Money’s Spiritual Side with Ken Honda

A discussion with Ken Honda, author of “Happy Money,” on the concept of cultivating a positive attitude towards money. Honda emphasizes the spiritual dimension of financial transactions, advocating for the practice of giving to attract abundance and stressing the importance of gratitude and valuing money.

Main Themes:

  1. Spiritual Dimension of Money:
    • Hosts Will and Karen kick things off by exploring the spiritual side of finance, a topic that often goes unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives.
  2. Interview with Ken Honda:
    • Our special guest, Ken Honda, author of “Happy Money,” shares his wisdom on fostering a healthier, more joyful relationship with money.
    • Ken discusses the importance of infusing our financial dealings with positivity and how this spiritual approach can lead to abundance.
  3. The Art of Giving:
    • Ken advocates for the practice of giving as a way to attract wealth. He believes that generosity can open up new pathways to prosperity.
  4. Gratitude and Money:
    • The power of gratitude takes center stage. Ken explains how a simple shift in mindset, to one of appreciation for what we have, can transform our financial landscape.
    • We hear an inspiring story about a single mother who experienced a positive change in her income through the practice of gratitude.
  5. Spending with Intention:
    • The discussion turns to the concept of responsible spending and how our intentions behind spending can have a profound impact on ourselves and others.
  6. Aligning Passions with Financial Gain:
    • Will, Karen, and Ken delve into the idea that following your passions doesn’t have to come at the expense of your financial health. In fact, they might just lead you to it.
  7. Contentment and Financial Well-being:
    • Finally, the conversation circles back to the overarching theme of the episode: the incredible power of contentment and positive energy in navigating our financial journeys and enriching our lives.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to transform their relationship with money and bring a sense of spirituality and positivity to their financial endeavors. Join us as we unravel these concepts and provide actionable insights that you can apply to your own life.

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Will: Welcome back to another episode of the skeptic metaphysicians. Our guest today is a best selling finance and personal development author in Japan with book sales, surpassing 8 million copies since 2001. And he's often referred to as a money guru or money healer. And now. He is sharing his work with us here on the show.

Well, his latest book is called happy money, the Japanese art of making peace with your money. [00:01:00] And he's here today to help us reshape our relationship with our abundant mindset. We couldn't be more thrilled to welcome the wonderful Ken Honda to the show. Ken, it's an absolute pleasure. It's just, it's amazing to meet you.

Thank you so much for coming on the show.

Ken: Thank you. Well, and Karen and what an honor to be able to join you, uh, from Hawaii. I'm, I'm a native, uh, uh, Japanese, so I live in Tokyo, but now I'm just scouting the area for my vision quest in November. So I'm, um, just, um, enjoying my Hawaiian time and I hope I can send you all the aloha energy to you.

Will: Well, you know,

Karen: we need aloha energy

Will: We do. And if you need a company in your vision quest in Hawaii, we are happy to hop on over.

Karen: or we can help scout. We're good at that too.

Ken: yeah. Yes. That'd be fun.

Will: All right. Well, Ken, let's, uh, I know our audience is very anxious to hear from you because we've talked about manifestation before we talked about, [00:02:00] abundance. We've talked about all that kind of stuff, but never quite as succinctly and wonderfully as you and your books, talk about. So first and foremost, the very obvious question is, Happy money.

What do you mean by happy money? What's it? What is that?

Ken: So happy money is money that makes you smile when you receive it. It makes you feel good. And also you feel great and appreciative when you pay the bills too. Oftentimes, unfortunately we get frustrated when we get the check, when we look at the online account and see how much I get, and then. We feel frustrated when we pay our bills.

So, uh, unfortunately, uh, we are living in the flow of, uh, unhappy money, most of us, but happy money is money that makes you smile and also gives you joy. And, uh, it, it doesn't really matter how much you make or how much you have. It's about your, um, attitude. toward money. If your attitude is a [00:03:00] healthy, happy one, your money is smiling.

And if not, your money is crying in your wallet.

Will: Silence.

Ken: your friend comes over and say, Oh yeah, come on, come on in. It's been a while. You know, how are you? You just hug him or hug her. Just embrace them, right? But when it comes to money, there is this funny love and hate relationship.

So like, please come money, money. And then when money comes closer to like, Hey, don't, don't, don't, you know, because we've been hurt so many times, uh, over money. So as much as we want money, we don't want money to be close.

Will: yes, I, I understand, but I really want money.

Karen: and you want it to be closed,

Will: I do. I do. I really want money. it sounds great. the different, I understand happy money, unhappy money. How can someone be happy? And we'll talk about what money actually is in a second, but how can someone be happy, happy, [00:04:00] spend like every time you got to pay the bills, every time you have to write a check, it's like, Oh, there's another 2, 000 out of my bank account.

Right? How do you make that be a happy occasion?

