Consciousness Expansion and Heart Opening with Cacao Plant Medicine

Consciousness Expansion and Heart Opening with Cacao Plant Medicine

Cosmic spirits in plants.
The idea of cosmic spirits inhabiting plants has been around for centuries. In many cultures, plants are seen as sacred, and believed to possess spiritual powers. This belief is now being re-examined, as new research is showing that plants can indeed have a profound effect on us.

Cacao is one of the plants that is believed to be inhabited by cosmic spirits. Cacao is a type of bean that is used to make chocolate. Chocolate is the world’s most popular food, and is often used as a gift to show love and appreciation. The energy of chocolate, even though it has been processed many times before other ingredients are added, is still full of love. Imagine what it would be like in its raw form!

Cacao is known as a “master plant medicine” because of its power to expand our consciousness. It has been used ceremonially by indigenous people for thousands of years, and is now becoming more widely available in the western world. Cacao is said to have the power to open our hearts and help us connect more deeply with ourselves and the universe. It is believed to be a powerful tool for healing, transformation, and spiritual growth.

The effects of cacao are thought to be due to its active compounds, including theobromine and serotonin. These compounds interact with our brain chemistry in a way that can bring about feelings of euphoria and connectedness. In addition, cacao contains antioxidants and other beneficial compounds that can improve our physical and mental health.

The power of cacao is not just physical. It is believed to be a way to access higher levels of consciousness and connect with the spiritual realm. Cacao ceremonies are becoming increasingly popular, and involve drinking a special cacao concoction and engaging in activities such as meditation, chanting, and dancing. These ceremonies are said to help open our hearts and minds, and allow us to access the cosmic energies of the universe.

Cacao is just one example of a plant that is believed to be inhabited by cosmic spirits. There are many other plants, such as ayahuasca and mushrooms, that are said to possess spiritual powers. These plants can be used to help us connect with our higher selves and access deeper levels of consciousness. While the scientific evidence for these claims is still limited, there is no denying the power of plants to bring about healing and transformation.

Expand awareness and love.
When we consume these plant medicines with reverence and respect, they go directly into our bloodstream. This can be a powerful way to expand our awareness and open our hearts. Cacao, for example, is a very gentle plant medicine that helps to open up the heart chakra and release any blockages that may be preventing us from feeling love. It helps us to recognize and release any stories or beliefs that are limiting us, and to see things from a higher perspective.

The analogy of the rolled-up piece of paper is a helpful way to illustrate the power of plant medicines to expand our awareness and love. When the paper is rolled up tightly, we can only see ourselves, and we are focused only on our own needs. But as we open up the paper, we start to see others, and we can connect with them in a more meaningful way. This is the same with plant medicines. As we open our hearts and minds, we become more aware of the world around us and can experience a deeper level of love.

Expanding our awareness and love is an important part of our spiritual journey. Plant medicines can be a powerful tool to help us in this process. By consuming them with respect and reverence, we can open our hearts and minds to the beauty of the world around us, and access deeper levels of love and understanding.

Honor plant medicines with devotion.
Plant medicines, such as cacao, are an ancient tool used by indigenous cultures to access higher levels of consciousness. These medicines are often used in ceremonial settings, where they are honored and respected with devotion. This is important because it helps to create a sacred space for the medicine to work its magic. When we approach the medicine with an open heart, we can receive its healing energy and gain insight into our lives.
Cacao is one of the most popular plant medicines. It has been used for centuries by cultures around the world for its medicinal and spiritual properties. It is important to source ceremonial cacao for these ceremonies, as it is made with the intention of honoring the medicine. This means that the farmers, those who are fermenting, packaging, and transporting the cacao, are all aware that the cacao is a master plant medicine. This ensures that the cacao is treated with respect and reverence, and that its healing properties are preserved.
Plant medicines are powerful tools that can help us to open our hearts and minds, and access higher levels of consciousness. When we approach them with respect and reverence, we can honor their healing energy and gain insight into our lives. By honoring plant medicines with devotion, we can connect with their healing power and open ourselves up to the beauty of the world around us.

