How to Experience the Afterlife Without Actually Dying

Imagine the possibility of experiencing the afterlife before death. Imagine having access to otherworldly experiences without the need for a near-death encounter! Uncover the secrets of the afterlife and find your true purpose in this mind-bending...

Imagine the possibility of experiencing the afterlife before death. Imagine having access to otherworldly experiences without the need for a near-death encounter! Uncover the secrets of the afterlife and find your true purpose in this mind-bending conversation. From encounters with guides from the other side to the profound impact of humor in the afterlife, prepare to question everything you thought you knew. But just as the conversation reaches its climax, an unsettling question lingers: are these experiences genuine glimpses into the afterlife or simply creations of the mind?

Our guest, Regan Forson, a heavenly tour guide, provides us with a glimpse into the soul's journey post God-realization and his insights on heavenly councils and spiritual aid.

Every session is similar because everybody goes through basically a similar kind of process that they've lined up for people to experience over there. But because everybody's at a different rate of unfoldment or whatever, we're all individual, the sessions have a uniqueness to them which is just. I mean, the hair stands up on my arms. Sometimes I'm sitting next to these people and they're in the afterlife having these beautiful experiences.” – Regan Forston

We speak with Regan Forston, a hypnotherapist who stumbled upon the power beyond just past life regression therapy. Forston, with a success rate of almost 90%, explores the afterlife with thousands of clients. We further discuss the intriguing process behind this therapy and how it serves as a doorway to another world.

We delve into Life Between Lives Hypnosis and the extraordinary experiences it offers. This includes celestial interactions, revisiting past lives, and spiritual enlightenment. We reflect upon the impactful stories shared by those who have accessed the afterlife and how it continues to shape their earthly existence. By the end of this episode, you'll gain a deeper insight into life, death, and the world beyond. Tune in and embark on this enlightening exploration with us.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Embark on a mystical exploration of the dimensions beyond life and discover how understanding the afterlife can profoundly alter your perspective of the world.

  • Dive deep into the therapeutic process of past life regression and understand its transformative power that helps unravel present life conundrums.

  • Explore the empowering journey of self-discovery and personal transformation that paves the way for holistic evolution and fulfillment.

  • Bridge the gap between our plane and the other, learning to communicate with your spirit guides and deceased loved ones for divine guidance.

  • Gain a new perspective on life's tests, learning to harness resilience as your armor and perceiving challenges as open doors to growth.

For a lot more information about this episode, visit our website for the full show notes and summaries:

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0:00:00 - Will
Okay, Karen, I've been looking forward to this one for a very long time. 

0:00:05 - Karen
I know right. 

0:00:06 - Will
I talk all the time about how I live on heaven on earth, because somehow I was able to bamboozle you into marrying me, and the fact that you're still with me today, after all these years and everything we've been through, is just no other word that would fit the bill when it comes to describing on my life with you. But heaven on earth, right? Well, that's very sweet. No, that's true, that's reality. But now what if everyone on this planet could experience heaven without needing to marry you? 

0:00:32 - Karen
Well, I was getting excited about the thought of polygamy for a minute there, but that would be just a lot of work. 

0:00:37 - Will
Well, yeah, well, what if anyone could visit the heaven? Oh, spend as much time there as they wanted, speak to whomever they wanted while there and come back without any of the petty near-death experience side effects. 

0:00:50 - Karen
Oh well, that would be nice. 

0:00:51 - Will
I'm telling you, prepare yourself, because this show promises to be nothing short of heavenly. Welcome to the Skeptic Manipositions. My name is Will and I'm Garen and, unlike Mulder and Scully, both want to believe. So we've embarked on a journey of discovery. 

0:01:09 - Karen
We've talked to people deeply entrenched in the spiritual and metaphysical world. 

0:01:13 - Will
We've thrown ourselves into weird and wonderful experiences. I even joined a coven of witches. 

0:01:17 - Karen
And wait, you joined a coven. 

0:01:20 - Will
Yep, all in the interest of finding something, anything that will prove that there's something beyond this physical three dimensional world we all live in this is the Skeptic Manipositions. Okay, I'm about to show my age here. A long time ago, there was a song called Things that Make you Go. 

0:01:49 - Karen

0:01:50 - Will
It was done by CNC Music Factory to group or band or whatever you want to call them back in the 80s or 90s I forget how long ago, but it was a while ago. Now, today, as I was reading one of my books that I read after my meditations in the mornings, I read something that made me go, hmm, reminded me of that song. So I'm reading the Upanishads, which is an ancient Hindu scripture, and it's kind of a companion book to the Bhagavad Gita. Some people even believe that it's better. It's a better book than the Bhagavad Gita. Some people think otherwise, backwards, the other way around. Whatever you prefer. But one thing's for sure Hindu scripture it's actually. It's pretty mind blowing. When you come to it, you really read into it. But anyway, one of the passages in the book that I'm reading is this I'm going to butcher this, so please forgive me. It reads like this. It reads like this it says those who depart from this world without knowing who they are or what they truly desire have no freedom here or hereafter, but those who leave here knowing who they are and what they truly desire have freedom everywhere, both in this world and in the next. That's it. That's the whole thing. 

