights, anyone can do this.

Right. And probably everyone should do this because we're

Allison: I mean, yeah, I feel like just, this is the reality is that what I, I awoken to the mediumship. I feel that I was always psychic or intuitive when I was doing the coaching, but I thought that it was like, I just knew what to tell them to do with their business. I just knew what to tell them. I just thought, well, I'm just like, I just, I don't know.

I just know, but how. This works for you guys or anybody [00:38:00] out there. It's like, I see it as there's a channel, right? So we have maybe expertise in something specific and that channel is used. And we intuitively use that specific information. Like for me, it's like, I'm feel like I'm an expert in consciousness.

Cause I've been studying that for, like, Like two decades, right? So it's like the information will come in through like where it's consciousness, where I'm understanding it from that perspective. Cause I feel like, Oh, I'm, I'm an expert in that. Right. Or whatever I've studied for a long time, like I'm an expert in that, but other people, they can come in like, maybe they're an expert in financials.

And it's like that information comes in intuitively for them through that channel. And then they, you And the more they master, whatever they know how to do, it's like the more they're going to get intuitive downloads.

Will & Karen: Is there anything we can do to increase those intuitive downloads or that connection?

Allison: Yeah. So the moment that you start paying more attention to those intuitive downloads, the more you're going to [00:39:00] increase it, right? Because it's like, it's the coincidences or the synchronicities or the miracles, whatever. The more we put our focus attention on that stuff, then the more that we're going to Cool.

Like we're going to enhance it, right? Cause where our focus attention is there, but there is also techniques beyond that, where. you can start to sense, like, how do I sense in my intuition? So some people, a lot of people say they sense it in through their body. So how would you guys say you get intuitive hits?

Will & Karen: I'm like you, I just know I'm cognitive.

Allison: So that, okay. And so how do you get it in?

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: I don't know. Kind of the same, I guess. I

Will & Karen: think you channel it. I've seen you. I've seen you channel it. Um, yeah,

Allison: once she gets into the flow, start to [00:40:00] channel. That's, um, And that's still the knowing part, but there's this part, I feel like our bodies are antennas, right? And that sometimes we'll get the sense of vibration in about something. And that's an intuitive sense.

Will & Karen: like the spidey sense,

Allison: Exactly. Like I got bad vibes from that person or I got good vibes.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Yeah.

Allison: That is the sense you guys that's intuition or like, I feel like it's like, I just don't get, I'm like, I just don't feel like if it's like, okay, should I do this? I just don't feel like, I'm not feeling it. Right. Cause that's the intuition of to tell us yes or no. Right. Should I call this person or I need to call this person?

Right. It's like that intuitive hit is we don't pay attention to that, but also intuition is devalued in society and they, it's like, they don't want us to [00:41:00] pay attention to it. Right. But in this day and age, the more that we can get in tune, And, and like really use our discernment is how we're going to be able to survive.

I believe, because the reality is we won't know the difference between like AI and what somebody saying what's real, what's not real. And how are we going to know we're the only way we're going to know, I feel like is intuition. And that'll be like, Hmm, does this feel right?

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Yeah. I think if a, a lot more women trusted their intuition, there probably would be a lot more women, you know? 'cause you find yourself in that scary place or with that creepy guy or something, and then you just kind of feel like, well, I'm here. Or, you know, you suck it up and you stay, you don't wanna be rude, but inside you're like, oh, I wanna get outta here.

Mm. You know? Right, right.

Allison: So Oprah had a whole interview on that and what they, they showed [00:42:00] was all these women that had been like, um, sexually like, um, attacked. All of them said that I had this intuition that no, I shouldn't continue. And they all, Like avoided it. They all overrode it. And that's the thing. The intellect wants the ego will override that intuition.

So we have to strengthen the intuition and how are we going to strengthen it? We're going to strengthen it by practicing, right? So whatever we practice, we're going to get better at. So we have to really continue to practice that as we practice anything. Right. We want to be better at something. And I feel like it's like trusting yourself.

Will & Karen: So you hear the term mother's intuition all the time and things like that. Do you think that women are organically more intuitive than men?

Allison: I think what's happened is like as a [00:43:00] society in the men has, you know, have to be more in survival and as a generational thing, you know what I mean? They're like, Oh, you know, don't know, crying, no feeling nothing. So that's disconnected generationally men more from intuition. Now I feel like men are coming more, it's more cool to be in touch with your emotions and generationally we're moving,

Will & Karen: it.

Allison: not too much.

Will & Karen: I agree.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: No, I agree. I agree. Because I think women are seeing that you just think, Oh, women, you know, they, they have that feeling and they're emotional and this and that, whereas men just don't, but they probably are. They just don't listen to it for another reason, for a different reason than women might not listen to it.

We don't want to follow it because we'll seem weak. We'll seem that, well, maybe it's the same reason guys probably will too.

Will & Karen: Well, actually, I see it more like the, on the, the original writer, wait, the, the To road deck, the fool card is a guy about to like walk off the edge of a cliff. Uh, that's the fool [00:44:00] card.