Cosmic Spirits Choose Us.
Cosmic spirits are powerful entities that exist beyond our physical realm. They are believed to be messengers of the divine and can help us to access higher levels of consciousness. Through plant medicines, these cosmic spirits can call on us when we are in a place of readiness to change and shift our perspectives. Plant medicines can help us to open up the veil and experience unconditional love for ourselves and everyone else.

When we open ourselves up to these cosmic spirits, we can start to see beyond our current perspective and understand that we are all connected. We are not separate entities, but rather, we are all part of something much larger. Plant medicines can help us to release old beliefs and paradigms and expand our awareness. This allows us to become more connected to the world around us and to find a deeper understanding of our place in it.

When looking into different plant medicines, it is important to remember that they should be respected and honored. Indigenous peoples have been using plant medicines for centuries, and it is important to be aware of the potential to appropriate their traditions and beliefs. It is important to remember that these medicines will only call on us when we are ready, and that when we are called, we should approach them with respect and reverence.

By honoring plant medicines with devotion, we can connect with the cosmic spirits that exist beyond our physical realm. Through plant medicines, we can open ourselves up to new perspectives and understand that we are all connected. By connecting with cosmic spirits, we can access higher levels of consciousness and open ourselves up to the beauty of the world around us.

Cacao: A Nurturing Superfood.
Cacao is one such plant medicine that has been used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures. Cacao is a gentle medicine that is used to support us in our day-to-day lives. It is a powerful superfood that is rich in copper, magnesium, iron, serotonin, dopamine, PEA, and anandamide, all of which help us to feel happy and good. Cacao can be consumed in its raw form as a morning beverage, allowing us to start our day off with a natural boost of feel-good chemicals.

Cacao is also known as “Mama Cacao” because of its nurturing and loving energy. It is a powerful vibration of love that can help us to connect with something bigger than ourselves and remind us that we are the creators of our own lives. Cacao is different from other plant medicines in that it does not take us on a trip outside of our bodies. Instead, it allows us to remain present and in control, while still allowing us to experience euphoria. 

When it comes to knowing if cacao has chosen us, it is said that we will start to hear its name more frequently in our awareness. We might hear it in a cacao ceremony, or in a podcast like this one. We will start to feel a flow and a curiosity about it, and that is how we know that it has chosen us. 

Cacao is a beautiful and powerful medicine that can help us to remember more of who we are and connect with something bigger than ourselves. Through cacao, we can access higher levels of consciousness and open ourselves up to the beauty of the world around us. By incorporating cacao into our daily lives, we can experience its powerful vibration of love and connect with the cosmic spirits that exist beyond our physical realm.

Honor yourself and the journey.
At the same time, it is important to honor ourselves and the journey we are on. This means taking the time to understand our individual needs and desires, and to be mindful of how we are treating ourselves. Cacao is a powerful plant medicine that can help us to open up to new possibilities and to connect with our higher selves. But it is important to remember that we must also honor our own journey and our own individual needs.

For example, when it comes to drinking cacao, we must be mindful of how much sugar we are adding. Too much sugar can take away from the power of the plant medicine and make it difficult to drink. Instead, it is best to use natural organic sugars such as cane sugar, coconut sugar, or even essential oils. This way, we can still enjoy the flavor of the cacao while honoring our individual needs.

When we honor ourselves and our journey, we can appreciate the beauty of the cacao and all that it has to offer. We can take a moment to watch the incredible design that appears when we stir the cacao at the stove and observe the five layers that appear. We can also take a moment to connect with the plant medicine and to appreciate the way it opens up our hearts. 

Finally, it is important to remember that we are all on our own unique journey and that what resonates with one person may not resonate with another. We must be mindful of our own needs and desires and be willing to take baby steps towards our goals. By honoring ourselves and our journey, we can experience the full power of the cacao and open ourselves up to the beauty of the world around us.

Connect with Mama Cacao.
Mama Cacao is a powerful and sacred medicine that has been used for centuries to help people connect with their higher selves and the divine. It has been used in ceremonies around the world to help people access the healing power of the plant and to open up to deeper levels of consciousness. By connecting with Mama Cacao, we can access the power of the plant and open ourselves up to the beauty of the world around us.