So the reason why that made me go, hmm, is because throughout the course of doing this show, we've heard a lot of stories and lots of different opinions as to what happens when we pass on to the next life. Some folks have said that you immediately go into a life review and then go into your next life. You're reincarnated. Others feel like you're given a choice whether or not to reincarnate or spend some time in hereafter, maybe come back and help others in spirit, guide form, or stay or not come back at all. And yet there's a third faction of people who believe that we humanity is endlessly trapped in a cycle of reincarnation as a bad thing. So this upon a shot if you take it as gospel, pardon the pun might just give us an answer to why there's so many different opinions. Like what if the act of awakening here on this three dimensional plane is what catapults us when we cross over into having the choice as to whether or not to come back again or not, or what we do and don't do? And those who don't wake up might find themselves in that eternal cycle of reincarnation, forced to come back again and again until they do awaken. Now, I don't know that resonates with you but to me wow, does that ever resonate? That makes all the sense in the world to me and it puts things in such great perspective for me, in my mind, in my belief system. That means to me that as more and more of us awaken to who we really are in this reality, more and more of us will have choices once we cross over, as to whether or not to come back and help humanity. Come back and relive a life, or stay and maybe help from the other side, and that's I don't know. It's kind of comforting to me to know that maybe, since I'm in the process of awakening I know, I know I got a long way to go, but at least I'm in the process of awakening Well, maybe I'll have just a little bit more freedom in deciding what I do once I cross over. It doesn't that feel good? I don't know it does to me. 

I love to hear your thoughts. Send us an email or voicemail. You can go to skepticmanifositioncom On our website. You can leave us a voicemail directly there, or you can send us an email from the website. Let us know what your thoughts are on this. Does this make sense to you or is it just a bunch of malarkey that I'm just making up because I'm on the high from the meditation I just did. Either way, really would love to hear what you have to say about this because, man, it's struck me right between the eyes today. All right, Enough about things that make you go, hmm, oh, actually, speaking of things that make you go, let's move on to today's guest. Hey, there, I'm Will, and I'm Karen. 

And today we're off to heaven. Our guest is a past board member of the Newton Institute, whose mission is to uncover the mysteries of the afterlife. Now, with the help of more than 250 trained facilitators scattered across 48 countries, they've actually discovered what happens to a person at death, where they go and what they do while they are there waiting to reincarnate. We know this process to be called life between lives, of course, and with over 70,000 successful sessions, they have, in a sense, mapped out the afterlife or heaven. Wow, yes, he's the author of three hours and 33 minutes in heaven, based on his own experiences with the afterlife, and he's here today to walk us through the astounding modality. Reconforced and welcome to the skeptic window positions. How are you oh? 

0:06:32 - Karen
thanks, thanks. I love that we can talk about this in a fun way, as some people get too serious about it. But back in the 90s Michael Newton, who was a hypnotherapist he was a regular hypnotherapist. He was not particularly a spiritual guy, he didn't have a particular religion he followed. He said he was more agnostic than atheists or anything, but he just didn't know. You know, it's really agnostic. So they just wow, I don't know. And he was helping a person. I forget now if it was to stop smoking or lose weight. You know one of the things hypnotherapists do and so at the end of the session we count people up so that they come back. You know fully, aware or not, so they're not walking around like a zombie. You know the rest of the day. 

0:07:11 - Will
So he starts to count Like mean mornings. 

0:07:13 - Karen
Yeah, it's like. So he starts to count the client up and the client refuses and says no, I don't want to come out of hypnosis. And he says, well, come on, you know, I'm going to count to one to five and you'll be on. He says no, he says why, and the person says I want to go home, see my friends. And Michael's thinking okay, I'm going to wake you up out of trance and you're going to be fine, you're going to go home to your friends, and says no, I want to see my friend. All of a sudden the client is like whoa, they're so and so and he's talking to somebody as if he's seeing somebody in his inner vision or something, and come to fully doubt what he had done is he had gone back to having her back home, where we all come from, and he was having a reunion with some of his friends that had already passed on or passed away. 

Finally, the session ended and Michael couldn't get that out of his mind. He said what the heck is this? I mean, this is just bizarre. But Michael being the kind of person he was, he was just so curious and so everything. He proceeded to figure this out with 7,000 different clients. He would get them this transit. He would just suggest to them that they would go home. Well, the process was hit and miss for a while. They finally started fine tuning it and even to this day we're fine tuning the process to make it more successful, where the percentage rate now is about 90% of people that wanna have the session, wanna visit the afterlife for a few hours, can do it. 

0:08:33 - Will
Hang on, I gotta interrupt you for a second. You just dropped the bombshell there and I wanna make sure people understand what you're saying. You're saying that on the very first session, if someone goes to one of these, you or one of the other 250 practitioners of this modality you have a 90% chance of reaching have a 99 zero. 

0:08:52 - Karen
That's okay, let me qualify that. I would say within one or two sessions about 80% about Michael. 

That's about 80% successful in the first try. The other ones I do. What I do is I don't charge for a second session because that way people can relax. You know, I say, look, if you need a second session, I'll do it for free within a few months. You know, let things settle when they come back. About 90% of them are successful. Then I had one woman recently, the first session, nothing much happened. Second session she was able to go to a past life and I'll explain the past life deal in the second to you why we use that as a way to get to where we're going. Okay, second session she experienced a past life which she was like the cave woman, I mean walking around with a bag of stuff and her husband was hunting and they ended up getting lost or something. She died in the snow, you know somewhere. After that she says well, wow. I says if I'm making up a past life, I'm not gonna be some woman in a fur thing following a guy in the snow. 

0:09:53 - Will
So we could, you know it's just like gonna be a princess, and thus feminism was born. 

0:10:01 - Karen
Or something. So that intrigued her and also she came back for a third session. She was able to visit another past life and all of a sudden she sees herself pass away. She turns around and there's like a guy there, but then she's in what we call the black. It's like I think we think it's a real place, because some people end up being there and they just feel it or somewhere, but they don't see anything. All they do is feel good, you know, like wow, I'm in this neat place, but I'm not seeing anything in my inner vision or anything. 

We have a way, now that we've learned around, that we just take our time a little bit, let them float around the black and eventually, like happened with me, because it took me two times first session I got all freaked out, kind of like what's going on, and I couldn't settle down. I got my left brain, my analytical brain, too much in it, so we had to stop the session. But three or four days later they worked with me. We did it and I went to the past life, which was pretty cool, and then I'm in this black and I'm not seeing anything. Well, the facilitator knew to just take his time with me and about 10 minutes later so I'm just flowing this black I saw a pinpoint of like rent, like a dot of rent, and he said, well, just kind of float over towards it. 