Ken: So just to think about say the income side of a happy money, when you just look at your bank account, you know, all the money transferred to your account. Somebody trusted you, your clients, your customers, your boss. Whoever you work for, they trusted you that they are worth the money. So they, uh, they wanted to, to, they ask you to do the work and then pay the money.

So in other words, they, they have, they could have chosen somebody else, you know, out of 20, 000 other candidates, they chose you, and I think that simply is, uh, worth, uh, appreciating for. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for sending me the, my precious money. You know, as much as we, uh, we, we hate. Saying goodbye to money.

A [00:05:00] lot of people have a hard time saying goodbye, but they, uh, wire the money. That means they let go their precious money. And then when you think of the heavy weight of trust and also appreciation from your clients and customers and your bosses, like, wow, you can be overwhelmed with this gratitude. And also when we pay bills, we often think we lose money because of a bank account number diminishes.

But when you look at the transaction, every time we pay the bills, we, uh, we are exchanging something. It could be electricity. It could be the food at the restaurant or the groceries, whatever we paid, we got the same equivalent thing, uh, with money. So once again, you can say like, wow, I'm so glad I could, I could afford this.

You know, I'm so glad I could pay all the bills. I'm so glad I could pay for this because the money you're paying will [00:06:00] definitely enrich somebody on the other end. You know, the, uh, it's going to probably pay the cashier or cashier's kids lunch money the day after. So the money goes on. So instead of feeling like money, your money will go away and then it dump you.

It's almost like a bad relationship, you know, your, your loved one dump you and then, oh, you know. So instead of feeling that, like, thank you for being with me, you know, come back anytime with your friends, you know, and then if

Will: Ah, yes. I like the friends.

Ken: if you can

Karen: We need a money party.

Ken: Yes. And then you feel blessed because, uh, I always imagine this like, uh, four angels, you know, ringing bells when I just pay something, can Honda is spending happy money and, and the angels are just blessing me, you know, can way to go and the money I pay or give will just, you know, we'll, we'll start the ripple effect of happiness and then, uh, it enriches [00:07:00] everybody.

And it comes back 10 times. So that's what I have been experiencing in real life. So I'm not talking about metaphysical thing alone.

Will: and we'll talk about the metaphysical aspect of it. But yes, I think it's important to mention the people who may not know about you. You are, uh, not only are you, uh, Putting this into your, into your life, uh, in practice, you, you actually, uh, um, you have made your money and now you spend your time helping others how to change their mindset on how to, uh, bring money into their lives because you were able to do it and you found again and again that this process actually works.

Ken: Yes. So, um, I do 80 or 90 percent of my work, like including this interview, like I don't get paid usually, you know, but I get paid handsomely as a, at the end of the year, because I've, I have businesses, investments and all that. [00:08:00] So, uh, I believe in, uh, whatever I give away, it'll come back. And, you know, 21 years ago, I read a book, you know, whatever you, uh, you give, uh, give away, we'll come back.

And I thought, really? You know, I was skeptical, maybe like many viewers. So I did want to do some funny, fun experiment. You know, I printed my booklets and I started giving away what I knew about money and happiness. So I started giving away 3, 000 copies, 5, 000 and 10, 000. I gave away 100, 000 copies. A publisher called me.

And then they wanted me to write a book and the rest is history. I've written 80, 90 books and so almost 9 million copies, right? And I kept on giving away my booklets, uh, which cost me about, you know, uh, I gave away, uh, I ended up giving away 3 million, um, uh, almost 2, 3 million booklets.

Will: 3 million booklets you gave away for free.

Ken: [00:09:00] yeah, and then it cost me about three million dollars, right? It's about a dollar, um, uh, a copy. So for the past 20 years, and now it's a digital copy, but you know, I wanted to believe in, I, I, I believed in giving something solid, not just digital thing. So, but look at the book royalty only, like I got about, uh, you know, I sold nine million copies.

That means I got about 13 million dollars in book royalty. So, uh, I gave away three million, I got 13 million. Do the math. I got 10 million more.

Will: Yeah, that's the friends. Those are the friends you're talking about, right? That's that's what I'm talking about. Hmm.

Ken: a lot of people see my happy auras, you know, people cannot see auras, but still people feel the vibe because I've helped so many people. They thank me every day. They thank my health. They thank my family's well being. So a lot of [00:10:00] people pray for me.

So I have this, a lot of happy energy around me. And, uh, even though I just, you know, don't say a word, people notice it. So I get a lot of free stuff. You know, I get a free ride, you know, for a cab and I get a free lunch. I get a free dinner. I know, uh, it's not, I am famous, but people like me. So it's that the energy that you give away will come back.

So that's my explanation of metaphysical. Whatever you give away. It's recorded in, uh, in your aura,

Will: Right. So Karen, very similar to what we've always talked about. Like people always give us stuff.

Karen: they do. We like, they buy us food. It's it's like random strangers. It's the strangest thing. It's, it's wonderful, but for no

Ken: that's your, that's your daily life,

Karen: 10 million thing.