Uh, that's kind of puts me in complete perspective because I'm not paying attention to what I'm going, what I'm doing, what I'm feeling. So I don't, I've never been in touch with my intuition cause I don't know what to. Notice like I don't I don't notice anything. So I need to just pay more attention to life period much less my damn intuition

Allison: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this is a thing is I feel like that's with an average guy. It's like they, it's so you had to be so disconnected. We have to get back to getting connected in order to connect with our intuition. And like we just, it's not valued to be connected with it.

Will & Karen: well, I definitely want to talk a little bit about soulful evolution because we were We're getting short on time and I want to make sure that we, um, touch on this really important thing that you're doing. You're helping a lot of people with soulful evolution. I don't want to [00:45:00] steal your thunder. So tell us what this is all about.

Allison: So we are creating a movement to raise consciousness to. It's just basically, you know, it's what I am trying to show in my readings because I will go live and, um, I'm just trying to show that spirit exists, right? Because once people like that doubt in their mind is like, well, how could she guess that? Or how could that be possible?

Then that kind of opens them up to another world, right? So. That's kind of what I'm showing in my readings. Am I, you know, but I do, I'm going way beyond mediumship. So I do, I'm focusing on incorporating coaching into mediumship, into psychic, into energetics. So it's kind of like an incorporation of that.

So I'm helping people to raise their vibration. Right? But it's an energetic vibration, like to help them to [00:46:00] like, see what is happening for them and to raise the vibration. And so one of the things we're moving into is like courses and classes and a membership that's going to really bring more community in to assist people.

Will & Karen: That sounds really cool. Uh, it's and so needed in this world. Yes. So, uh, congratulations and thank you for your service. That's really what you're doing. So.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Absolutely.

Will & Karen: All right. Well, if somebody wanted to reach out to you, connect with you, maybe get a reading from you or join soulful evolution and things like that, what's the best way for someone to do that?

Allison: It's soulfulevolution. com.

Will & Karen: Makes it so easy. So we're going to make it even easier because we're going to add that link directly to the show notes of this episode. So all you need to do is go to skepticmetaphysician. com, go to her episode page. You'll see the link directly laid in there. So So you have no excuse either go to us or go to her, but you're going to find her one way or the other.

We're going to make sure. And not to mention, you've got a huge following on social media and things like that. So [00:47:00] you already have a tremendous, um, uh, community building on, uh, on the way beyond your platform. So she's

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: already making an impact.

Will & Karen: She is. And so I salute you, tip my hat off to you because, uh, saying it's a long time.

Yeah, it is

Allison: Well, I feel like it has to do, it has to do with us hitting the Aquarian age. Like we just hit the Aquarian age and it's, people are opening up spiritually way more than they've ever before. Because in, I just got this award and in six months we went from zero to 200, 000 subscribers.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Wow.

Will & Karen: Okay. I, I need to, um, go and rub your elbow because, uh, I think we've got five, Karen, is that fine? Four? I to seven. Oh, are we seven? Oh, sweet. So yeah, we, we need your We got Tom and Scott. I need your Oh, I forgot about Tom and Scott. No. We need your mojo, Allison. So, uh, send some this way, will ya? Crying out loud.

Allison_Carmany-Karen_Endsley-webcam-00h_00m_00s_502ms-StreamYard: Ask nicely, [00:48:00] Will. Oh, please.

Will & Karen: All right. Well, Alison, it's been an absolute pleasure getting to chat with you and get to know you. Uh, I really hope that everyone that's listening will check out Soulful Evolution and reach out to you because, uh, I've enjoyed our conversation tremendously and I'm sure everybody else will as well.

Allison: Thank you, Karen. Thank you, Will. Thank you guys so much.

Will & Karen: All right. We'll see you again soon.

Will: And a huge thank you to you. We know that there are tons of options out there and having you decide to come along on our journey of discovery with us is an absolute honor for us. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. If you did and you feel called to give back, we invite you to visit our website at SkepticMetaphysician.

com where you can donate to the show or subscribe as a member through our Buy Me a Coffee campaign. Your support will go a long way towards allowing Karen and I to bring you these wonderful conversations and teachings in more and more robust ways. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of The Skeptic [00:49:00] Metaphysician. Until then, take care.

Allison CarmanyProfile Photo

Allison Carmany


Allison Carmany of Soulful Evolution is a transformative force in the realm of personal growth and spiritual awakening. As a Psychic Medium and transformational coach, she's dedicated to elevating collective consciousness, helping individuals uncover and surmount life’s invisible hurdles, and heal deep-seated wounds across generations. Allison’s teachings on the Law of Attraction and universal mysteries are not only insightful but also immensely practical, fostering tangible change. She is committed to empowering people to enhance their intuition and to learn from their past lives, thereby creating the life they’ve always aspired to live. With a firm belief in the ongoing global awakening, Allison's powerful meditations, instructional videos, and guides are crafted to help you step into your power and realize your potential, raising your vibration one insightful moment at a time.