It ended in a microsecond. There was, I was out of there, there was my guide and I had the most incredible experience of my life so far. That it like. Well, I just had to write it down because it was just so interesting that me regained this. Even at hit will therapy school I went. When I went for two years I was the last guy in the class to be hypnotized. You know, I kept volunteering every time pick me, pick me, and I'd go up there and I'd walk out going. This is nothing you know. 

0:11:38 - Will
I'm not hypnotized or anything From firsthand experience, regan, I'm telling you it's because apparently we wanted too much. 

0:11:44 - Karen
Yeah, that's the one thing. If you're pushing and trying, it's harder to happen. You just have to relax. Because the process that we found works is that we just take people to the natural process of falling asleep. That's paying attention to the breath and every breath, breathing in, and when you breathe out and you get to the very bottom of the breath before you breathe in again, there's a real quiet. It's like nothing's moving in your body. You're not using no muscles are moving or anything, and it's kind of like you kind of ratchet down Each breath you take and you're falling asleep, get down to the bottom and go a little deeper and then you breathe in you down the bottom. It's not like a light switch. You know people will bloop and you're just out. You know like that it's a process of falling asleep. 

Okay, so what we do because we're communicating with the person right is they're just about to fall asleep. We're communicating with them, so we kind of keep them in that relaxed state that's right on the verge of falling asleep. It seems that this is a natural thing, like if people have the ability on their own to just relax but to keep themselves just before falling asleep. That way I call it a God switch, but it seems that at that point people easily access memories of past lives. Maybe they've been in heaven 1000 times before. In our research we found out that's our true home. You know, it changes the paradigm a little bit when you realize you're not created in the womb, but God created you on the other side and you're just down here. Okay. 

That even makes more sense, as you think about it, that God creates us. And then we decide to have experience and learning, grow, to be more loving, like a play that we want to be and where you can play a certain character or you can learn a certain thing that you wouldn't otherwise. It's easy for people to understand if I say you know, we're down here and we're at a play and during our play, in different scenes different people show up, sometimes nice, sometimes our antagonist shows up and we have these huge learning experiences. You know that we have to deal with. We have to deal with the difficult things in life. So you picture this you're sitting in a movie theater and you're watching your play. So what I do to help people prepare for a show, I say we send them homework and in the homework what they do is they write a list of the cast of characters in their play. You know they write just a few sentences about them, so we know who the players are. And then they write a list of questions that they want to have answered about their current life. Some of the questions are general. We ask like why did this person decide to be born? What was their purpose? Could we all have meaning and purpose? What's the mission? What do we hope to learn? What do we hope to help others? Okay, we ask all those questions, but people have other questions. 

So many of the people that are doing these sessions are over 50, you know, a lot of people are 60s, 70s, 80s, and they're at a point in their life where they're going what am I gonna do with the rest of my life? I'm retired, blah, blah, blah blah. And then they wanna find out what's their mission now that they have time to do things. You know, what can they do to make the world a better place and everything. So everybody has their own thing. And then in the list of people, generally, people have a handful of people that have died that they wanna talk to when they get to the other side. That's what we call a soul group. We put terms out of it in because it's easier to explain this process. 

So generally, what happens is when people get to that deep state of relaxation in order to access the other side, we ask their soul, or their higher soul, to take them to a past life that has some sort of relevance to their current life, because there usually seems to be one you'd want to pay attention to, because we generally bring in some unfinished business into our current life, that we're still working on something we don't spend a lot of time in the past life, because it's just a doorway to kind of get to the afterlife. Some people just come to me. They want to do a past life regression session and we'll do that and we'll spend a lot of time there and we'll try to get as much information as we can because some people want to kind of check that out and see if they can find a person of that name or things that they can remember, if they can kind of prove a past life, you know kind of thing. But we usually just have to do two or three scenes from a person's memory of a past life that we haven't go to the death scene and I would say most of the time they're in a bed. So we're in a house, there's somebody there with them. Occasionally I've had people getting hung or been in battles and getting killed. We even had one that was only alive for a few hours and it was just like a crib desk in that lifetime. You know people wonder about crib desk. What was your purpose for that? My clients who's in transit's time says, well, I was going to come down, only be there for very just a few hours or a few short time, because my mom needed to have the experience of having a baby that passed away then because of stuff. She would learn from that, okay, and also it was a karmic a little bit there was. By doing that there was some kind of karma that that soul got rid of. 

You know, there's a book, okay two books that are so great that Michael Newton wrote. They just sold over a million copies. One is called Journey of Souls. That's his first book. He did that in 1995. About 10 years later, because so many people wrote him and said, well, what about this, what about this, what about this? And he was continuing research all the time. So the second book's a little thicker, is called Destiny of Souls. In him there there's a lot more specifics. You know about things that he found out. You know about the afterlife and things like that. So those are two great books. 

0:17:07 - Karen
For people that are listening to his podcast, they want to know that way, I like how you said you talked about the dreams and how they can insert themselves into dreams to kind of make people feel better, because I know that happened to me when my grandmother passed away and it was interesting because the dream that I had was I was she lived with my father at the time and so my father and his wife were sitting at a table and I was sitting there. I was kind of observing. I don't even know if I was part of the dream, but I'm watching this dream happen and my grandmother comes and she sits down between them and they couldn't see her at all, but she looked directly at me and just smiled and nodded her head. 

0:17:41 - Will
Oh, wow, as she would do, yeah. So I just want to point out we are halfway through this interview and I don't think we've asked you a single question, so this is actually the easiest interview we've ever done. We just teared up and let Reagan take it. Yeah, now we do have to take, we do have to take a break. So, before we continue the conversation, we've gone through the past life and the death experience. From there, it opens up the gateway into the afterlife. 