Ken: That's your daily life, right? That

Will: Oh yeah. On a regular basis. Absolutely.

Ken: Yes. So you're living in the flow. That's why people are just [00:11:00] joining the flow and they don't, they don't probably know why they're doing it.

Will: so I'm not sure if we're living in the flow or like you said, we're We exude, we are very happy people. We love being around people. We love doing what we're doing here. We love meeting new people like you can. So I think people respond to that happiness, but I'm not sure if we're, if there's an, like, I don't know if we are like, we're getting the money, but I'm not sure if we're getting the money and their friends, right.

We're just getting the money. We just barely getting by.

Ken: right,

Karen: Yeah, that's, that's true. The friends are not coming.

Ken: that is my spiritual money, you know, the essence of spiritual money teachings, uh, that people love, uh, in Japan. I, I have only taught happy money in English, and I'm going to write a few more books on spirituality, but I, I can just share with you now that, uh, whatever you give out, uh, The same frequency as money energy, you get the money energy back.

So in other words, you know, it's not just, if you give love, give [00:12:00] appreciation, you get that in a same thing. So if you give money energy. You get the money energy back. That means you have to physically and also spiritually give in terms of a profit. So whatever you do help people make money or save money, or just make them feel so good about themselves, that will be translated into money.

Like, uh, like the reason why people kept buying my books over the past 20 years is that they feel good. They learn something out of my books. If they don't like my book, they stop buying. Right. Okay. So as long as, as long as you keep giving the real thing, people respond.

Karen: So, so you have to have the right intent behind the giving too,

Ken: Yes.

Karen: giving without expecting something back. Giving just for the joy of giving.

Ken: Yes, and at the same time, not only giving you a smile, you know, you [00:13:00] have to be practical. You have to give something like, like tips or like some formula. People feel like, wow, can you, you, because of your teaching, I made a million dollars. Can I just wire you some money? So my accountant has always a hard time just figuring out, uh, untold money being wired to our account.

And we don't know who, why the money, like say 10, 000 here, 5, 000 here. We don't know who sent it and they're on, on, they're not on our list. So,

Will: I think that was me. Can I have it back?

Karen: I want to be on their list.

Ken: So I usually just give that away, you know, to charity. So like the happy money circulates. So if you are abundant and if you have more than enough, you, if you make more than enough, I, you know, my family is three and, uh, it doesn't cost us so much money. Uh, so, you know, we can feed 20 families more. So that's what I'm doing.

You know, [00:14:00] um, I'm helping a lot of people.

Will: Okay.

Ken: financially, uh, and that will also come back to me, uh, as a form of money, form of appreciation, form of something else. Some people call it luck. Some people call it, uh, virtue. Some people call it, you know, uh, happy energy. So if you are giving away massive energy that you have, you receive so much, and it's not so difficult, you know.

So I just hope you, you get this idea, and then, okay, maybe I'll give it a try, and start giving something small, and then just make it a little bigger.

Will: Right.

Karen: So how, how do you help people get past that fear of not having enough? Because so many people in our country are living paycheck to paycheck, and while it seems wonderful and they want to be able to be generous and, and give, you know, the really big tips or the extra money, they just are [00:15:00] concerned to be able to make the bills next week.

Like, how do you get over that fear?

Ken: You know, uh, before talking about the fear, you know, when I look at, when I do, uh, uh, um, free pro bono counseling for financially challenged people, I realized that they, they spend something, they spend their money on something that they don't even use, you know, they often go to a dollar shop and then they buy stupid things and then, you know, to, to get rid of stress and they say like, Oh, it's a reward for me, but reward for what?

You're not even using it. So the mantra I give these people is that if I don't buy this today, am I going to die tomorrow? I repeat, if I don't buy this today, am I going to die tomorrow? Most of the case, you don't. You're not going to die. If I don't

Will: Right.

Ken: today, You don't need extra pair of shoes, you don't need extra pair of something, so you're spending too much.

So money problem, only two. Uh, you're [00:16:00] making too little, and also you're spending too much. So you have to make more money, you have to spend less. But financially challenged people, uh, end up being where they are because they're making little money, they're spending too much. And then they're overwhelmed by fear, so they want to spend money, and then they feel they can get rid of this fear.

So before we tackle the fear, you have to really look at the math, and then, of course, you have to struggle with the fear, but one by one, and talking about financial fear, not only financially struggling people, but financially independent people have the same fear. You know, that their cost of, uh, everything goes so high.

Uh, one of my acquaintances is complaining about, uh, high, uh, uh, high prices of, uh, private jet fuel. And if you're complaining about that, get rid of it, right?

Karen: Wow.[00:17:00]

Will: the rest

Karen: I was complaining about that.