When we connect with Mama Cacao, we are opening up to a level of consciousness that can be both healing and transformative. The plant has the ability to connect us to our inner wisdom and to help us access the power of the divine. By connecting with the plant, we can access a deeper level of understanding and connection with the world around us.

The power of Mama Cacao is best experienced in a ceremony or group setting. During a ceremony, the facilitator or shaman will serve everyone a cup of the plant medicine. The facilitator will guide the group in connecting with the plant medicine and speaking to her directly. This is a powerful way to access the power of the plant and to open ourselves up to the beauty of the world around us.

When we connect with Mama Cacao, it is important to remember to be mindful of our own needs and desires. We must be willing to take baby steps towards our goals and to be patient and kind with ourselves. We must honor ourselves and our journey, and be open to the healing power of the plant. By connecting with the plant, we can access a deeper level of understanding and connection with the world around us.

The power of Mama Cacao is not only experienced in a ceremony or group setting, but it can also be accessed in the comfort of our own homes. We can order the plant medicine online and have it delivered to our homes, and then begin our journey of connecting with Mama Cacao. By connecting with the plant, we can access a deeper level of understanding and connection with the world around us.

Mama Cacao is a powerful and sacred medicine that has the ability to help us connect with our higher selves and the divine. By connecting with the plant, we can access a deeper level of understanding and connection with the world around us. We must be mindful of our own needs and desires and be willing to take baby steps towards our goals. By honoring ourselves and our journey, we can experience the full power

Honor sacredness of plant medicine Mama Cacao.

When we honor the sacredness of Mama Cacao, we are honoring the ancient wisdom and traditions of her caretakers. For thousands of years, indigenous people have used Mama Cacao in ceremony and ritual. We must be mindful of the importance of honoring this plant medicine and the people who have cared for it for so long. We must be aware of our own intentions and be mindful of the impact we have on the environment.

We can honor the sacredness of Mama Cacao by engaging in a five-day video series. This series will help us learn about the history of Mama Cacao, how to be present with her, and how to create a ceremonial practice. We will also be guided into silence and music, allowing us to be open to the journey of Mama Cacao. As we learn more about the plant, we can also incorporate it into other foods and snacks, making everything we do a ceremonial practice.

Honoring the sacredness of Mama Cacao requires us to be mindful of our intentions and actions. We must be willing to take the time to learn about the plant and its history and to be open to the journey it has to offer. We must also be aware of the environment and the impact our actions have on the world around us. By honoring Mama Cacao, we can experience a deeper connection with the divine and with ourselves.

Connect deeply with cacao.
Mama Cacao has been used for centuries in spiritual and healing practices. It is said to bring peace and joy to those who partake in it. It can also provide a sense of clarity and understanding of the self. The ritual of drinking cacao is often seen as a way to connect with the divine and to open the heart to love. It is also known to help with emotional healing and to bring about a greater sense of balance and harmony.
 To connect deeply with cacao, we must be willing to take the time to learn about its history and to be open to its journey. Judy, a cacao ceremony facilitator, recommends that we begin by attending ceremonies and connecting with the plant medicine. By doing this, we can gain a deeper understanding of the plant and its healing properties. We can also learn how to use it in our own spiritual practices.

Once we have gained a deeper understanding of the plant, we can begin to explore the different ways in which we can use it. Judy suggests that we begin our journey by drinking ceremonial cacao in ritual or practice at home. This can help us to open our hearts and minds to the healing power of the plant. We can also explore other ways of using cacao, such as making our own chocolates or using its oils in our skincare routine.

It is important to remember that Mama Cacao is a powerful plant medicine and should be treated with respect. We must be mindful of our actions and be sure to honor the plant and its healing properties. By connecting deeply with cacao, we can experience a deeper connection with the divine and with ourselves. We can also gain a greater understanding of the plant and its healing properties. Through this connection, we can open our hearts to love and to the journey that Mama Cacao has to offer.