When we come back we're going to dive into the afterlife with Beacon Force and stay with us for a great while. 

0:18:19 - Speaker 4
Hello, my name is Melissa Oatman and I'm the host of Awaken your Inner Awesomeness. I'm a teacher, healer, intuitive and single mom of twins. I'm an empath and are a covering people pleaser. I created Awaken your Inner Awesomeness to help other people like me learn how to stop living their lives for others so that they could start living their absolute best lives. I cover topics in spirituality and self-improvement like citing healthy boundaries, working with the archangels and protecting your energy. I end every episode by pulling a card of guidance to help you get a message to start your day off right. I also interview fascinating guests who cover a wide range of self-help topics. If this sounds interesting to you, then what are you waiting for? Start listening today. 

0:19:16 - Will
And now back to the skeptic metaphysicians. Welcome back to the skeptic metaphysicians. We're talking to Regan Forson, who is taking us to heaven. 

0:19:29 - Karen
I'm so excited because he's like a heavenly tour guide. 

0:19:32 - Will
Oh my God, why does that not think about that? In fact, I think we found our episode title Regan, the Heavenly Tour Guide. Okay, before the break we talked about how you use past life regression as the gateway to get you into the afterlife. It makes perfect sense. You go to the end time and then where do we go from there beyond that? Instead of coming back or going to another life, we now follow them. 

0:19:54 - Karen
I'm assuming that's exactly what you're doing. You go back home, spend some time there and play on your next journey In the research we've done now, a socials choose not to come back and not everybody that God creates has incarnations and force. So souls that have been created are all the time behind the scenes, but it seems like every soul has their doing work and it seems like there's a progression For a lot of people. Once you become God-realized in a sense, where I say your love quotient is really really great and you pass on, then a lot of times you'll take jobs as being on a council. 

It's kind of like if you're in the sixth grade and there's people in the fifth grade, there's things you know that they don't know yet. But if you're really really loving and that person down there you see needs to need something, you kind of reach down and kind of help them out. But then you look above yourself and there's someone in seventh grade that's reaching down to you to kind of help you grow up. So there's that kind of camaraderie of that love. There's no, we've not found anything of a negative nature at all in this person's. That people have no one's experienced like evil, demons or anything like that. If you experience it, you feel in a sense like as you're having it. It's just like buckets of lund just poured over you. That's the best way I can explain it. It's other world, in a sense. 

0:21:20 - Will
Maybe that should be the episode title Bucket of lund, bucket of lund. I love that. I love that yeah. 

0:21:26 - Karen
So I have a question for you. We've spoken with a bunch of different people that have had near-death experiences and sometimes the things they say are similar and sometimes they're different. In your experience, is heaven the same for everyone? 

0:21:39 - Karen
28 of us therapists, we swap sessions. The very first session that I did was from a person that was a medium from Australia. He had a TV show and everything over there and he wanted to go through a session. And here's like I've been training in my manuals like this thick, so I've got the pages. As I'm going like this and I'm taking it past life, and all of a sudden he goes Reagan and I go what he says I'm already in the past life and I go okay, so I got to go with the pages and so forth. 

He ended up being a little girl. He was a girl about eight or nine years old, was carrying two buckets of water and I said what did the water for? She said they're for the horses, and I forget what the little girl's name was. So I'm telling this because I'd say, half the time, especially the women that I do the sessions with and, by the way, about 70% of the sessions are done, or, of these, 70,000 cases are women and about 30% is men Seems like women are so much. You know how. You know the skies are a little brain-tested. You know hard for us to get vulnerable. It's hard for us to open up the heart a little bit more. 

0:22:49 - Will
But once again Regan is calling me out. Personally, I'm starting to get a little complex here. Okay, I'll just say me. 

0:22:59 - Karen
So this man who's in the past, life now and is a little girl with the two buckets of water, I say, well, let's go home and see where the horses are. And she goes I can't, I can't. I say why I can't cross this road. And I say why can't you cross this road? She says because this wagon that's coming down the road is going to run over and kill me. And I say this is my first session. There's this little girl and this other life. Heck if I'm telling her to cross that road where she's going to get killed. 

I mean, this is my first session Go back. I go. Okay. Luckily, what happened was the higher self of my client speaks and says she needs to go through the experience. Tell her to cross the road, okay. So for me now he's tele-V to tell that little girl who he was in another life. Thing to cross the road and get killed. 

0:23:47 - Will
Just following orders, boss. Just following orders. 

0:23:50 - Karen
So all of a sudden, I said what's happening? And she says I'm bleeding out. The wagon had run over this little girl and I said okay, you know, one, two, three, you're out of your body. I said no, I need to experience this. So I was quiet a little bit. And then the little girl says you know, through him, says okay, I'm finished now. And I said well, what happened? She says well, like I died and I'm above my body. And I said are you ready to go back home now? She says no. She says I have to stay here with the man that drove the wagon. He said he's beside himself because he just ran over and killed the little girl. I thought, wow, how beautiful that is. It just shows you the love that's there for souls from there. So, anyway, there was more than a session, but that would be another show. I can tell you there's all these crazy ones. 

0:24:33 - Will
Yeah, that's right. I wanted to reel you back in for a second because I want to go back to Karen's question, because her question was in your experience, does everyone experience the same thing when they go to heaven, or is everyone's experience of heaven different? 

0:24:48 - Karen
Yes, Okay, that's 20 things. We asked the same questions and then when we came back, we all did our report. We experienced, we sent it to someone else in the institute there they put it all together, PowerPoint and everything. And I asked just the last question I had. And before the council, we'll talk about the council a minute, but I've asked some questions and this then I call a late C. They see a Chinese for me. My guide was at six of them there, but he's the one that always is the one I seem to talk to or that seems, of course, to communicate with me. I said this place that you're allowing us to bring people to so that they can experience, have this beautiful experience of heaven, Is this? It Is this heaven, Like just these, because we've felt about eight different places so far, which covers a whole bunch of stuff that people do when they're over there, so they are different then. 