Will: yeah, the rest of us have to pay tons of money, not for jet fuel, but for a seat

Ken: Yeah. Right. But I mean, people complaining about certain things, you know, so if you just have a wrong mental attitude, you end up being poor. So you have to really face it. It's not the government is taking away your money. It's not, you know, wealthy people are ripping you off. It's just you who are just, you know, spraying your money And then not smart and not a good, uh, uh, investment strategies, not good spending habits, and then no career planning whatsoever.

That's why you end up being in a, in a hole. So you have to save yourself by just facing your own financial well being and also at the same time, uh, financial IQ and financial IQ,

Will: Emotional quotient, right? [00:18:00] Okay. So now I got to bring it back to the spiritual side of things because we hear a lot of people Um, the, was it law reciprocity or whatever it is, whatever you give out comes back to you, which is something you said earlier today, too, in this interview,

Ken: hmm.

Will: uh, there are people out there that believe that just by giving money away, you'll be getting it back without having to make any changes in the way that you go because you, you form an abundant mindset.

And the abundant mindset is what attracts the money to you, right? The, the law of attraction is that, is that like, I know you and your book, you talk about the fact that money is actually energy, right? It's an exchange of energy. And I've heard Deepak Chopra talk about it that way and things like that. It is that what we're talking about here.

And we're talking about happy money and unhappy money is an exchange of energy and the way that you exchange it. And the more free you are with it, the more free it is to come back to you.

Ken: Yes. [00:19:00] So once again, there's this happy money and unhappy money analogy. If you just go to Las Vegas and just gamble, you know, uh, gamble away your money with a slot machine. Uh,

Will: But if you're happy doing it,

Ken: yeah. And that's like, uh, you're just giving away, you're losing the money, but you're not doing anything right. But for example.

My friend who decided to take, um, um, strangers, 1, 000 strangers for lunch, you know, for just a little experiment. So he started, uh, this campaign, like whoever wants to have lunch with me, uh, I'll just buy your lunch. So like five, five people, 10 people at one time, and he's done like, uh, like 200 lunches, right?

And then after about a year and a half, He just celebrated his 10th, uh, 1, 000, 1, 000 stranger lunch. And then after that,

Will: [00:20:00] Um,

Ken: the money will disappear. So you have to make sure once again, money will come back with their friends. Otherwise they're going to die on the, you know, on the street.

Will: Okay. So that, that makes sense. It's the money in the interest of helping others in the, in the, in the interest of doing good that, that, that's what, uh, uh, calls their friends to you. The, the good, the good, happy money. Right. The intention. Yeah. Okay. That makes a lot of sense. I love that.

Karen: Just remembered something that I had totally forgotten about that is just like this. So about [00:21:00] five years, maybe six years ago, I was with my daughter, our daughter at the store and we were in the checkout line and this guy in front of us dropped some coins. So she picked him up, and she was, I don't know, six, and she handed him these coins.

She's like, here, you dropped your coins, and he said, oh, thank you, and he put them in his pocket. So we go out to the car, and I hear this, excuse me, and it was kind of late at night, and it was just the two of us, and, you know, that makes you a little nervous. And this guy, it's the same guy, he's walking towards me, and I'm like, oh boy, he's like, I wanted to give you something to your daughter.

And And he has a bill in his hand. And I'm like, Oh, it's not necessary. You know, he's like, no, she, you know, picked these coins from like, I'm like, really, it's not necessary. So he's like, please, please. And it was really important for him for some reason to give us. this, this bill. So he hands it to me and he just walks away.

And I look and it was a 50 bill. So that's like an instant example of what Ken you're talking about. She gave him back the 25 cents and she got 50 in return.

Ken: I think it's a [00:22:00] fun, great lesson for her. You know, she's going to be honest, nice, generous, always pay back. Right.

Karen: Mm hmm.

Ken: That's a beautiful story. Thank you.

Will: Uh, okay. Um, there's something that came to mind. I've got to ask you sometimes in this, you hear about marriages suffering a lot. Uh, I think it's like number one cause of divorce is, is money because they can't agree on it. They don't know how to one person feels. Do you want to give happy money? Other persons feels Nope.

Nope. We got to save the money because we got to have a savings. Um, How can, how can, what kind of advice could you give to someone who's in the, in the relationship that are at odds with each other on how to run with money?

Ken: Yeah. Um, you know, before I answer that question, I, I want to explain about, um, money personality types. Uh, you know, I, I realized that, uh, through money counseling, especially couples, I realized that there are certain money personality [00:23:00] types. They are the spender, gambler, moneymaker, money warrior, you know, those, those type of people.

A saver too. So, uh, they want to, so like say, when they see a hundred dollar bill on, on the street, the gambler will just pick up the money and then they, they gamble. And then saver, we just put it in a bank account. Spender, go to the nearest shopping mall. You know, so like, uh, when we have money, we have certain, like, habits of doing things.