Yeah. So the guide, I says, is this it, and he goes. You're going to miss me here, but he goes. He goes and he's like this you haven't seen anything yet, you know. So what he was telling me, I think, was this is kind of like Heaven 101. 

You know, it's opened up for people to get a glimpse, and the main reasons that they're getting a glimpse is they want people to realize that their life has meaning and purpose. They have a mission. They have something they wanted to learn, something they want to help teach other people or learn themselves, and the fact that they're never alone. All these 70,000 people, every single one of them, has had a guide or someone that's kind of assigned to them that they sometimes my clients will recognize them start crying because it's so and all of a sudden they recognize oh, they're so and so someone that they love from the other side and they're getting to see them again. 

You know, like a friend you haven't seen for a long time. It's like you know, when you come back having that experience, what they're hoping will happen is that people will get to work, they know what their mission is. Now Most people signed out that they're in the middle of their mission, that they're doing it, but they just. It's nice to get that confirmation that you're of life, that you're really doing what you're supposed to be doing. Sometimes they'll say you need to step it up a bit. You know, people are kind of gone side track a little bit in that and they'll say I like it, you might kind of get a little bit, get to it, get to it now. 

0:27:06 - Will
Yeah, step, lively son. 

0:27:09 - Karen
Yeah. So I think you know it's just like heaven and everything we're learning over there. We're just learning because, even having the session, we somehow chosen this lifetime. You both and I we've chosen because this is where we need to concentrate mostly now, because this is the classroom right now. This is what we're studying and everything you know. But it is nice to know that we had other classes and we learned other things and other lifetimes and things that are helping us to be better people in this lifetime. 

So, in other words, they don't want people to spend in their head in the clouds all the time because, hey, you got to get to work and that's what this does. I mean, people have written me a couple of years, even after they had a session, and just said you know what, ever since that day, life has just been different for me. I've looked at people different. I found more joy and happiness in my life. I'm not, you know, bitching about how hard everything is and they're not playing the victim role anymore because they know that they signed up to have tough things happen to them that they had to work through. I have had some experiences over there when I have clients in this deep state of trans which they get into very easily and they're experiencing the other side. That humor is a huge part of heaven. For this, the other side, thank God. 

0:28:21 - Will
Thank God Because being I mean, yeah, if you can't have a sense of humor about dying, I don't know what else you, what you can have a sense of humor about. 

0:28:29 - Karen
Well, what was interesting was I had a client in her life as centered around lightness and love and humor and everything. And when she's in this process and she meets her guide and she's describing the guide to me and everything, and then so usually what we do is we say well, so we can communicate properly with this guide, ask the guide that she'll give us his name, so we can, like us humans, do just, he told her by name or everything. And the guy says just call me Bob. She started, she's in, she's in trans now, of course, and because she has this super sense of humor, she starts laughing so hard. I'm sitting next to her. I took this half an hour to get her deep in trans and she starts laughing so hard. Belly that. And I start laughing so hard that way, and she said the guide was doing the same thing. You know and it was an introduction. 

Later on in that session I happened to think, as a researcher, we always think of new questions, asking everything. But I asked the guy because it seemed that her theme there was lightness and love, that it was just a beautiful session we were doing, and I said is there comedy clubs in heaven? And he goes sure, instantly, she's in this club. There's these other souls over there and there's a guy he said reminded him of Rodney Dangerfield. This whole thing is about love and light. Okay. So all of a sudden I says, well, you know, she's there at this like comedy clip on the other side. And she said which looks like Rodney Dangerfield? I'm not sure if it's him, but it's kind of like him. He's making the same kind of jokes. So Rodney whoever that was, who did a joke, and all sudden wings, we think, appeared on him and the audience is laughing like crazy. She's laughing like crazy. I says what was that joke? She says I don't know, but everybody's laughing. So I'm laughing, you know. 

He says I guess, I guess it was like an inside joke you know like you had to be in heaven to kind of understand what that human was. 

But then here's what was beautiful, though I started asking more questions. I said, well, ask your guide there, like what's the importance of humor down here? He proceeded to do about a 10 minutes through her talking. You know she would repeat exactly what he was saying through her. He was all about the describing like love is. Like if you picture a pie, you know different sections, like they do on PowerPoint and everything. And humor was a huge part of love. I just remember that visual image that she gave me for them. Every session is similar because everybody goes through basically a tilt later, the same kind of process that they've lined up for people to experience over there. But because everybody's at a different rate of unfoldment or whatever, we're all individual, the sessions have a uniqueness to them which is just. I mean, the hair stands up on my arms. Sometimes I'm sitting next to these people and they're in the afterlife having these beautiful experiences. 

0:31:21 - Will
So a couple of questions. Let me first start with the obvious one. You're hypnotizing, right. You're bringing them into hypnosis to do past life regression. So first the question is when you get to a certain level, what theta waves, or I think it is, or whatever level that you get to, it's also at the level where they say you reach the collective unconscious. So if that's the case, and that's when you're really accessing your creative thoughts, could this, everything that we are talking about now, just be a creation, a fiction, us kind of creating a story for ourselves? What makes you think that, specifically, this is not just something we're making up, or rather we are actually crossing over and remembering things that happen between lives? 

0:32:06 - Karen
Yeah, that's a really good question, and the research we're doing, we're constantly wondering about that. The simplest thing is, well, whether we're making enough or whether it's real. It has a super beneficial emotional and physiological effect on your body that makes life better or easier, or seems to be more understanding. So, whatever it is, it's a good thing, even if we're just making enough. What I find, though, is the fact that, okay, of the different stations they go to, this would be a good time to bring in there Almost all of my clients experience going before counsel, getting their questions answered. 

The councils are generally unique to each person. Some people have three or four elders or people on there. Sometimes people have 20 or 30, but generally it's five or six. It's like an intimate group, and they can get questions about their life answered and everything, and then, from there, we ask them to have permission to go to their soul group, and these are souls that you generally they say they're your favorites. On the other side, you're like here on earth, we have friends, good friends that we're really close to. Soul groups could range from 10 to 20 or 30 or 40, but then there's subgroups of those. Sometimes there's people that come from other acting troops, in a sense, to come in and to be at our play. 

But here's what really makes it real to me. For instance, I'll give you an example, as I had a woman come to me whose husband had hung himself and killed himself and she was to be totally beside herself. This man she loved for every else of everything. She was loved this man. And she came home and he was hanging in the garage and she had not been able to work. She'd be going to therapists and the therapist that knew the work that I did didn't seem to be getting anywhere with her. So he says look, this may seem kind of weird, but here's Regan's number and maybe he can help you contact your husband on the other side and you can find out why he did this horrible thing and what's going on. 

So she came to me not believing in this process, just desperate to do something. She went really deep there, went to a past life, and then we asked if the guy they were with. He said, well, you probably know why we're here, but in case you don't, I'm going to say my client here at her husband killed himself and she's wondering if she can see him. They said yes, but just for a short time, just for a few minutes. And so all of a sudden, there he was and, oh my gosh, my client is here. She's just crying like crazy. I'm crying like crazy because I'm feeling all the emotion, because she goes this is here, this is here, you know, oh my gosh. 

And so she asked why did you do that? He apologized. He says I'm so, so sorry. She says I have nothing to do with you. 

He says there was some stuff I was dealing with from childhood abuse and things that I never told you about, and it just overcame me. And I just, he says, when I hung myself in a way that I couldn't undo it, but I wish I could have undo it done, he said, but it was just too late and I couldn't. And he said sweetheart. She says, look, I'm so sorry and I hope when you pass away we're back together again. If we get to do this over again or something, because I'd love you, we're soul mates or whatever, we're going to just give it another try. 

And you could see that that made her feel good. But then the guide another guide comes in and said that's all the time you have. And then he's looking at her and he says. He says I'm so afraid where they're taking me. I said well, ask him why you know. Because his reason is well, were they taking him? And he tells her, these guides are taking him to show him what his life could have been like if he hadn't killed himself In other words he'd hung in there, lord. 

Now that made it real to me, because that's what it is. 

I mean, doesn't that seem like the most loving thing that you could be done on the other side? That they know you goofed up, that you didn't. You know you took the easy way out because of your humaneness and you blew your mission in a way, you know, and they just, I believe they wanted to show him so that it would instill in him, when you go down to try it again, you can do it next time. You know, don't take that way out. So that's just. Oh gosh, these. There's so much emotion. So that's what makes us so real is the fact that now, after her having the session, she's still in this, to my crazy. She still had a grieving process to go through, but some heaviness lifted off of her because she realized it wasn't her fault. She got a seat and realized they're gonna be together again and get an apology from him. So did she make it up? Did it all run, or something? 

0:36:57 - Will
Well, it sure was good. You have all the answers for us. 

0:37:01 - Karen

0:37:02 - Will
Because you've talked to so many different people about this. You have the answers of what happens in the afterlife, so I think we can have you back 17 times and still not get through all the information. 

So I got asked the big question because we're getting close to running out of time and this is the question that everybody listening is begging me to ask, at least. So I like to tell myself In all of these sessions that you've done. What have they said or has anyone said about God? What is God? Have they met God? Is there God? What is God? 

0:37:37 - Karen
Okay, here's another thing that makes this seem so real to me. When people on the other side say, well, can I see God? Or where's God? This place or this portal has been opened People feel the presence. They call it the presence over there. They feel the presence much more than we do here, like they're closer in some sense to that, but it's almost like God is still beyond comprehension Even there in heaven. It's not like you can go up and shake his hand or something like he's a person or something Like he's this loving presence that people feel, that know that this presence is there. But what is this presence? We seem to have to think of it in a bodily form, but it's this consciousness. So there's something that's not male or female or it's just lung, this consciousness. So in this part of heaven anyway. 

Now, people that have been Christian that come to me, I make sure that I ask over there is Jesus around and can they have a conversation with him? Every single Christian that's come to me and done that has had a personal audience with Jesus. Tears are running down their eyes when they feel the love of Jesus and the things that he tells them and stuff is just like you would think Jesus would be total love, acceptance and that. But for people that are you know, other you know, it's like Jesus is part of people's life and he is part of this big equation and very, very important for a lot of people. But he's not everything you know. I mean there's a people ask what's the one religion you know? They go God. Okay, now here I am. Tell me the one religion. I'm gonna start it tomorrow, you know do that. 

0:39:19 - Will
It's the church of will. 

0:39:22 - Karen
Here so far. When they ask about that, they say if you feel you need a religion, choose one. If one speaks to you, then it's gonna help you in your mission. It's gonna help you to be more loving. If you're gonna feel like you need to have a religion, then go ahead. When we ask what's the one practice, you know cause people say, okay, I'm here right now, but I know I'm gonna go back to my body and I'm gonna be like duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh be able to have this experience. 

And they say meditation. They say that 100%. They'll say if you wanna kind of keep connected, if you want to have your intuition improved so that you can hear the thoughts or the hear what we're trying to help you with, then meditation. And again, people have meditation. I could do a whole show on that sometimes if you wanted, because meditation is. 

People have this vision that meditation is just one thing where you're just sitting in the lowest position for hours at a time and you're just aching and you can't stand it because you're being in one place for so long. There are so many ways to meditate. You know you can meditate for two minutes a day. They just want you to make that connection where you're like when I was coming back one of the big things when I was coming back, I felt I was above the world. I had this feeling I could see the earth and it just looked oh my gosh, this beautiful ball in space, this just slowly moving around, and it just wow, what a most beautiful place. 