So, uh, fortunately, unfortunately, the opposite side of money personality types, they are attracted. And then they end up getting married. So the same reason that they are attracted to each other would be the same reason for divorce. Because for the moneymaker type, you know, this money spender person looks so attractive.

She knows all the good restaurants. She looks pretty because she spends all the money. And then for her, this guy looks so attractive because she can get on, she [00:24:00] can keep on spending the money if she marries this person, right? But after four years, uh, this guy think if I just keep marrying this woman, I'll go broke in three years.

And this woman thinks like, this guy is so boring, you know, I thank him for his money, but I think I just married the most boring business person I've ever met. So unless you understand this money personality types, uh, you cannot appreciate the other side. So like a money maker, money spender type, people want to donate money.

You know, they want to save, uh, you want to spend money for other people. Saver type on the other hand, they want to save for the future. So their, their code is totally different. So unless you understand, unless you have a certain agreement of how to spend the money, it's almost like a country. So if you don't agree, you're going to go separate ways.

So that is, uh, almost treat each other like, uh, [00:25:00] you're a congressman or like statesman in the, in the, in the, in the, in the diet. And that's why,

Will: that's a little difficult to do right now these days here in America. Anyway.

Ken: because we are polarized, you know, the spender things like, uh, you know, fear of missing out, we got to do a party, we got to go to a vacation, you know, uh, there are lots of spenders out here in Hawaii, you know, they just, uh, they may not have savings, but yeah, right, uh, let's do it, right, so the saver, more conservative side said, no, no, no, no, we did it, like, we, we, we're here, we, last year we went to Bahama and now Hawaii too much, right?

So, uh, so both are right. So you have to really respect each other and then you have to come up with the right decision. Otherwise your finance will be go up, will be out of control, or you have enough money in the bank account, but no fun either way. Life is not so functioning, so you have to really be realistic about your budget and also, uh, [00:26:00] about how you want to have fun too.

Will: So, so really you have to work out who's right. And of course the spender is right, right? Ken, right. That cause then you're spending the money and it's going back. Right. Karen, the spender is

Karen: just on fancy bags.

Ken: Right, exactly. So like, now, uh, you can agree on certain things. It's like Congress, right? Okay, we can pass this bill, but this one, you know? So, but, uh, so a lot of discussion, a lot of respect is needed. So I think, uh, this, this whole thing is very interesting because it's happening everywhere. And so when I do money counseling, I go back to three generations.

I asked them about their parents, how they deal with money and also grandparents, because your parents are brought up by, uh, by, uh, your grand grandparents, right? So if you look at the pain and the glory of the three generation, you see a lot of hope, a lot of glories, and also a lot of [00:27:00] dark side of money, you know, like wealthy people's, uh, son, uh, kids or grandkids, they end up being very funny accident or just funny, you know.

Like ransom case, uh, because the money that their grandparents made have this bad karma. So it's coming back to their grandkids generation. I've seen it all the time and I'm sure you've seen it in North America as well.

Will: Yeah. So now, now you're getting into the stuff that we talked about right before we break, right? The, the energy is behind the money, uh, because it is, like we said, it's an energy, it's a flow. And sometimes, um, the energy flows a lot further, a lot deeper than we are, than we're, that we know. So talk to us about the, the different sides, the good and bad, the light and dark sides of energy flow.

[00:28:00] Um,

Ken: one is a lottery money. You know, you've, you've heard that lottery winners end up being, uh, just losing everything,

Karen: Yeah. That's

Ken: right?

And I think my theory is that, uh, when everybody said millions of people buy a lottery. What would they buy out of? They're out of greed, despair, and hope. So all the bad energy, you know, lots of greed, are put into this account. So when you get like, say, three million dollars, it's a three million dollar worth of grudges, frustration, resentment, and all the bad stuff is, comes with money.

Karen: So, all the other people's bad stuff, too?

Ken: Yes, because when they buy, say, uh, they spent, uh, 10 or 20 for a lottery ticket, they, they want to win it, right? So this bad energy [00:29:00] is put onto this money. So the accumulation of the bad energy gets, uh, uh, deducted to your account. Your account. That's why you're afraid, right? Okay.

Karen: Wow. I knew there was a reason I didn't buy lottery tickets, and you thought I was cheap, Will. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha

Will: I knew there was a reason I never won them.

Karen: Ha ha ha.

Will: It wasn't playing enough, but well, uh, okay. So then if there are times when, um, you might get a windfall, the, uh, some, uh, a relative passes away and the, and they leave a lot of money to

Ken: Mhm.

Will: uh, Here's where I think I'm understanding you, where if that money, let's say my, my grandfather passes away and he, and he bequeaths all his fortune to me, but his fortune was made from drug smuggling or something like that, then that money, then in your estimation would be, uh, unhappy money, right?

It [00:30:00] would have bad energy when

Ken: When you receive it. But there is something called, I call it happy money laundry. That means, you know,

Will: wait, wait, we don't want to do anything illegal here. Ken.