As I started getting a little closer, I started feeling physical pain. It like I stung me. He says what you're feeling. You're feeling all the pain of the earth, all the emotion that people are having, because you can imagine, like at this moment, right now, who, if we had to, we would explode. We had to take a millionth of the pain going on people's emotions, right. And then he said are you sure you wanna do this work, which is what I'm doing, this thing here? Here's this guide right there. And I said FPS. So thank you for censoring yourself. Yeah, all right. 

0:41:29 - Will
The radio stations are saying thank you right now. 

0:41:31 - Karen
Right, but that's how deeply I could feel it Like I was making this choice to do this work. He said okay, if you wanna do this work, I'm gonna tell you four things to do, and if you don't do these four things, your physical body is gonna get sick and you're gonna die. So I said okay, let's now. 

Well, what do you wanna do? Because we're dealing with energy here and, good or bad, how this is, it's a powerful amount of energy. It wouldn't be sitting next to these people all the time and experiencing that all the time. My physical vehicle here could only deal with so much. So he said this and this would be good for anybody. 

He says when you wake up in the morning, do some sort of spiritual exercise, which means disengaging. You know, like I heard in my mind this is the thing is, it's almost like I'm hearing things, I'm hearing a prayer in my mind. What he's saying is what I heard was bless this day and those that I serve, is I keep one foot in heaven and one foot planted firmly on earth to accomplish my mission of being kind at any cost, and because kindness, I found out, was one of the things that I came down here to learn. And then the second thing he said. He said oh okay, now they're showing me a picture in my mind of an hourglass and I'm seeing clients in. You know how the hourglass is, of course. Look, and I'm seeing clients and the sand is piling up and piling up and piling up and nothing's going through to the bottom. And he says if the sand gets to the top, you're toast Bye-bye. So when I saw myself, when he said, do spiritual exercises, I could see myself doing that I started seeing sand going down to the bottom. 

The second thing was he said spend more time in nature, because nature's God's way and we all know that somehow you go for a walk along the beach or you're in a woods somewhere. There's something that heals you, there's something beautiful about that. We all seem to just do that. Naturally. We know that if we go into nature we're going to somehow heal. So I saw sand going down. The third thing was she said do as many random acts of kindness as you can. In my mind I saw myself picking up a piece of trash that wasn't mine, just a little piece of trash, Someone else, as I put it, saying I could see sand going down to the bottom. And the fourth thing he says talk to other therapists, regular therapists that are dealing with people's problems. So they ask them how do they ground themselves? How do they do that? Have it pretty good to do on most of that. Give myself maybe a B minus or maybe a B. 

0:43:53 - Will
That's pretty good. They're a little improved. Yeah, and those are great tips for anyone to do. Yeah, absolutely. 

0:44:01 - Karen
And now you're doing all these tips to keep yourself alive. And have one last question that I have to know After all of these sessions and experiences, how do you feel about your own death, like, are you okay when it comes? Are you anxious about it? 

0:44:16 - Karen
Great question, because look at me, kid, I'm in my mid-70s now and when I was praying the other day I was thinking here's where my thoughts were. I was like I feel like I'm just getting a hang of things here. So I say now, don't take me yet, because I think I could do some good here now, because I'm starting to get I get the hang of this and it's starting to get really fun. 

0:44:37 - Will
You look really healthy to me, Regan. I don't think you have anything to worry about. 

0:44:41 - Karen
Well, you're fine, you're fine, I'm doing pretty good. But I would say, even though that human part of me now we're at tax theater, life is good. But from experiencing every boldly client, these hundreds that have at least passed lives, and how they feel when they're out of the body, like this is so great. And me being there a couple of times and knowing that I just know when I leave this physical body and I'm looking down at it and part of the bigger picture again, I'm gonna be going, wow cool. I can't wait to come back and do it. Do I wanna come back again? You know? 

0:45:15 - Karen

0:45:16 - Karen
But I look at the way the world's going right now. So I go to say in 10 years, I'm wondering what's in 30 or 40 or 50 years is? Are we gonna be around anymore? What's gonna happen? 

0:45:25 - Will
Yeah, yeah, we think about that for a daughter. Actually, it's something we it's very much in our top of our minds, unfortunately. 

0:45:31 - Karen
Now if we I mean, you guys are cool. I love the way you do your show and everything like that too, but it happened in Kalani. Thank you. We could do another show because I wanted to get into today, but we don't have time of the quantum healing hypnosis, which is what I've incorporated at night and about the physical healings that happen to some types of people over there and especially emotional healings that happen, and also about the other different stations. 

There's the. Some people experience the station where they they can actually go back and they can see when they chose their current life, like you're looking down and you can get so interesting what you know, how they explain it, where you're seeing this process of how do you choose another life. There's a little the library some people go to. Usually they'll sit them down in front of a book and a guide will get a book and you're paging it through and it has everything you've ever been since you were born. What if you? 

0:46:24 - Will
don't read. Yeah, there are people out there that hate to read. 

0:46:28 - Karen
Is it in English? Well? 

0:46:31 - Will
are there audio books? Can you listen to the books? 

0:46:33 - Karen
In the pages that my. My clients have described it as pages of light and they know they're getting. On some level they're seeing everything, but their physical self can't really tell you exactly what that was. But they just say I just know I'm seeing everything and on some level I'm getting that there's a place of rejuvenation where people go and sometimes they don't want, they don't want to go on to another part of heaven because they love it so much, where they can feel their whole inner self and body being cleansed and cleaned. Oh my gosh, there's so many stories of that. 

that's really great and so there's a lot there's a lot there that we've discovered that you can't get over and talk about in an hour, you know? 

0:47:13 - Will
Yeah, no we're gonna have to get you back now. So just to summarize really quickly because we are way out of time but you actually bring people into a hypnotic state that allows them to transfer their consciousness to a time when they were in between lives and they can actually go there and speak to and experience heaven. Speak to anyone in heaven, speak to Jesus, hang out with good old J himself, hang out with your guardian angels or your spirits or whatever you believe, and you can stay there as long as you want, you can get whatever answers you want and then come back and not have any kind of adverse reactions or anything like that. That sounds like heaven on earth to me. 

It is yeah, definitely true, and my experience so far- and the best thing about it is that anybody within the sound of our voice right now, anybody, could reach out to you and get that done right now. This is not an exclusive thing that just kings and queens can have access to right. Any jokeshmo like Will and Karen could actually get this done, and we tried hard. We tried hard to get it together. 

0:48:16 - Karen
We weren't able to connect it, but maybe for the next one we'll be able to handle something like that yeah, okay, because I have a bit of a waiting risk, but it's not as bad as it went with Michael Newton. He had a four year waiting list when he was doing this oh, wow oh my gosh. 

0:48:29 - Will
I don't know what I'm gonna have to say about it 250 of us. 

0:48:31 - Karen
People go to newtoninstituteorg and they can look for a therapist in the area of the 250 of us. And what I say to people like people, when they find me on there, they go well, there was these three or four but I just felt I'd saw your face or something and I just knew here were the one. And it seems to work out good that way. So if they can have a session, I'm happy to help them find someone in their area. If there's not anybody, we can do it online. 

I have one like other therapist now. She's so how she's here. She's actually on the board now and she's been just doing so many of these in India in the middle of the night or whenever she's up. Whatever. It's just one person, another, none other, and some therapists now are preferring just to do it on Zoom because it's just so much easier. I love to do it in person the most, but on Zoom. I did one in Philadelphia last week. It was really really great, connected with a really good person. We had a A plus session. So you know, people go say quote by your guy, hey is reading the right guy for me, or do I need to find somebody else? 

0:49:36 - Will
Yeah, but what's they called Visit the afterlifecom right? 

0:49:39 - Karen
Yeah, there's two T's. Visit the afterlifecom. Great videos on there. You can see actually a young lady going through the process on there and there's a you see Michael Newton's on there talking about before he passed away. He had some things. There's some really good information on there. So contact me on the contact page. There's phone number in there and I'm happy to help anybody comes my way. 

0:50:01 - Will
That's excellent. We're going to add direct links in our show notes to your website and to the books that you mentioned Everything one stop shop. When it comes to Regan Forston, just go to skepticmanavisioncom. Go to his episode page. You'll see all the stuff there directly laid in for you, so it makes it super easy to contact you, regan. Thank you so much for coming on the show. We really appreciate your time and your sharing of this really cool modality with us that we've literally have just brought the surface on. So, yeah, we're going to reach out to you. We'll get you back on. We got a lot to talk about. 

0:50:31 - Karen
You guys are my man. Yeah, you're a good host. 

0:50:33 - Will
Thank you. 

0:50:34 - Karen
I would love to be on again sometime. 

0:50:37 - Will
Today's listener corner comes from Penny Mason. Penny sent us a message through our website and says Love your show. I know you get a lot of messages, but I really had to write. You have and are opening up so many doors for me. I come from a very religious Baptist background so diving into any of these beautiful topics was forbidden. I've always felt there was more something else, and now I don't feel crazy and alone. I'm listening to all your shows because I want to learn everything I can and I can't get enough. You both are so wonderful and full of love and peace. Thank you. Thank you for the safe place to learn about a whole new world. I will forever be grateful and then put a little heart at the end of it. 

Penny, thanks so much for sending us a message telling us how much you really appreciate the show. We really appreciate you taking the time to send us the note. It really makes everything worthwhile. To know that people like you are really resonating with the messages we're getting out there and to know that we're helping you and anyone else out there listening to these episodes really, really makes it worthwhile for us. So thank you again for reaching out and if you'd like to hear your review read on the air. 

Feel free to go to skepticmanifositioncom. You can leave us a voicemail or send us an email directly from the site, or go to Apple Podcasts or PodChaser. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. If you did and you feel called to give back, we invite you to visit our website at skepticmanifositioncom, where you can donate to the show or subscribe as a member through our Buy Me a Coffee campaign. Your support will go a long way towards allowing Karen and I to bring you these wonderful conversations and teachings in more and more robust ways. Well, that's all for now. We will see you on the next episode of the Skeptic Manifosition. Until then, take care MUSIC. 

Regan ForstonProfile Photo

Regan Forston

3 Hours 33 Minutes in Heaven


Current Status
Regan is a past board member in charge of public engagement for the Newton Institute. The Newton Institute's mission is to uncover the mysteries of the afterlife. With the help of 250 + trained facilitators scattered over 46 countries, they have discovered what happens to a person at death, where they go and what they do while they are there waiting to reincarnate. This process is called Life Between Lives. With over 70,000 successful sessions, they have, in a sense, mapped out the Afterlife/Heaven. Sessions are now available to anyone in the world. Most therapists have about a 90% success rate with clients. Regan is author of a book he wrote about his personal experience in the afterlife called
3 HOURS 33 MINUTES IN HEAVEN. He is also a practitioner of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique allowing some clients to experience relief from their health issues.

Personal History
Out of body experiences at age four set Regan up for a spiritually based life. His inner guidance has taken him to 5 countries where he experienced the best and worst of humanity, from standing ovations in Las Vegas and Hollywood movie sets to cartel kidnappings and mayhem in Mexico. And, the adventure continues now as he facilitates clients experiencing past lives and in a deep state of hypnosis, visiting where they as soul go in between lives.
Regan has had a most unusual and interesting life. He went from being a paperboy at age 9, a gas station attendant at 17, a door to door salesman at 21, a real estate broker at 23,… Read More