Ken: it's perfectly legal

Will: Okay.

Ken: in your imagination, you know, just you, you, you, you receive the money energy and I'm getting cleansed it by the heavens, uh, energy or whatever, you know, uh, you believe in, uh, cleanse it in a way that, uh, that money, the same money energy will be transformed to help other people.

So because one, uh, money is energy by itself, so if that money will be spent on something, uh, for, uh, to help a lot of people, that money becomes, dirty money becomes instantly, uh, happy money. So,

Karen: if you're,

Ken: please,

Karen: you're doing that, can you keep some of the money and then use some of the money to help people? And then will that [00:31:00] cleanse the money that you keep or do you have to use all of it?

Ken: I think you can use, uh, you can include you. To, to the, to the people who are, you're helping because that money is left for you, so, uh, you should use it for your happiness as well. So just, uh, not, uh, only your happiness, but others, but if you think about common wealth, you know, it's like, uh, uh, uh, all the, uh, assets that we share together.

And then you, you get to share part of it because your grandfather left with love. So if you can feel the love, you, you, you can spend it. And at the same time, it's not just only for you, but if your attitude is like that, I think money gets cleansed and then, uh, your, your bad money will be in turning to a happy money.

So you feel safe, you feel happy and otherwise. Think about it. If you get all the money or the lottery, you know, a lot of friends, uh, [00:32:00] become just, uh, um, monsters. I read an article that there's this Japanese guy who just won the lottery and he didn't say how much. So he was just, uh, you know, celebrated by his colleagues and co workers.

And, uh, so he said he was taking out everybody to a nice expensive restaurant, right? And then probably like a 200 worth of nice. Real nice dinner. And then everybody was so happy. But a few weeks later, they found out how much he won and something like 10, 10 million us dollars. And then he got a lot of upset friends and colleagues.

Will: Because they didn't spend enough.

Ken: Yeah. Like 200 bucks for me, you know, you, you want 10 million and he, uh, he, his friend, he's not even his friend says. I have a mortgage in my house, you know, I have, uh, uh, uh, older, uh, elder, uh, parent in my country side, you know, can you help me? So he got surrounded by [00:33:00] all the zombies who want a piece of his money.

So the only few percent of the people who won the lottery and stayed the same are those who were already wealthy. Because, uh, if he wins, uh, another 3 million top of 200 million, he doesn't care and it doesn't really change his life. So like, wow, lucky me. I should give it, give it to everybody. Right. And then if his attitude is like that, that money doesn't affect his life at all.

Will: Um, uh, Ah. That's a conundrum because we've all been there, right? Where someone's, you know, someone's really wealthy and, uh, they get you a Christmas present. That's like, you know, a postage stamp and you're like, God, they've got millions of dollars and all they could afford to give me for Christmas is a postage stamp.

What's wrong with it? So I would assume that the energy, that energy goes to me, then not to the, [00:34:00] not to the millionaire because the millionaire is actually giving something. They didn't have to give anything. Right? I was indignant because I was like, I was a postage stamp. So you have to change, think of it that way, right?

Because it's in a receiving end too. Hmm.

Ken: suddenly you become a bad person. So, uh, you have to be very careful on money, uh, brings in funny jealousy and, uh, uh, expectations and resentment and all that.

Um, so, uh, you need to understand, um, happy money and also unhappy money, uh, both sides. Otherwise you cannot stay happy, wealthy at the same time. Yes,

Will: you say, the lesson is just don't make any money. It's just easier that way. No one hates you.[00:35:00]

Karen: Just live in a tent. Now,

Ken: That's what we are doing. You know, uh, 95 percent of us are just taking that route so we don't be attacked. We will be, we can make both ends meet and then we are happy ever after. So like, uh, if you want to go for a happy money and then, uh, if you become happy and happy millionaire, You can help other people and that brings you so much joy.

So, uh, you know, of course it's up to you. You can stay humble and then, you know, uh, make both ends meet. And that's also another beautiful life. So if you're destined to become wealthy, I recommend you go for it. You know, I think everyone is born with a certain money container size and, uh, uh, that can grow, that can shrink, but it's almost like our destiny.

Uh, we are born with a certain gifts at the same time. So, uh, unless we take advantage of our gifts and use it for other people, we feel [00:36:00] miserable. So you have to really watch out what we are born with.

Karen: how can you know what size your container is?

Ken: Yeah. For example, if you just, uh, triple your expenses and then if you feel, you know, that, that's, that's the size of your container. Yeah,

Will: Right, right. I

Ken: million in sales every month. That means like 3 million every, every day. And that means like, you know, uh, tens of thousands of dollars every hour. And if you just miss one, one hour, you'd be, you'd go bankrupt, right?

What, I just couldn't think, think of the stress. So, uh, so I, I, my container size is not a billionaire, you know, and I'm okay. So, uh, like, [00:37:00] uh, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, you know, they have a lot of, uh, stress.

Karen: Mm-Hmm.

Ken: If you are born with a certain, uh, many container, go ahead because you are destined to be that way.

Will: right. All right. Um, yeah, I, uh, I'm still learning. I'm still figuring out what my money container size is,

Ken: Mm hmm.

Will: um, well, I thought there's so many different directions I want to head in, but I know that we're short on time. We talked about the spenders And how, um, the spending of the money, um, in a, in a good way, uh, to, to help others will automatically bring it back to you in, in, and their friends, which is a really great way to look at it.

Now, what about the savers on the other side of the coin? Like, is it bad to save? Like, should you not save for, because if you don't save, then something might happen in the future. You might have to go for a surgery or, um,

Karen: When you get old and you can't work.

Will: Yeah, [00:38:00] right. So is it bad to save or is there a way to save and still be happy?

Ken: Yeah, so I'm not against saving, uh, you know, to make my point. Uh, but I'm, what I'm saying is that don't save too much because, uh, uh, your bank account may not be the answer. I always talk about this in my seminar. Instead of having a million dollar bank account, you should have, uh, uh, 50 friends. Who will just take good care of you.

Because if you lose everything, you can go to your friend, number one, and just ask him to, uh, to let you stay for one week, the second week, second friend. There are only 50 weeks in a year. Well, that's about a

Will: you go back around.

Ken: Yeah, I'm financially free. So instead of just, um, uh, saving millions of dollars, become, you know, just, uh, become close to a lot of fun people.

So the reason why I'm not afraid of money is that I have many great friends. Many of them are well wealthy. So they'll make sure that if I lose everything, I'll just knock on the door. Hi, it's Ken. [00:39:00] Sorry, I lost everything. Can I stay with you for a while? They would love to have me. Like, okay, Ken, come on in.

Will: Yeah.

Ken: Having friends is more important than having money in the bank account,

Will: Uh, Ken, can I be your friend?

Ken: Yes, now, now I'm on your list. And

Will: Yes.

Ken: also, the other thing I recommend is like, if you're getting older than 40 or 50, hang around with younger friends. And then, uh, I always tease, you know, young people. I just treat them a lot for dinner and lunch.

I give free seminars for young people. And, uh, and, and I, I always tell them in advance that the reason why I'm giving you free lunch and free dinner and a free seminar is you are my pension plan. when something goes wrong, you guys are responsible for, uh, I'm not saying everybody, but one of you[00:40:00]

Karen: or just a little bit from everybody Can all chip in.

Ken: Yeah, one of you become successful and you're responsible for taking care of me. So a lot of my students, young students, are saying, Hi, uh, Ken, uh, this is your patient number 32. They just send me emails like that. So just, when you just, uh, you know, encourage young people and just become their mentors, they feel so indebted to you.

So they will be nicer than your kids. Because your kids may want to, uh, want more from you. But those young people, young friends, they genuinely love you. So you should hang around with the younger people who love you, adore you, and, uh, who just, uh, take care of, um, your, your, uh, Your health, when you just, you know, when you have a hard time walking, uh, they help you with groceries and all that.

So I already have 20 of them, so I'm all set. So

Karen: We can, we can build that number up.

Will: Yeah. Yeah. Uh, so Kent, not, sorry, [00:41:00] Kent said I need to be your friend because you're 20 years younger than me. So

Ken: I'm in a pension plan then.

Will: Yeah. Yes you are. Remember that. This is recorded. For eternity.

Ken: Yeah. So like, instead of just saving money, it's more fun. So don't save too much for some rainy season because, uh, like, uh, worrying about future, uh, just, um, it's not happy for you. So you should just enjoy life while you're alive.

Will: All right. That's, you bring up a good point. Uh, yes, we, it's important to, to be happy and live your life, but what about those that are really struggling, that are really having a hard time? You mentioned, uh, maybe aren't getting paid enough, but they have a family to feed and they just, they can't seem to get ahead.

How, how do they put this into effect? [00:42:00] Um,

Ken: and other things, you know, you can wait.

And also, uh, you have to, you have to struggle this as a family, as a team, and then you'll come up with 20 different ideas to get a raise or to get paid more. By doing that, uh, you get a better job. Uh, one of my students who was a single mom, uh, started appreciating her boss and because she's never got any, um, uh, Raise or bonus for for a few years, but after learning about this, I think I told you a money technique, you know, thank you money when it comes in and goes up, she started appreciating her boss and she realized that even though she didn't have a college degree, she was hired.

So she started appreciating her boss [00:43:00] and, uh, in a few weeks. He started to say thank you, which was like, wow, this guy knew how to say thank you. And also he gave her a big raise and big bonus. So if you start, uh, this mental shift in you, and then you probably find a better job and that treats you better.

So you have to find what you're good at, and then you have to find the right place for you.

Will: And then it sounds like it all starts with where we, all what we talk about it all the time, right? The, the, the attitude of gratitude, the, the thanking, thanking for what you actually do have, focusing on what you do have versus what you don't have. And the act of focusing that energy into what you do have and being grateful for that will actually attract a more abundant energies around you, which then will help lift you out eventually of [00:44:00] your struggle.

Ken: yes, it will indeed. So if you're complaining mode, you're connected to the bad future, you know, because if you're complaining, they will not treat you well. But if you start appreciating, you'll be connected back to a happy world where everybody appreciates one another. So appreciation shifts you to that world.

And then once you're connected to a beautiful world, it might take a few years, but you know, it's worth it. Um, what, uh, year after year. Your life will be better. Uh, you know, people around you will pay more respect to you and you pay more respect to you and your, your kids and your family members. And then, uh, within five years, your life will be improved so much.

So you're, you will be probably out of a low paying job. You may start selling, you might start speaking, you might start cooking. I don't know what you're good at, but do what you're good at more. That will bring in more happiness and money. And then eventually, um, [00:45:00] you do so well by doing what you love. And by then I think you don't have to worry about money anymore.

Will: Right. And that's what I learned from your book is that you can be very happy and comfortable without money. It's all about what you, how you feel with what you have. And that's, that's a wonderful place to be.

Ken: Yes, exactly. And you are the two of you, both of you are such a beautiful example. That's why people love you, your shows are so popular, you know, because they love your energy.

Will: Well, thank you for that. Yeah, we, we actually have fun. We, we, we do, we, we do think a lot, we are very grateful for everything. Um, and, and I think because we don't have a huge amount of money, but we're happy and we're very grateful for what we do have and we, and we constantly say it. So, uh, it goes right along with what you're saying.

So thank you for

Ken: Yes, and also I just, I'm, I'm here, so I'm gonna send [00:46:00] in a lot of happy energy, happy money energy to you.

Will: you. I gladly and happily accept.

Ken: Because happy, happy people should get wealthy, because they, they can do so many great things. So you

Karen: I think the happy people would, would do more with it.

Ken: Yes, you should be more wealthy. You can grow your money container, receive more, give more. You, you can become the example of happy money people.

Will: Okay. So to some, it's from, from, from your, from your mouth to God's ears. Absolutely. But so here's what we're going to do. We're going to start giving more to help more people so that, because at the end of the day, that's really what we want. The whole reason for the show is to help people. We're not helping people with money.

We're helping people with messages and things like that, but maybe it's time to start helping some people with money.

Karen: Absolutely.

Ken: Congratulations in advance.[00:47:00]

Will: Thank you. Thank you in advance. I really appreciate it. Ken, this has been wonderful. You are wonderful. You have this energy. You have this wonderfully happy, wonderful energy that is so infectious. Thank you for coming on

Karen: Absolutely

Ken: Thank you. So, uh, you can invite me back anytime, you know, I will arrange my schedule because this is my joy. I don't need to get paid. I know as long as I'm, my schedule is okay. I try to have it a few times a week. This is like such a fun hobby and also a great joy for me. Thank

Karen: Oh, wonderful, we would love to have you back,

Will: Absolutely. You can count on it. We'll definitely reach out to you. Uh, so Ken, if, if someone wanted to learn more, whether to get your books or to learn more about this happy money mentality, what's the best place for someone to reach out to you?

Ken: So you can, uh, Google Ken Honda, kenhonda. com is my website. So you, uh, you'll see a lot of free information, you know, to figure out your money personality type too. And I started, uh, teaching more in English now. Uh, and I do, uh, some events [00:48:00] in, uh, North America. My second book is coming out in May, uh, from Hay House.

It's called True Wealth. It's a novel.

Karen: Oh,

Ken: So in a few months, um, you know, I'll be touring around us and, uh, talk more about, uh, happy money and true wealth.

Will: Well, Ken, please stay in touch because we'd love to have you back on the show to talk about your book once it's, once it's out. And then if you happen to be around where we are, we'd love to go out and do, do this in person. How, how amazing would that be?

Ken: That would be fun, you know, and I don't mind like doing for like four people, 10 people, you know, I talked to thousands of people. Sometimes I talk to 10 people. The numbers don't count, you know, it's just a heart. So like whoever, um, uh, your friends with, I'd be happy to join.

Will: Wow.

Karen: Oh, that's wonderful.

Will: is a wonderful, wonderful author that offers. Thank you so

Ken: Yeah. And I pay my airfare and everything. So don't

Will: Oh, [00:49:00] uh,

Karen: Mm

Will: have to, we'll, we'll be in

Ken: Okay. So see you soon.

Will: right. Yes. Thank you so much. We'll see you very soon.

And a huge thank you to you. If you know someone who would benefit from hearing the message we're sharing on the show, do them and us a favor and share the show with them.

It will help get the word out about us and it might just change someone's life for the better. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of The Skeptic Metaphysician. Until then, take care.